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Posts by The Self Taught Man

  1. Bump
  2. That was a good post after reading it. Why are you posting it like a weirdo?
  3. Take another picture for you to put up instead

    So what have you been doing with your life over the last few years? Anything remotely unmediocre?
  4. Originally posted by Sophie This is quite possible, i also think i probably don't know you that well to perform any sort of accurate analysis.

    Can you psychoanalyze this?
  5. Originally posted by yum Remove pic please

    what if i said


    what would you do
  6. Your progress since has been slow and sporadic I don't have all the information but seems pretty abyssmal
  7. Remove pic please
  8. Holy fuck you saved that
  9. *incoherent cringing*
  10. Basically sploo, if I've said nothing to you I've said this
    I harass you because I recognize you're a smart kid and I see that trait in myself when I was younger than you and didn't really apply my intelligence correctly which could ultimately happen to you. You don't have any decent male role models in your life and although you've got likely got certain "white privileges" I didn't have which would make it kinda tragic if you fucked up and became a full time faggot. Basically you have a higher initial starting point and you could fuck up pretty bad. Basically I dropped out in grade 11 too and elected for the easily alluring but ultimately hollow profession of DRUGS /\/ F@$T C@$H due to objectively tragic sociologicalnotarealscience factors and somewhat impulsive decision making. Basically, I did apply myself to aspects of that profession and had some good and bad times, fucked quite a few half decent womenz, had some decent cars and prison made for some cool stories/learned a lot about psychology, dealing with people etc. and who wants to go to fucking america anyway etc. livin la vida loca etc. my selfishness justifies itself etc. but ultimately poor decision making prolonged my time but I was able to reapply my intellect academically and just life in general and things are going pretty good after I was ultimately bestowed with the opportunity to distance myself from that. I also learned quite a bit about psychology, how to essentially get money from nothing to a with varying possibilities boundaries, lyfe skills that are envious to highly motivated people but no specialized certifiable skillz. It's hard to explain but basically you've gotta make the decision as to whether or not you want to be crawling like a baby through life when you shouldn't be, especially with the tangible things you've been fortunate enough to been given.
    Basically/Objectively your logic puzzles need some work
    Things are going pretty well for me as I was able to rebound on applied intellect after some mishaps but previously the problem was not applying myself and I see the same impulsive decision making in you but when you add the bitch paradigm (not to say it outweighs any sociological factors) it gives it a whole new pathetic edge as you'll be fucked up 4 lyfe and although I chose a sporadic but ultimately 7/10 path I fear the fate of someone who couldn't handle something like a lil 2 year prison sentence which life will ultimately throw you (be advised any parallel trajectories you are drawing, hopefully none, would have production possibilities diminishing returns to scale and a definitely at least one fixed variable but they're never ultimately on a secant) and you're gonna turn into a complete fucking loser if you don't learn to apply your intelligence constructively instead of destructively and don't be a faggot (small bundle of sticks: wikipedia). You've been actively studying for the IQ test your entire life so it'd be fucking tragic to get a score within a few standard deviations of the mean.
    You're lucky you're only 17 and live in an age where you have the opportunity to get told this by grown men in other countries who could choke your father to death on their birthday and think nothing of it because they were bestowed with the "red privilege" of not being a bitch. You really are capable of a lot (this is something that despite environmental/sociological factors I did ultimately hear quite a bit of as a yoof) so if you don't actually do something with it you will literally be a pill popper, the problem is your self awareness is so transparent you have no centrifugal force and given all the exogenous influenced growth possibilities, a lack of endogenous ones will ultimately fuck you over like lyfe is designed to do to those who can't do logic puzzles laterally/quadratically.
    I know it might seem I'm being kind of insulting with all this but please forgive me, the spiritual grounding in my life is living in the worldwide headquarters of a buddhist movement ran by an alcoholic womanizer who died leaving a son who would become the first person to bring Ebola to the states this year and a spiritual movement he left to a literal rapist with AIDS. This is all backed by academically accredited sources. Imagine if this wasn't true. Imagine if someones moral compass told them it's an altruistic act of atonement to enact bad ideas. Holy shit are you ever 17
    Basically/objectively/ultimately I've been in a court imposed prison for a few years because of poor but ultimately understanding and worthwhile decisions. I'm sitting here literally eating steak while high at 230am and the futures market is tracking a leave of wikipedia university with 100K in capital and a mixed race kid for 2016 when it ultimately could have been for 2009. Your self imposed prison is fucking minimum security you fucking idiot. You don't even know the first fucking thing about fractals/IQs/whonix/hydrocarbons/anything because nothing you know is empirical. I grew up like a manipulative nigger and you're almost done growing up with autism and no social skills.
    The n'th derivative of all this meth is what I've been telling you but you don't even know exogenous growth yet so your IQ remained in and around the mean of 68, sorry can't help it.
    I don't care if you post this in a thread, show it to a guy with weird hair or respond to this, but I don't expect you to either, it's just something I knew would bug me if I didn't beat you over the head with it before I go because after spending so much time with this faggot affiliated franchise I should go out on something socially responsible
    Tl Dr: Man up 17 year old, you're not "done yet" and that's a blessing because having your exponential growth possibilities boundaries 3 standard deviations above the mean with unknown returns to scale is a trait I recognize in myself, as is impulsive and compulsive behaviour. You're smart at certain things and dumb at others and your complete lack of self awareness will cause problems recognizing the distinction between them and I think you should know this.
    Done typing, it's 3am and I don't have a reason to post anymore
    You'll be alright someday, email me if you want to learn how to find the molecular concentration ratios of a west africans cocoa butter/afrosheen/bubble yum ass alloy, the optimum density of a skin shank or how to fit a package of non fake (real) weed + dilaudids with density of 1.2g/cm^3 into an asshole stretched by a pill popping nigger creatively called "Tyrone" without using Pi. Also, be grateful you weren't born in this random but PI infested Canadian province although you might be in the top pencentileages of Math scores
    I'll beat your manlet father to death with my wheelchair then hold you for five whole week days while you draw logic pussies in my matted chest hair holy fuck meth is literally the gayest drug in the history of everything

    Post last edited by the holy ghost at 2016-11-28T18:46:56.819120+00:00
  11. I go to Wikipedia university, distribute drugs at the mid-upper level and have a girlfriend with a 3 year old whose baby daddy hates me and wants to destroy our lives. I don't sleep and I feel shitty most of the time. Weed helps, I've been smoking too many cigs, I take concerta and Percocet most days. When I have time to myself I dream about taking my phat stax o cash and taking off to a third world hellhole, leaving my family, friends and probation behind. I don't know what to do. I really need to focus more on school and opening a business, how can I do this and not completely snap?
  12. Originally posted by Sophie For all your bravado in think that in reality you are pretty insecure about yourself, that or you are actually insane. You are also very good at pissing me off so pls no bully.

    I tried to think objectively about this and any insecurities I have are more about getting killed or killing someone and spending a long time in jail without really living a good life. You're pretty off base fuck this would work on Tinychat better
  13. Fuck
  14. i'll keep in touch.
  15. Originally posted by the holy ghost I just think ur lame

    what if I told you that a few hours ago I did something really cool and old-enter like, but can only prove I did it a few days from now?

    THEN will you wanna stab me?
  16. and wot do u think this means
  17. Take your boner pills and make your penis bigger
  18. I just think ur lame
  19. how the fuck am I not on your list
  20. Malice is a parasitic waste of jigsaw pieces nd jenga blocks
    Bill Krozby's brain is the consistency of oatmeal spiderweb raisin
    Bling Bling is eight
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