Making white cheddar Mac and cheese and mixing in cream, Lao gan ma chili paste, sun dried tomatoes, and grilled chicken and grilled red pepper is possibly the best thing I’ve eaten in a couple weeks.
I’m trying to decide on a car right now. Might make a thread about it.
Can’t decide whether the more “adult” decision would be to
A) buy a cheaper used car B) Do a carmax type thing and get a more expensive car with monthly payments
And then the second part of the question for me is whether I should get
A) Something more economical with low repair costs- like the 2018 Hyundai Sonata 2) Since statistically this is the last car I’ll own before I die, it’d be nice to have something I enjoy driving, ie- Chevy Silverado or Dodge Challenger
I’ve got like 15k to my name and my job pays absolute shit.
Originally posted by Octavian
I hope my beard fills out like yours.
Thanks. That’s one thing my family has never been lacking is hair. Lol,
Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace
You've always been sexy. I want to wrap my arms around your chest and give your third nipple a nibble
When the aforementioned Civil War 2.0 occurs, I’m going to assassinate JiE and drive my cool motorcycle to Illinois so I can carry you away from the chaos like Whitney Houston in The Bodyguard.
Originally posted by Japan-Is-Eternal
Casper looks like some random douchebag you would see at a shooting range. A boring normie with nothing to say, he'll make good as a disposable shooter when civil war 2.0 commences.
Accurate. Not all of us can pull off the bowl cut booboo. But I’ll do my best to grow it out so I can be one of your elite Dylan Roof Riders when everything pops off.
Last time I listened to this my connect had got arrested and I was on like day 3 of no dope, on a mattress soaked in sweat, smelling like bile and piss and watching light just barely come through the blinds again. At the time I was at the peak of my habit, doing 3-5 g a day and Xanax/Ativan/ opana/ Duragesic. I was so dopesick i was overheating and dizzy. At one point everything was spinning so much that when I laid at the end of the bed and closed my eyes for a moment, I woke up with a jump bc it felt like I was upside down. Started smoking random pebbles and cooking up scraps of carpet and a baby food jar of old moldy cottons. Just fucking miserable.
Hit more people with beer mugs to assert ur dominance. Keep hitting people with beer mugs until they acknowledge your physical superiority and vigorously fellate you.