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Posts by mmQ

  1. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    The social butterfly Nero then flies in to instigate insightful introspective discussion relieving the remedial states of the TC userbase and propelling a precious, provocative platform of which the collective constructs co-existant cohesive counterpoints and points alike, and all is well, and all show dongs.

  2. mmQ Lisa Turtle
  3. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    I agree with The Dragon.
  4. mmQ Lisa Turtle


  5. mmQ Lisa Turtle
  6. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Let's kill this site and hang out on slashnet.
  7. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    I've had my fair share of figurative sex while listening to that song...never literal though. Dang.
  8. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Dang that's a handsome fellow!
  9. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Yes, i actually have fucking life.
    Why don't you learn simple software norms?

    Why can't you control your anger? Does it stem from your childhood? Does it help you to feel 'powerful?' Does it help you to feel 'different?' Are you frustrated on a daily basis? Are you smarter than everyone around you with the inability to understand why this is thus allowing the anger when other's 'can't keep up?' Do your friends appreciate you? Are you a good 'worker?' Are you a leader or do you become angered too quickly? What's your dad's e-mail address?
  10. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    I know the UPS store up where he lives could prolly relay a meassage

    May as well- mermy had some good news lately and I could tell he was in better spirits. It's almost disheartening to see him enjoy sharing his updates with us in the hour of library internet time he had a day, just to see it all stripped away. Jesus Christ I actually miss my armMermaid.. :(
  11. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    "help and suggestions" would be the topic… "yo nigga" would be the thread. fucking imbecile

    Your wording is very misleading which makes it convenient for you to try and make fun of me. According to what you just said, when I click on NEW TOPICS it would fucking show me a list of new forums this site has added. Instead, when I click on new topics, it just shows new threads that have been made. DO YOU SEE? So I still don't get what problem you're having or maybe it's just exclusive to you. I have subscribed to a half-baked thread, but I don't get notifications every time there's a new half-baked thread. I get notifications regarding the thread I posted on, nothing else. So FUCKING EXCUSE ME if I wasn't aware that you specifically are somehow subscribing to an entire forum every time you post in a thread within that forum. If that's the case that would be beyond mentally retarded as you would more-or-less be subscribed to every thread that's posted on the site so long as you've posted in that thread's "TOPIC" before. Jesus fuck.
  12. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    The fuck is the difference between a thread and a topic?
  13. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    "Just because I subscribed to a thread doesn't mean i want to subscribe to the entire thread."

  14. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Are you just looking at the art with your naked eye?? Use the appropriate drugs beforehand and try observing the exhibits with your third eye; that should help.
  15. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    "How do I load my avatar?"

  16. mmQ Lisa Turtle
  17. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    ITT: nobody delivers

    actually one of you could deliver by telling me why I can't upload images as the thing says they are not valid image urls even though when I click 'preview' it shows the image and everything looks normal.
  18. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    What the hell kind of article ends with

    "[FONT=Arial]O’Carroll, the former PIE leader, was thrilled, and described on his blog how he joined Prof Tromovitch and a colleague for drinks after the conference. “The conversation flowed most agreeably, along with the drinks and the beautiful River Cam,” he said."

    ??? lolz [/FONT]

  19. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    He posted his number in the dying moments of rdfrn, urging anyone who cared enough to try and contact him or stay in contact with him. I admittedly didn't care enough to jot it down but maybe somehow somebody from here did and will be willing to pass along the information to him that this site is where the few rest of us have gathered. I know he's the type that would guffaw at this site's url but I also know he'd wind up coming here just like he came to redfern, left, and came back. He needs us. That's why I feel bad I didn't write his number down.
  20. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    That is sort of what he is saying, in a roundabout way. MM sticks to the old lefty standby that 'only whites can be racist, because they hold all the power'.

    Myers doesn't know what he's saying at least half of the time and, even though I like him well enough for my own reasons, he should stick to creating creepypastas among other things.
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