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Posts by The Self Taught Man

  1. It's crazy that Mc'Donalds still need to advertise considering their daily customers, plus the majority of the time the voice ordering box tells you of new meals anyway.
  2. Have you tried a mcflurry, I can't remember what ones I used to get, I think it had like grated chocolate, whatever that's called? I love the texture though, the whipped ice cream, henceforth I always leave my ice cream in the fridge until it's that texture.
  3. Do you have contact info for him? I tried going to riflows but I ended up at some hostgator intercept site lol, is there like a ip I can go to or something to get aroun that lol? I honestly think he's a smart nigga, prolly smarter than me, and I don't want to be "at war" or whatever with him. Unless he's under some different handle he hasn't tried to contact me so far but I think it'd be worthwhile to get in touch with him even if it ends up in calling each other faggots giving it a shot can't hurt at minimum.

    It's not me trying to attack, not to worry. And yeah, hostgator wasn't liking the 'content' I was hosting so suspended it. I guess it was my own fault for trusting hostgator, or rather using them, knowing their terms, I am pretty sure they don't even allow pornography. I tried redirecting the website here, hence the phishing notice, but I guess it didn't work. They deleted the files, and database without a warning too which is rather amusing. Oh well, mybb is a bit shit anyway, I am past the forum game now, since Vbulletin 3 was the best and now all the code is deprecated and won't run without error reporting turned off, which goes against my moral then there's really no point. I wish you the best for this site, Lanny. GL.
  4. I didn't tell anyone to hack redfern i posted a screenshot of metasploit, at least get your facts straight before you start talking.

    Lol, you DOX'd hc45, i simply relayed the message. And i know it's you Iam, because 1. i recognize your posting style 2. remember how you posted your desktop in my post your desktop thread? That's exactly what i'd expect Iam aka your desktop to look like. Here's why.

    Iam/you're a PHP programmer.
    Iam/you have mentioned on multiple occasions the use of two specific programs, havij and acunetix.

    There's also something about PHP on your desktop.

    Coincidence? I think not, then when i called you out on being Iam/Burnish earlier on in the thread you signed up a RichardBurnish account to draw suspicion away from TheUnknown account, lol, very convenient 'Burnish' suddenly signs up right after i call you out, haha.

    Why are you trying to hide it's you faggot? Are you ashamed of yourself? Lmfao.

    In case you haven't noticed by now, i'm always on the winning side whichever that side may be at the moment.

    Lmao the likes of lock and Iam, haha, you do realize you're talking about yourself right? What does that say about you :)

    I don't give a shit about your feelings and yeah i have more of a life than you do. As opposed to you i don't spend my days trying to DOX people over petty internet grudges. You're projecting son.

    Oh I'm sorry, I guess I am is the only PHP programmer in the world, fuck I guess I must be.

    In case you haven't noticed by now, i'm always on the winning side whichever that side may be at the moment.

    You was on RDFRN side, look what happened to that site, you're never on the winning side you just follow whoever will take you. I don't dox people you fuckin' idiot. Stop projecting your burnish fantasies on to me, boy. I am from Hungry, not American like burnish or wherever the fuck he's from, you do realize havij and acunetix are the 2 most popular programmes? Does Burnish c++? Nope? Thought so.
  5. It's 2015, it's not gay to want spiderman shot in me.
  6. Daily MIL update. wentto go to magistrates this mroning and I literally went to 5 atms to get cash and they all were down. GF was like its a sign shes staying Blah. Totally flipped my shit in the car. Said the most hurtful and mean shit my anger couldmuster.GF busts out crying blah blah blah. Long story short her mom is working (we'll see how long that lasts) and since it was part of tenenacy agreement that she work I can't file eviction. I'm thinking about starting a go fund me to get her mom a travel camper so I can throw it in a shitty KOA down the road. Taking ideas for a good sob story for the account
    Females stick together. Your girl secretly hopes her mom will never leave.
  7. [h=2]*resurrects thread*[/h]
  8. oh yea ima quit my job and drop out of school to go get my free bus fare and barely enough money to feed someone for a month now that i found out about this scam
  9. You don't scare me.
    This doesn't make sense
  10. ah shit i was stoned and jerkin it a few days ago and realized the girls breasts were slightly different sizes and pointing in different directions. shit almost made me lose my hardon then i concentrated again
  11. bank rolls, stick my dick inside a glory hole

    burgers with bacon and that guacamole
    stick my dick inside your pussy real slowly

    sandwich with ham and mustard
    too high stick my dick inside a bird

  12. nahhh
  13. find better hobbies that aren't sitting in front of a computer all day long and you won't want to be high all the time because you won't be bored.
  14. teach yourself something you find interesting.
  15. Hmmm an f16 and small passenger plane crashed a few miles from me
    I bet the guys in the station keep this bitch around so they can run a train on her.
  16. 2/10
  17. Cosby admitted in 2005 to getting Quaaludes to give to women he sought sex with.

    Only posting this because of that look on his face.

  18. Hmmm an f16 and small passenger plane crashed a few miles from me

    Someone playing GTA in real life.
  19. You'd better abort if she is. If your sperm are fucked up you definitely shouldn't risk it, even if tests don't reveal anything overtly wrong with it. Do you remember when I linked to some threads about people's honest opinions about what it was like to have disabled children, whether they regretted it and wish they had aborted or that they would hurry up and die? Rates for autism are already high enough, other disorders have very high heritabilities as well. Imagine having a bipolar child, or an autist like me.
    lol, bro. There is only a risk of complications from treatment and shortly thereafter. My oncologist said to not try for a child for at least a year. After that, there is no evidence to suggest that the risk of genetic complications is higher than normal. Of course I will pass on a greater risk of testicular cancer to male offspring (and females will be carriers), but there is no higher chance of having a retard baby at this point.

    I havent had a sperm cell count in a long time, but last time the concentration was very low, with low motility, but morphology was good. I still have sperm banked, but IVF/ICSI is fucking expensive.
  20. giving all your stuff away, too? not gonna need it where you're going, and all that? permanent solution to a temporary problem?

    lol there's lots of sites where I can't remove info because they scrape it from other websites like faggots and nope I am changing my name, but making my old name look as clean as possible lol
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