Yeah I'm satisfied with it. I'm greasy like an Italian all day, but it beats having face dandruff. From having fucked up skin, I know it can be for a variety of reasons, but whenever i see someone with that shit all over their shirt in my head I'm like "the fuck? Did you not look in the mirror today? Take a shower u gross fuck"
2019-04-08 at 9:18 AM UTC
How out of shape are you?
6'7" 358 lb.
Dogshit shape.
Although somehow just drinking water and not eating a box of cereal a day, I lost 12 pounds in like a week and a half. *shrug*
But yeah my cardio is atrocious and I'm falling apart. Any rational person would probably go to the ER if they felt half as bad as I feel on a daily basis, but I was raised in a faith healing religion so I know that if positive thinking can't fix it, it means you're not thinking hard enough,
My piss is all foamy so my kidneys are probably pretty fucked from a decade plus of heroin. My back is wrecked. My hips are tilted back from sitting in shitty chairs/sleeping on sofas so that causes a ton of pain, and have hyperlordosis/kyphosis. Blood pressure is fucking awful when I'm not on massive amounts of opiates. And apparently my thyroid is royally fucked up, but I never bothered to get blood work done to figure out exactly how. My approach to medicine my entire life has been essentially to rub dirt on it, take a shower and go to sleep.
Real men die at 33, eating eggo waffles on the toilet.
I've been showering n moisturizing/oiling my beard enough to the point where my psoriasis/eczema/whatever the fuck isn't too noticeable. I'm a dude so I don't need to feel flawless, but having gigantic flakes of dead skin in your beard, and your cheek cracked and bleeding ain't cool.
Right now, 8/10? Idk. This is gay and I'm gay for participating.
I'm fat and my bp/adrenal stuff is so bad that when I get angry, my hands start shaking. Not a fun quality in a gigantic dude.
You look remarkably normal. Good luck duder.
Every time I'm on pornhub and I see some of that weird anime shit with like a 3 eyed goat demon throat fucking Elsa fro just makes me wiener soft. I wonder what percentage of people are like "fuck plump ass Latina cream pies....what's THIS a I see? *click* old women in MY area want to fuck ME...RIGHT NOW?! *click click*"
It's 2019 faggots. If you don't have an internet connection or a warm buttered squash, you don't deserve to nut. That's real elitism.
2019-04-08 at 8:34 AM UTC
Pen Island
Props for posting your weird old dick. That takes balls...which is especially puzzling in your case. We're raised to be kinda dick shameful, which is unfortunate.
I was always too conscious of my dick fat to post D, so only the rarest TC afficionados have that gem.
If I remember correctly, I smoked a bunch of heroin, drank a handle of vodka, and then superglued plastic googley eyes and a felt doll top hat with a sharpie marker mouth, and had it pop out from the side of the screen.
Was able to get one of the eyes off pretty easily. Glue just made my dick scratchy. The other one I couldnt get off for a week or so without some coaxing. Wish I'd been able to hear what the dudes next to me at the Dodgers stadium urinal thought.
Hrmmm....I really am awful with names, and talked to so few people.
I remember xombie, pie girl, kinkou, logic and shut me up (?) off the top of my head. Kreepy is still out n about, talked to her yesterday actually.
Totse had some cutie patooties back in the day. All perfect in their angsty teen dick crazy phase before they figured out we were all weirdo neckbeards who sparked it to saved AIM convos.
It was good while it lasted.
Zek? Yeesh. That brings back some memories.
2019-04-08 at 8:08 AM UTC
This thread is important for The Culture
2019-04-08 at 8 AM UTC
DH'rs that need to sign up
That middle eastern/ Arab guy with the braided beard and the curly waxed nipple hair.
Idk wtf his name was. Taped a tambourine to his leg to play percussion with his dong?
Uploaded apparent comedic videos of him having "domestic arguments" with a paper cutout of Becky from Full House?
2019-04-08 at 6:04 AM UTC
This is computer generated
Yeah I saw this earlier today. Cool shit. So why do the characters in games still look like some cell shaded dogshit from a Telltale point n click adventure?
2019-04-08 at 6:02 AM UTC
meth turns me into a rapist
Meth makes my dick look like a belly button.
Pro tip: if you can't get it hard, just rub it back n forth on a pillowcase until the desired effect has been reached.
Pro pro tip: It doesn't even have to be your pillowcase.