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Posts by The Self Taught Man

  1. Being high on meth and all the tips of my fingers burned to shit, my lips dry and cracked, no sleep and awake for a few days. Shaking so much that I can't even hold a pipe still, can't even see straight to aim the flame under the bowl and I still keep throwing rocks in the glass dick and sitting there trying not to shake.. okay and put it to my mouth and light it.. finally a hit.. okay smoke smoke smoke inhalleeeeeee. The feeling of electricity flowing through my hair, a great hit. Do that for another 48 hours until I pass out, wake up and feel like shit. More meth to get going and do it until I run out.

    those moments where you are so fucked up you can't even light the bowl and your jaw is so clenched you can't even get the pipe in your mouth are the best. Everything else is just waiting to get that fucked up.
  2. Who wants to start a company manufacturing smoke blends?. I want to restock on lab supplies so I can do manufacturing if someone wants to do more sales/website/marketing. someone also needs to test and optimize the blends.

    You're probably all too busy with full time jobs though. I'm gonna buy some JWH and look at prices for a Spectrophotometer.
  3. If you don't wear "stop snitchin" shirts you just ain't real.
  4. >delete all my messages
    >next day have 30

    I must be just that popular.
  5. I'm trans, I just decided right now. I'm a girl.

    Don't hit on me silly boys~
  6. I'm in space, and no one can hear me complain
  7. cant even make threads… shits broken
    This happened to me when I tried to post on the conspiracy forum
  8. Is that the one overseas source for the nasal spray? I saw some I think butyr-fentanyl spray but it was overseas and I'm not keen on getting liquids shipped to me overseas, not that I have a particular interest in it you know but it never hurts to keep a good list.
  9. On a road trip with my father when I was maybe 11 or 12 we stopped for the night at a Super Motel 8 on a quiet stretch of Indiana highway to wait out the night. Around 4 AM I woke to the sound of a toilet flushing and hands under the bathroom faucet. The door clicked open and light spilled into the room, I figured Dad had woken up to pee. Just then, a loud snore erupted from the other bed and I turned over to see him sleeping there. The bathroom light dimmed, the door slammed shut, the hallway door was flung open and allowed to shut on its own. Hurried footsteps made their way across the room, stopping at the foot of my bed but I was too scared to look and see what it was. That was the last occurrence that night, I didn't go back to sleep. I still can't account for what happened, but we did ask the manager who assured us that my experience wasn't heard of. Apparently they have a decent number of ghost tourists who stay there just for this reason.

    Is there any way you could tell us which one? I'd be interested in staying somewhere for an experience like that.
  10. The only reason i think bees should be permitted to exist is because they produce honey and honey is tasty as fuck.

    Bees are also responsible for a lot of pollination. Farmers would have a lot harder of a time without the cross pollination that bees give their crops. Honey is good and all but the real reason the disappearance of bees is alarming is because our food sources would be SEVERELY effected without bees.

    *sees malice posted this shit already, posts anyway*
  11. I'm sure we've all had our stupid moments, shit we did to get drugs to get high, shit we did trying to get high, shit we did while high to get even higher- let us remember the moments of shitfuckery that makes this community such an upstanding bunch.

    -I vaped a booger thinking it was a ball of sticky syncans, it was not- it was a booger
    -I smoked green tea out of a pipe made from an empty highlighter and foil, using a grill lighter of course
    -Tried to huff febreeze
    -Huffed duster a couple of times
    -bundy is always grimy
    -Smoked weed/spice in highschool, in the bathrooms, multiple times, using a pipe made from tinfoil and pencaps (so that I could flush it when done).
    -Got drunk in highschool, in the bathrooms, multiple times, drinking tequila/whiskey from a water bottle. One time, I figured I had drivers ed and would have to drive that day. So I ditched class and drank more in the bathroom till I passed out and eventually got arrested/sent to the hospital
    -Took acid at the mall with a friend(thank FUCK it was some rc that needed to be taken sublingually because I ate 3 of the fuckers to no effect)
    -Stole and drank the entirety of my parent's liquor cabinet by the age of 16
    -Smoked cigarette butts left on the sidewalk

    There's probably more that I've forgotten/blocked out. Most of this was during the time I was 14-16. I know I'm not the worst here either, share your stories faggots.
  12. Suggestion: Lanny, add spoiler tags.

    ^Really good fucking story, I'm sure a lot of you have read it before, but you'll probably want to read it again. If you haven't read it before, it's long- but you're in for a treat. Here's a little preview.

  14. greenplastic what do you think of gym shorts?
  15. Back off, nigger, I got a good thing going keeping §m£ÂgØL hopelessly addicted to catshit sanwiches and fermented catpiss soaked rags.

    This bitch gave me my own cat when I went to stay down there and now I go into withdrawals if she doesn't mail me a rag. My parents won't let me keep a cat. That's what I needed the donations for, if anybody has any money or cat piss they can send me I'd really appreciate it. I haven't slept in 4 days because the mail is running late.

    Pro tip: Cat piss, not even once.
  16. I'm up to 90 now
  17. Thank you for ignoring this suggestion

    Post last edited by Kolokol-1 at 2017-04-23T12:13:10.013964+00:00

  18. Why? I'm actually curious, I have limited PHP experience but I've never gotten a useful warn/error that wasn't better handled by a utility function that would throw an exception.

    Because throw new exception doesn't work for deprecated functions, which is happening more often since the new version of PHP is close to release

    A bit of a tangent, but do you write PHP in a professional capacity? I was thinking you were, but this:
    seems odd because, at least in my neck of the tech woods, "production" generally means the deployment environment/what customers get rather than the phase where you're writing/debugging.

    I meant development, just an error in wording.

    and regarding the orms. I don't use 3rd party frameworks, so I can't comment on them, I built my own to use.
  19. so, did anything happen yet with the crazy eyed lady you met in treatment, or whatever the story is?

    I'm having second thoughts

    she doesn't seem to be ready to quit using drugs

    I've been clean since I got out except for two days that I was drinking

    but you got the story right
  20. you're one to talk greenplastic I've seen your ugly ass you could atleast dress better rather than wearin cheech and chong pajamas you bum.

    (you're not ugly you just look like eddy munster lol)

    lol, eddy munster, ive never gotten that one before. ive heard i look like that guy from mad magazine, alfred whatever his name is. but that was when i had shorter hair and so my ears stuck out more.

    and cheech and chong pajamas, haha, usually im wearing my old military undershirts when im in tc because when im in there that usually means i finished everything else and am therefore baked as fuck. but yea i wear plain t shirts like 90% of the time so i dont dress fancy or anything
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