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Posts by mso8

  1. mso8 Houston
    i've never played roblox myself but i've read on /v/ that gangrape is not part of the base game but a mod that you have to get going yourself via some 3rd party bullshit or whatever.

    which may imply that that little girl has a vivid fantasy to say the least. it's just the bitch mom using her daughter growing up to get some publicity in that boring life of hers.
  2. mso8 Houston
    it's not worth it.
    lately i've been reading the biography of Joseph Weil who was a prominent con man in Chicago way back in the day. i reckon he could make $50,000 in todays money per game.

    i dunno dude, being a criminal seems like too much work, i wouldn't risk it.
  3. mso8 Houston
  4. mso8 Houston
    i hope all goes well for you so you can stop making your ronery threads

    good luck to you
  5. mso8 Houston
  6. mso8 Houston
    Originally posted by aldra

  7. mso8 Houston
    hey, good shit dude. keep it up, hopefully you can see her again
  8. mso8 Houston
    im too high for this shit
  9. mso8 Houston
    anyway, i dont know what to tell you, enter. there has to be some kind of reason why it is the way it is. didnt you say you had a girlfriend before? do that again, except slightly different this time around
  10. mso8 Houston
    Originally posted by Technologist Enter,
    30 is not some kind of cut off for finding someone. I met my husband at 31, and didn’t marry him till I was 51. So get that age shit out yo mind.

    Try not relying on friends, or even strangers for that matter, to define your self worth. Somewhere along the line someone made you feel useless, and it has stuck with you! That person was fucked up!

    It sucks going through life as though you are a spectator, and you are watching it go by without being a part of it.

    Get to the root of these feelings, only then can you heal.
    Good luck young man.

    holy fuck you are old
  11. mso8 Houston
    i eat ass
  12. mso8 Houston
    being a hikki is trash
  13. mso8 Houston
    Originally posted by aldra cash out to a sack of 5c coins and beat a homeless man to death with it

    when it disappears so does the evidence

    yeah, except the bloodstained sack
  14. mso8 Houston
    Originally posted by Captain Because you don't know when it's going to bust. You might literally purchase it and hodl for that profit margin and have it bust tomorrow. That's why it is called speculation. Every dick has already thought of this. You are probably 8 moves behind the curve. If you have the discipline for it then you can try but it is a stupid investment. Treat it like a gamble.

    i know that speculation is risky business but realistically speaking its not going to crash RIGHT after it crashes. in theory it is possible but what makes you say that it will?
  15. mso8 Houston
    Originally posted by Captain You and everyone else like you will do that, refloat the price based on speculation, then realize nobody will accept your money, because the only people demanding it and floating the price are… You speculators.

    Bitcoin was an interesting first project but it seems inevitable that currencies like Ethereum or Monero will take over and solve all the current practical issues.

    whats the problem then. i just need to sell to speculators once i get an acceptable profit margin and get out before shit goes south. thats assuming you are right in what you say.
  16. mso8 Houston
    i hope it crashes so i can get in that ass like i should have done almost a decade ago
  17. mso8 Houston
  18. mso8 Houston
    2 hamburgers and a sammich
  19. mso8 Houston
    damn, its enter. how you living, playa
  20. mso8 Houston
    first time ive read a wellhung thread i thought it was Enters alt
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