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Posts by mso8

  1. mso8 Houston

    this shit is tight, i might pick up albanian
  2. mso8 Houston
    Originally posted by MORALLY SUPERIOR BEING 2.0 - The GMO Reckoning


    if that's a dude i have caught teh gay sometime between this morning and now
  3. mso8 Houston
    Originally posted by Glokula's Homabla self diagnosing mental illnesses is fucking cancer

    this. it's like tumblr bios all over again
  4. mso8 Houston
    I seriously hope you guys don't do this
  5. mso8 Houston
    Originally posted by Sophie >tfw gf
    >tfw she brings the opioids

    Of the addictive variety, but i'm not complaining.

    that's a pretty good feel, if i do say so myself
  6. mso8 Houston
    I don't like to think about time like that. If possible I live another 24 and we'll see from there. enjoyee ur lifetime
  7. mso8 Houston
    >tfw no non-addictive opioid gf
    why even live?
  8. mso8 Houston
    sure, see you tomorrow. don't forget you're here forever
  9. mso8 Houston
    this thread sucks
  10. mso8 Houston
    i'm too slick to be arrested, sorry
  11. mso8 Houston
    Originally posted by NARCassist You want or you need? The two are not necessarily mutually exclusive you know.


    the former.
  12. mso8 Houston
    we should found a party
  13. mso8 Houston
    Originally posted by Technologist I’ve known guys that went completely gray in their late 20s.

    I don’t know if this is an “old wives tale”, but I heard that a guy takes after his mother’s father, when it comes to their hair.

    as far as im concerned there is a gene responsible for your hair loss/color/whatever and you inherit it from your mothers father. it's what i've read somewhere anyways
  14. mso8 Houston
    i thought you knocked up a girl
  15. mso8 Houston
    i want to eat some morphine, kthxbai
  16. mso8 Houston
    maybe you becoming a dad will turn you into less of a whiny bitch. maybe it will be hard and tiresome and nothing will change.

    in any event, i'm happy for you and wish you the best of luck, godspeed. we are all gonna make it
  17. mso8 Houston
  18. mso8 Houston
    i'm happy with myself. if i had access to gene engineering i would create a plant as resilient and pestering as weeds and make them produce morphine
  19. mso8 Houston
    800 bux is a lot for a whore in my opinion. it better be worth it.

    that said, i'd go for the blonde, looks more natural
  20. mso8 Houston
    Originally posted by infinityshock youre so adorable.

    lol rage'd
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