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Posts by mso8

  1. mso8 Houston
    when i was like 12 or 11 we were playing truth or dare and i got dared to kiss and touch the titties of that one girl.
  2. mso8 Houston
    good shit, there is a certain luxury attached to buying drugs that get you high OTC. dont fuck it up
  3. mso8 Houston
    delicious pasta, i must eat it
  4. mso8 Houston
    a dog is fine too
  5. mso8 Houston
    its cool. delete system32 as a token of friendship
  6. mso8 Houston
    Originally posted by Something Squirrel

    lmao, good shit on being not on beat there at the end. reminds me of The Onions autistic reporter segments
  7. mso8 Houston
    someone posted this forum to a chan i was visiting
  8. mso8 Houston
    one last resort might be to downgrade to an older version. but i remember that to be particularly shitty. maybe not its been a while

  9. mso8 Houston
    Originally posted by NARCassist do you know what the bash command is to check what version it is tho?


    nah sorry, its been a while since ive used linux
  10. mso8 Houston
    have you tried removing and reinstalling? dont know about how this shit works but i remember yt-dl acting up in the past. if reinstalling doesnt work try searching for the version number and complaints on github or where ever its published. usually there is someone that posts hotfixes for various shit that breaks the program.
  11. mso8 Houston
    if you keep up making such dumbass threads you will be well on your way. just need to get the paperwork sorted out
  12. mso8 Houston
    godspeed, gonna try to limit my smoking as well. i remember when i started smoking 5 years ago a pack lasted me around a month. now its three days at best and one day at worst. good luck
  13. mso8 Houston
    some scrambled eggs. gonna make chili con carne for lunch today
  14. mso8 Houston
    pack of cigarettes
  15. mso8 Houston
    i feel like shit
  16. mso8 Houston
    i used to but nowadays i dont have the motivation to play games
  17. mso8 Houston
    i wonder how you get out of a situation like that. doesnt the wife get half your shit when you divorce her?
  18. mso8 Houston
  19. mso8 Houston
    dunno shit about anything but i think i would invest once BTC crashes really bad, like DotCom bad. who knows if its ever going to happen though
  20. mso8 Houston
    first thing i ever fapped to was some BDSM hentai advertizements
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