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Posts by The Self Taught Man

  1. we thought you were a really ugly woman at first, my bad.

    I'm LLZ2
  2. Guess you should have done something about it back when you were sitting on your ass watching the scenery go by, eh, Happy?

    I just went on TC and smoked bowl on cam then went off and it confused them so much.
  3. yeah
  4. Malice, I really think that you should at least try taking some opiates daily, While you may become horribly addicted, I bet that you would be more content overall. In my case, if I was given a free lifetime supply of any opiate I wanted, in any amounts, but the only condition is I have to spend the rest of my life in solitary confinement in a prison cell, I gotta say, I would at least consider saying yes to that deal.
    That's pathetic.
  5. greenplastic, have you ever done bundy?

    yea a long time ago though, why?
  6. lanny i have nothing to add to the discussion but can you plz stop typing like a redditor
  7. fucking LEGENDARY.
  8. Drug laws only exist because of the UN. Where I live the government openly defies UN environmental policies so I don't think it's too far a stretch to ignore the draconian UN drug laws.
  9. It goes downhill very fast after season 3 IMO. They just got lazy with the writing.

    >get dropped when they are writing funny material
    >get picked back up and do 10 seasons of garbage

    all of my why's
  10. I know a guy who takes this shit and it's fucking killing his soul and spirit daily. He's like a robot.
  11. I don't know anyone in TC and I'm too paranoid to click links

    Add my skype if you wanna chat.

  12. Akathisia is currently raping my soul

    fuck geodon
  13. NMDA antagonists > syncans
  14. Nah blood you coo

  15. heres a lil something for you bustas
  16. Sounds legit, try heavy duty opiates for two years and quit cold turkey. You'll be bedridden, shaking, cold, hurting in all your limbs, unable to get comfortable, unable to sleep, shitting water 20 times a day not being able to stomach food for about two to three weeks and the best part is it's going to feel like three months. Then come the PAWS, for a month maybe two, crippling depression, no energy, no happiness nothing.

    Then you know the meaning of addiction son.

    Syncan addiction for me consisted of mainly stomach problems, appetite loss, depression, skin getting clammy, can't sleep, nausea when i do eat, and of course boredom. I could still go out and do shit and live my life no problem though. The worst part of it was probably the appetite loss, my worst wd i really couldn't eat more than a few bites without getting nauseous. I've been through Crouton withdrawl and I can tell that something like heroin withdrawal is not something that I want to fuck with. I just got a little taste of opiate wd with that but oh man, that fucking ache that penetrates your bones is a really awful sensation. I don't need anymore of that, no thank you.
  17. Dude 250mg of uncut heroin is enough to fucking kill a person. 30mg will knock you on your ass and when your like "oh that didn't kill me" you will go and go until your cooking it up in a spoon and shooting it into your veins. You don't know shit about addiction, if you don't respect the drug and treat it properly you will get burned. I hope you underestimate heroin the first time you try it and take way to much and OD
  18. I'm pretty sure that technically it's illegal to get high off it

    greenplastic, have you ever done bundy?
  19. Yes, that was him. He did good on the AFB-48. The new generation of syncans seems so shitty. that nm-whatever one is fucking crazy potent. The "newest" I tried was pb-22 and it made me have the shits for a month.
  20. Come the fuck on sploo. I was addicted to syncans for like two years. I've never touched heroin. I don't need to touch it to know that it's way more fucking addictive.
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