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Posts by mso8

  1. mso8 Houston
    Originally posted by infinityshock youre an idiot. verifying my position is the result and how that result came about is irrelevant other than for you to pointlessly mumble on about it.

    as long as you include emotion in the equation youre skewing the results. i already told you to provide an example that you find acceptable. obviously you are unable to do so. you are not qualified to do so. your mental capacity is not capable of accomplishing anything more elaborate of a feat that getting your shoes on the right feet…and the only reason youre able to do that is because your mother painted an 'R' and 'L' on them. and…even then you fuck it up half the time.

    why are you so mad, did i hurt your feelings or something lmao
  2. mso8 Houston
    i believe in sugondese
  3. mso8 Houston
    Economic Left/Right: 1.38
    Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -1.49

    Right-of-center Libertarian masterrace reporting in
  4. mso8 Houston
    Originally posted by Cootehill So it's ok if you die because your heart packs up, but not ok if you die due to a misjudgement of another human being?

    Are you asking me to judge between a person dying naturally and a person being killed?

    Originally posted by infinityshock youve made that abundantly obvious

    go ahead and pick a standard to measure. any standard that you want…because no matter what you pick it will verify my position.

    i didnt decide the measure. dont make this about me. it has nothing to do with me.

    If anything, it will verify your position by technicality, which is ultimately worthless. When you measure something to a standard it happens without emotion, yes. But to create a worthy standard for such an issue nothing but emotion is at play.
  5. mso8 Houston
    I don't think so. To emotionlessly determine the value of anything you need a standard upon which you can measure any given thing. Again, who are you, as a fallible human, to decide that measure.
  6. mso8 Houston
    Originally posted by infinityshock some 'people' have zero redeeming qualities and can have their meaningless existences made less meaningless by providing one of their useless organs to someone in need

    Who are you to decide who is worthless and who isn't? Emotion should have no say in sentencing a human being and you are clearly being very emotional right now
  7. mso8 Houston
    No. Also, "cruel" isn't the same as "cruel and unusual punishment". There is not a single good reason to let strangers play the angel of death when they as humans are incompetent as they are. Are you saying that it is a just thing to specifically create a system around sentencing people with the explicit goal to harvest organs? The lives of a few people hold no weight when compared to a retarded system like that. Get fucked, life is a bitch and then you die, no one should have to pay because you got unlucky.
  8. mso8 Houston
    Then it's just the death penalty with a different purpose. It is cruel and unusual punishment to sentence a person to specifically harvest his organs.
  9. mso8 Houston
    Originally posted by Cootehill That reminds me, why not harvest organs from bad people to help innocent people that need organs replaced through no fault of their own?

    Surely even the most bleeding heart liberal will agree that that is a moral good?

    if they die naturally in prison and are healthy, sure. i don't advocate systematic harvesting of organs, it's cruel and unusual punishment.
  10. mso8 Houston
  11. mso8 Houston
    against. i used to believe in law&order thought when i was younger but as i have grown older i have realized that the state/ the government is nothing more than strangers looking out for themselves.

    there's no good reason to let strangers decide about your life, there is even less reason to give them the power to decide whether someone lives or dies.
    on the other hand, paying for child rapists and murderers is something i don't want to do either.
    i suggest reforming the prison system so, that prisons have to be completely self sufficient. also, reintroduce forced labor. prisons should farm their own food and sell the leftover workforce to the outside world at a bargain price.

    obviously the prison system in America has a lot of other problems, for example being privatized. Trying to fix prisons with reforms like these is like giving dope to a patient. You might cure their pain but the cause remains. prisons must not be private institution, that is the very first requirement.

  12. mso8 Houston
    OH NOEZ, instead of having to listen to a host that interrupts you listening to your trashy music that you didn't even get to choose with ads, cringy dad-jokes and The Moar You Know (tm) bullshit facts that plague every facebook wall in this day and age, people get to choose their own favorite music, can listen to it all for a low price or ads and they don't even have to download any of it if you give a shit about that.
    The radio stopped being cool like 40 years ago. It functions as a noise machine so you don't have to eat your instant ramen in silence at 4 in the afternoon.

    The only time that the radio is truly good is when it plays an unexpected banger at 2AM while you are driving somewhere, nothing beats that. But get real dude, the radio sucks ass 98% of the time.
  13. mso8 Houston
    Did You Mean: Heroin?
  14. mso8 Houston
  15. mso8 Houston
    tl;dr see you tomorrow, don't forget you're here forever, yadda yadda
  16. mso8 Houston

  17. mso8 Houston
    its a double edged sword for the government. on the one hand they probably have a lot of shareholders in various tobacco corporations and on the other hand they need to save face in front of the public. its a good thing nicotine is as addictive as it is, right
  18. mso8 Houston
    i very much like to sing. in fact, im writing a song right now
  19. mso8 Houston
    Europe, $7/pack of 20. It's pretty fucking expensive so I actually decided to stop smoking until the 1st of September. If I was living in Japan it would have been a lot harder to make that decision.
  20. mso8 Houston
    i used to be addicted to browsing the internet and when i got over it i had a very similar problem. things that i wanted to do and that i had to do i couldnt bring myself to do. when i wanted to do something productive i was feeling physically ill sometimes lmao.

    anyways, what has helped me the most is seeing my IRL friends do something productive for motivation and apart from that just getting over that feeling of i want to fucking die if i do anything but lay in bed. its hard and it sucks cock but its easier when you can get lost in your work, like reading or learning vocabulary. sorry, i cant give you any secret tech, its basically just do it or eat shit
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