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Thanked Posts by Sophie
2018-11-06 at 6:11 AM UTC in Atlantis Discovered?
Originally posted by Obbe.. see how it's in the most western part of Africa? also know that the great "Quake" had torn the world apart. some modern people would suggest this as being silly. yet we know that all of the continents look to be a large jigsaw puzzle. Africa seems to neatly sit between North America and the Mexican gulf to that of the curve of south America.
oddly, just off the coast of Florida and the islands south of Florida, there is what looks to be a sunken ancient city.. roads of one. If the western side of africa still was attached to the Americas, then it would be only a hundred miles away from the Eye of Africa's location instead of 7 thousand miles away as it had dragged the continents to its current location.
Yes well. I hate to break it to you but when Africa was still stuck to America was like a couple hundred million years ago. There were no people around then. -
2018-11-06 at 9:01 PM UTC in So how many of you suffer with imposter syndrome?Sometimes i feel like i have imposter syndrome. I know i know some stuff, in fact i think i know enough to know that i don't know all that much at all. The thing is i tend to specialize in a particular thing, this makes me overall pretty good at that particular thing but some fundamentals in a broader sense i might score a little worse than average. But whatever.
2018-11-06 at 12:23 AM UTC in Am I right in guessing that this is where a lot of you feel most yourselves?
Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson I like to undersell myself and then deliver an exceptionally high quality experience.
I like to oversell myself then deliver a mediocre product but my mediocre is high quality on average. You know what's gay? When you deliver a product of epic quality people just expect you to keep on delivering that level of quality. It becomes the new normal and i'm like jesus fuck what the fuck do you want from me. -
2018-11-06 at 2:04 PM UTC in Dutch Girls being groomed nowThe original article is being mis-represented. When it says "Naar schatting zijn al bijna 1400 minderjarigen slachtoffer geworden." That doesn't mean that it's 1400 girls a year. It translates to: Current estimates say 1400 minors have been victimized to date.
The article goes on to say that most of the perpetrators have a migrant background the ethnicity that are mentioned are: "Marokkanen, Turken, Antillianen en Roma".
That means Moroccans, Turks, Netherlands Antilles, and Roma, the last of those are more commonly known as gypsies. Which means it's 50/50 muslim/christian. Dutch Antilles is a territory of the Kingdom of The Netherlands. They are Christian, Roma are orthodox Christian IIRC.
The way this works in The Netherlands is unlike the way it works in the UK. Where in the UK the majority of offenders were Muslim, and the police, media and politicians tried to cover up this fact. In The Netherlands child prostitution and related offenses are just some of the things Dutch organized crime is involved with. It's not systematic and it's not covered up, by the media and the police are cracking down hard on these issues.
Also, to put the scope of the issue in perspective. Estimates say about 1400 minors have been victimized in The Netherlands, let's increase this by an order of magnitude. Since i am sure a lot of these organized crime people are getting away with a lot more than the police have insight in/to. Ok that makes 14k victims. Ready for the perspective that was promised?England: In 2016–17 there were 43,522 recorded sexual offences against children under 16 years old, and a further 11,324 offences against young people aged over 16 and under 18. Police recorded 6,009 rapes of children aged under 13 years, and 6,299 rapes of children under 16 years.
Wales: In 2016–17 there were 2,845 recorded sexual offences against children under 16 years old. Police recorded 446 rapes of children aged under 13 years, and 340 rapes of children under 16 years.
Scotland: In 2016-17 there were 4,097 recorded sexual offences against children under 16 years old. Police recorded 196 rapes and attempted rapes of children aged 13–15 years, and 161 rapes and attempted rapes of children under 13 years.
Northern Ireland: In 2016–17 there were 1,875 recorded sexual offences against children and young people under 18 years old. Police recorded 360 rapes and attempted rapes of children and young people aged under 18 years.
Any victim is one too much but if we're comparing the issue UK-NL then clearly the UK has it way _way_ worse. And like i said, Grooming and child prostitution is an organized crime thing here. They do all kinds of fucked up shit. As far as i understand it in the UK the motivations were purely of a sexual nature. -
2018-11-06 at 12:31 AM UTC in How many requests is to much?
Originally posted by -SpectraL You need a giant bot net. Basically, what you do is portscan IP ranges looking for ports which can be either hacked to gain root, or are already wide open from some previous attack. Once you have several hundred of these boxes under root access control, you can setup hidden services and programs and servers and such on those "mules" and "pipe" the traffic between your own box and all the third-party mules. That way each machine is unique, and there is no way to draw any correlations. It's very easy to do.
Do you keep a stack of flash cards with generic infosec words and phrases on your desk for these occasions? -
2018-11-05 at 1:41 PM UTC in The Retarded Thread: Sploo Needs Attention
Originally posted by Jυicebox Anyone else have a preferred brand of bottle they like to piss in?
I prefer vitamin water bottles myself
Big ass laundry detergent bottles of course. It has multiple benefits. 1. My dick fits through the hole 2. They hold a large volume of piss. It's the less labor intensive solution. Well that is if you ever get rid of your piss bottles. NIGGA -
2018-11-05 at 11:35 PM UTC in Makeup sex
Originally posted by ohfralala Oh that takes all the fun out of it.
Also it’s worth noting that you don’t really do this with the intention to hurt, just provoke testosterone.
I mean, really, what is a relationship if you can’t do a couple of lines and yell at each other while fucking before Thanksgiving? Then kiss and go eat turkey.
