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Posts by The Self Taught Man

  1. I haven't regularly had sex or jacked off in fucking ages

    Phenibut does seem to be an aphrodisiac to me though
  2. "fake news" as in "the truth"
  3. Originally posted by Bill Krozby nah, im pretty sure you are.

    Thats why he is the one hosting this website and doing dank gangsta shit and you are the one with a substance abuse problem and an illegitimate child right?
  4. We know Entered. We have always known.
  5. Yea congrats. This is something the rest of us have known for quite a while
  6. Originally posted by Lanny Who gives a fuck about ShillBook's revenue claims. It's a freak wave and ad revenue only hold up the house of cards for so long. Lip service about non-arbitration is just that, if facebook wants to go for orwell and tell us what's true and what isn't that's fine because it's a hugbox by design anyway.

    Generally I disagree with you on things of this nature but I absolutely agree. Facebook has concentrated numerous groups of people into subgroups and pages on facebook to the point that it is the largest virtual hugbox on the net, superseding tumblr and /chans/
  7. i fukin nip ya cunt
  8. nothins forever
  9. Originally posted by Lanny I love trucks. Who wants to come over to my place to do some trucks with me?

  10. Like the fucking original night oppers and BI and BLTC niggas? Now we just got a bunch of bitch as punks playin niggas.

    smh fam.
  11. Why?
  12. Not bi or anything. 100% homosexual. I love men.

    Oh man this feels really good.
  13. Been trying to cum for the past 2 hours (a problem I always have). Suddenly I see a dick in my porn and I start cumming immediately.

    The reason I hate women is because I'm jealous of all the attention guys give them.

    I'm gay. I'm literally gay.

    And it's a weight off my shoulders to finally admit it.
  14. Originally posted by Sophie Excuse me, you flamboyant homosexual. I built that computer with my own two hands. I carefully selected and purchased all components to not only perform amazingly well but look aesthetically pleasing. It is a work of art, and worth more than all the items the eye can see in your "artistic" picture combined. Do you think this is instagram? Well? DO YOU FAGGOT!?

    I wasn't going for materialism, expensive objects do not make a photo. As far as pc's go yours is nice, I'd happily take it out for a drink and woo it for the night, but the composition of your picture was just a bit eh
  15. Originally posted by reject I'd just like to say the composition of my picture is greater than all of y'alls

    Don't make me use an actual camera and focus on taking a good photo, son.
  16. I'm not being nice but I've started talking to them at least. I'm just not ignoring them now.
  17. Originally posted by Sophie I would agree, but so far Lanny has the dankest Monitor set up and i have the dankest computer.

    Monitors and computers ain't shit compared to artistic integrity
  18. thats a dope meme
  19. I'm guna go to North Mexico and build a trebuchet to fling spics across the wall when it's built
  20. I'd just like to say the composition of my picture is greater than all of y'alls
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