Eh, it was more of a sloppy drunk "Imma clean my loaded gun on cam" kind of affair.
Was Viper his handle? I forget, if so, that's an interesting coincidence, remember Amanda Todd? The girl that drank bleach and became an hero? Apparently her sextortionist's handle was Viper as well.
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Enough people have K-roz's Facebook and those of his relatives too, if there is no mention about K-roz's daughter dying on any of them we should assume he is lying. K-roz is known to be a pathological attention seeking liar, with a stunted ability to empathize with people.
He's so pathetic he would use his daughter to invoke people's natural emotional response and then manipulates it to gain sympathy and/or attention. Like some kind of faggot with digital Munchhausen by Proxy.
Mary-beth doesn't deserve death and it would be awful if she in fact had died. But i wouldn't feel the slightest sympathy towards cross. Since he is never around for her it wouldn't be a stretch to assume that if he wouldn't have been a deadbeat asshole and his daughter would be dead, that he'd at least be partially responsible for what had happened to her.
I said his daughter doesn't deserve death, you know what she does deserve? A father that loves and cares about her. Every indication points to the fact he doesn't give a shit about her, or most anyone besides himself.
But we knew that already of course. It's just sad his daughter has to live with the consequences of her father's selfish desires. It mind sound hypocritical me berating other people for treating children in an inappropriate manner. But in reality Bill Krozby has been a lot more cruel to his own flesh and blood than i have ever been to any child.
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Sometimes i wish it was the 1920's, and since it'd be the great depression anyway, i'd have nothing to do but smoke opium in Chinatown and listen to Swing Jazz in the speakeasy.
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Hey guys it's me. Surprisingly i'm also not dead yet, i wasn't here when Juicebox left but if you're reading this fam, so long, and thanks for all the fish.
I don't wanna sound gay but i just can't help myself. I've been thinking about suffering a lot, and as i was reading the last couple pages of TRT and i supposed a lot of us think about suffering a lot. Which is sad when you think about it. But whatcha gonna do? If i could help i would but i don't even know how to fix myself. Anyway, if you really wanna get into the suicide vibe you niggas need some SDBM in your life. Or suicidal depressive black metal. You know how some sad music is sad but it it'd still nice because it makes you feel kind of hopeful? Catharsis... Well. We'll have none of that in SDBM, just wallow in suffereing. Or call me a faggot, or both if you like.
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Originally posted by Jυicebox
I don't know if the hallucinations, numbness, paranoia and sense of impending doom were an aura, an effect of such a high dose of T-PAIN with low tolerance, or a mild case of DTs. It could've been an aura, but I don't think so, it seemed like it was too powerful to be an aura.
I didn't get the heavy body feeling, but I got everything else there. Except the colors and shapes were only in purple and grey. And i had the feeling like THEY WERE GOING TO GET ME but I've had that happen enough to know my brain was just fucking with me.
I got this the first few times I've used opioids, but now it only happens if I IV morphine.
I haven't heard of anyone else that gets the off-key music either, and it's extremely unnerving. It's like our brains know EXACTLY how to fuck with us when they want/need to.
I only had this a few times, as a kid, never as an adult. I think they call it "the unspeakable horrors" because it's usually difficult for the person experiencing it to describe what exactly is going on. Like the scene changes too quickly to really get a good look at any of it, you just know it's unpleasant. I think DietPiano talked about this happening to him a bit
Yeah man for sure. Personally i don't think i have these things quite as severe as you have some times, they only seem to occur rarely, and often when they do occur it has to do with drugs or me not sleeping for a long while. Frankly, i'm glad these things don't happen to me often. With the exception of the weird hypnagogia stuff i mentioned, those type of 'episodes' for want of a better term are the most recurring, probably once a week i'll have some freaky hypnagogia stuff happen, with varying degrees of intensity.
In any event i'm glad we can just discuss these things together. Sorry for not really responding to the OP in depth, but mental health in general is interesting and i wanted to share some of my experiences.
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Originally posted by Ghost
Why don't you guys post pics then? Oh wait it's because neither of you are white. People that live in the parts of Europe you niggers live in are FAR FROM WHITE and since you are both too afraid to cam up or even post a picture of your finger that proves you are also of the handsome and well tanned individual persuasion.
I don't post pictures of myself because as opposed to you i have a lot of things to lose by doing so. Not only have i openly admitted to being a non-exclusive pedo on here. I have an affinity for cyber things of a less legal nature. Clearly i am not going to DOX myself. I have a job, i have people in my life that would not approve of my sexual preferences, not least of all close family members and friends. Things that by all accounts you don't have.
You're a broke ass, pathetic, jobless, meth addict with nothing going for him and nothing to lose so i see why you can't relate. The issue is furthermore compounded by the fact that you have close to sub-human intelligence, which unfortunately doesn't allow you to even imagine why posting a picture of myself would be utterly self-destructive.
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Originally posted by gadzooks
Regarding thread topic: Sophie = hyperpotent pheromone that attracts lolis.
Indeed, i also have a mental sub-system i like to call ICELODE. It stands for Inter Cerebral Exploratory Loli Orifice Detector Engine. Basically it augments my situational awareness to detect lolis around me.
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Originally posted by mmQ
So when is this realistically gonna heppen?
In our lifetime. The facility is for 50% built. And while that is going on there are a couple of companies and startups that are researching and building prototype reactors that implement different and novel ways of attempting fusion. It's within the realm of possibilities one of these companies will come up with a design that requires less power input to get a stable fusion reaction going. There's a lot of cool stuff going on in the field.
Here's the website for the reactor in France if you're interested.
Originally posted by mmQ
Why aren't they producing more power than they consume?
Because when it comes to nuclear fusion you need to get the stuff you are fusing to extremely high temperatures and/or pressure. You basically have a plasma swirling around that's super hot, contained by powerful magnetic fields. It takes a lot of power to heat the stuff up, run the magnetic field and cool all of the other components of the reactor. Not only that, the fusion process is rather unstable in a way so getting your plasma to the right temperature and such is all fine and dandy but keeping a consistent reaction going is hard with our current technology.
As we speak they're building a large prototype reactor in France, it's a multi-national endeavor and the expectations are that this reactor will break even in terms of input/output. Furthermore, being as this is a prototype for future designs it will allow scientists to learn how to create more efficient and better reactors. Hopefully to the point where we have a reactor design with a good energy yield.
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