That’s something to be thankful for.
I get it, i just associate anger with pain, moreover i have anger issues in general. I usually react disproportionally when i get angry. -
2018-11-06 at 12:17 AM UTC in Am I right in guessing that this is where a lot of you feel most yourselves?
Originally posted by Mewsik NOT for me. Probably because I’m not nor ever have been into drugs, I’m not a nerd by technical definition, all the race bashing and homosexuality and beastiality that so many seem to find humorous makes me log off. There isn’t much here to that says I should feel comfortable 100%.
Get the fuck off my board you fucking normie scum. -
2018-11-06 at 12:57 AM UTC in Makeup sexWho is Rick and why is he pissed, i guess he should bang lala, if he in fact is so angry. Apparently she likes it when people are upset with her. Not sure if it's a power thing or a victim thing.
2018-11-05 at 1:25 PM UTC in ITT: channel schizophrenia
Originally posted by gadzooks Man, if there is one thing about drugs and drug culture that just annoys the shit out of me, it's the 'drug-supremacists'.
I, too, get dysphoric and paranoid from weed. It is an incredibly unpleasant experience for me.
But all the drug plebs are like "weed just like, chills you out man. just take a toke and stop acting like it's a Real Drug TM, unlike all those chemicals you put in your body."
Fuck, for a bunch that claim to be so enlightened (because somehow weed makes you smarter than everyone else), they are pretty damn ignorant when it comes to the fact that different people react differently to different psychoactive compounds.
"Stoner Culture" is retarded in general. To each their own i guess though, but i'd much rather rail an oxy 80 than smoke a blunt. -
2018-11-05 at 1:43 PM UTC in The Retarded Thread: Sploo Needs Attention
Originally posted by Jυicebox Honestly I'm pretty new to it and only started listening to it because of Tarja Turunen
So I have no idea what you're asking for, I'm just drunk and acting like a smart ass
We'll ease you into it, with an adaptation from a vidya. I hope you like old school final fantasy.
2018-11-05 at 3:34 AM UTC in ITT: channel schizophrenia
Originally posted by PrettyHateMachine How so?
It can make me feel pretty dysphoric sometimes like I start hearing voices which leads me to think that the government is using v2k tech on me and sometimes my breathing gets so heavy I think it will stop.
If I just vape I'm perfectly fine.
Dysphoria is a good way to describe it. Weed is like the anti-opioid it makes me dysphoric and paranoid. Unless i like smoke a microscopic amount and have half a bottle of likkah before i do. -
2018-10-30 at 2:45 PM UTC in what do we think about Jair Bolsonaro?our guy
2018-10-23 at 5:30 PM UTC in Know the plan. Be the plan.
Originally posted by MORALLY SUPERIOR BEING 2.0 - The GMO Reckoning Sinn Fein and the Scottish National Party are all about "Brit's out, blacks in".
They are the opposite side of the neoliberal coin - you can be free from one kind of imperialism and colonisation, so long as you agree to another kind of imperialism and colonisation.
Most people don't agree, and want independence from neoliberalism and the whole creepy project and the tragedies and injustices it brings - but there is no representation for normal white working people.
Remember when Sinn Fein used to be cool?
Also, what the video complains about just is the natural progression of government. Government is shit. Trump is now the government. Remember when he said: "Silly wars etc lets not do that anymore" and then bombed syria anyway? Yeah, remember when Trump used to be cool?
Ugh. -
2018-10-23 at 3:32 PM UTC in What would your trade mark be if you were a killer?My victims would be chosen because of their station and/or role in life. The methods of killing them would vary accordingly as well, i will need exactly 22 victims. Then i will bury them over a geological area, in a specific order. If you were to put points on a map where i would bury my victims and connect the dots it would show you a symbol that is of special significance to me. Within the boundaries of this symbol the fire of my radiance would shine most brightly. This is my design.
2018-10-23 at 5:45 PM UTC in The Retarded Thread: Sploo Needs AttentionHow an African American lives.
2018-10-23 at 5:50 PM UTC in WHAT THE FUCKING HELL
2018-10-22 at 3:37 PM UTC in This website needs an Anime and Japan sub forum
2018-10-22 at 10:37 AM UTC in American hegemony.
Originally posted by Speedy Parker Europe is so cool. I wish we had rape gangs and rampant unchecked, government sponsored Muslim invasions.
You missed the post where i said no one in Europe wanted the European Union. The EU is complicit with US foreign policy in causing the sand nigger "crisis". There's no rape gangs in The Netherlands. It's kind of funny how Americans get so personally invested when their country is put under scrutiny. Muh patriotism. -
2018-10-16 at 8:12 AM UTC in American hegemony.It's a cancerous concept that is outdated by some 25 years. Fuck the petro-dollar, in fact, in geo-political terms power is pivoting towards the Asia-Pacififc. Look at China and India for instance.
NATO is shit. As a European i'd consider Russia a natural ally in my neck of the woods.
Russia, now that the USSR is out of the picture seems like a far better friend and ally than the US. Also, if you honestly think Russia wants war with Europe you're insane and should probably turn your TV off. All the sabre rattling coming from Russia has been in response to NATO expansion and aggression. Get rid of NATO and we can have peaceful and prosperous relations with Russia. In fact, we'd cut out Saudi Arabia and the petro-dollar, and buy energy from Russia. Seems like a good solution to me. American hegemony is cancer. It's time for the empire to fall and not short enough it has reigned