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Posts by Sophie

  1. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    GF Hotels, no molesters allowed.
  2. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Cougars suck but pedo girls are great, i knew a girl who was into little girls and big boys. Which is an interesting combination. She used to go to the swimming pool all the time and engage with lolis. She used to send me all kinds of pictures. Good times.

    Also, school uniforms are pretty dope. Hey Wario would you say that because Poland is a majority Catholic country the girls around tween and teen aged 'rebel' more by acting out sexually? Or at least more promiscuously than in other places that might not be as religious?
  3. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Xlite What the fuck is wrong with you people? Psycho finally posts something interesting and you all enter sjw mode.
    How about posting some better content yourself instead of whining about someone else's, faggots.

    Thank you, but also, if you would spend some time in T&T i post serious threads there all the time.
  4. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny a few tips when making explosive devices :

    1- do not indicate - leave no indicators on your device, be it LEDs, markings, or timer displays. if you must have indicators of some kind, socket them so that display and indicators can be removed after arming.

    2- do not distinctiate - use wires of ONE color only. have decoy and decorative wires connected to decoy terminals. do not mark your terminals. ever.

    3- do not notify - no beeps or ticks, no flashing lights.

    4- no smoothies. ball bearings are inferior projectiles and they dont qualify as sharpnels because theyre not sharp, they dont have sharp edges and are easily removed by a semi-competent surgeon or butcher. and ball bearings are too cliche.

    5- 100% destruction. efforts must be made to include explosive charges for the destruction of controlling / timing devices / evidences that may reveal the bomb maker.

    Bro we don't live in an action movie, if i were to send someone a bomb i would create the components and the device itself in clean room conditions, or as close to that as i can reproduce. I know people that can arrange for shady delivery of all manner of things. Lockedin mentioned tight restrictions on precursors, i know people with companies that can buy the precursors for me and arrange all the paperwork. What i am saying is, i have contingencies for all the things that might otherwise prohibit me from executing an attack successfully.

    Also you clearly don't know how high explosives work, those ball bearings are going to get extremely hot and they will travel approximately 7000 meters a second if i use Picric Acid as secondary. Sharp or not they will go straight through a person and hardly slow down until they hit something like a concrete wall.

    Lastly the amount of explosives in there would be enough to destroy any forensic evidence and using a shady delivery service insures that a company, say, doesn't get the chance to intercept and call EOD, you only need to boobytrap your bomb if you expect EOD to tamper with it, which in almost all cases they wouldn't even do, they will bring out "THE DOME" which is a special device designed to contain relatively small explosions, and they will blow it up with plastic explosives in a controlled manner.
  5. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Quick Mix Ready did you actually read all of this?? How pathetic your life must be. Sheeesh

    I read your whole post out of concern for you because you said in the title you were scared for real. I don't appreciate you insulting me for that.
  6. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I had 18 year old maid once, yes i can afford a maid. She was very pretty, black raven hair with beautiful blue eyes, after she was done with the chores around my house it would always be about dinner time. She lived in the bad part of town alone, so i often let her eat with me and my gf. I like cooking, and i'm pretty good at it, so we generally eat nice homemade meals, first time she was over she was so grateful. She hadn't had a proper home cooked meal in a long time due to her circumstances. Often she'd stay after dinner and we'd just shoot the shit, sometimes doing lines of coke especially on Fridays, it was pretty fun. She kind of got infatuated with me, which in the end turned out to be unfortunate because my gf started getting jealous and fired her.

    I mean if i could have she would have been my second wife basically, common law, but i'm not a Mormon or a Muslim so it would be frowned upon if i had what amounts to basically two wives. Oh well.
  7. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    If i can't be bothered with veracrypt because it will take forever and encryptpad is just a hassle. I simply use OpenSSL fom the terminal, but typing out commands is a hassle again. So what i will do is write multiple scripts for things i need to automate often and keep those updated and optimize them every now and then.

    I thought you might be interested in my latest iteration of quick encryption script.

    EDIT: Whoops forgot an echo, fixed.
    EDIT2: Debugging, it's good practice.



    # Generate random password of arbitrary length
    clear && echo -e "Generate Random Password"

    echo -e "\nAmount of characters in generated password?"
    read -p "[Integer]: " amount

    sleep 0.5 clear

    cat /dev/random | LC_ALL=C tr -dc 'a-zA-Z0-9' | head -c$amount

    echo -e "Your randomly generated password is: $amount"
    echo -e "Do not lose it!"
    read -p "Enter any button to resume..." null

    if [[ follow_up == "true" ]]; then encode; fi


    # Encoding ops
    clear && echo -e "Encode File\n"
    read -p 'File: ' infile
    echo -e 'Password: \n'
    read -s password
    openssl enc -aes256 -e -k $password -pbkdf2 -in '$infile' -out '$infile.enc'
    openssl enc -a -in $infile -out '$infile.enc.pem'

    echo -e "\nDone!\n" && sleep 1.5
    exit 0


    # Decoding ops
    clear && echo -e "Decode File\n"
    read -p 'File: ' infile
    echo -e 'Password: \n'
    read -s password
    openssl enc -d -aes256 -k $password -pbkdf2 -in '$infile.enc' -out '$infile.b64'
    read -p 'Outfile format ' outfile
    openssl enc -a -d -in '$infile.b64' -out $outfile

    echo -e "\nDone!\n" && sleep 1.5
    exit 0

    # Parse CLI
    if [[ "$1" != "" ]]; then
    case $1 in
    '-e' | '--encode' )

    elif [[ "$1" != "" ]]; then
    case $1 in
    '-d' | '--decode' )

    elif [[ "$1" != "" ]]; then
    case $1 in
    '-g' | '--gen-pass' )
    generate "false"

    elif [[ "$1" == "-e" || "$1" == "--encode" ]]; then
    if [[ "$1" != "" && "$2" != "" ]]; then
    case $2 in
    '-g' | '--gen-pass' )
    generate "true"

    echo -e "\n$RED[!] Unhandled Option$RESET"
    echo -e "\nThis script expects at least one valid CLI argument."
    echo -e "./ --encode [-e]"
    echo -e "./ --decode [-d]"
    echo -e "./ --gen-pass [-g]\n"

    echo -e "To encode file with a randomly generated password"
    echo -e "please pass the following as command line options:\n"

    echo -e "./ --encode [-e] --gen-pass [-g]\n"
    sleep 1 && exit 1

    I know, nothing ground breaking, but solid and reliable, and hey if you want some extra security the output gets base64, so you could hide these files among your genuine certs and such.
  8. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Bradley i sold the ps3 for a hundred dollars

    Good score. If you ever end up in a position where you can buy a PS4 on the cheap, ask the seller if the CMOS bomb has been deactivated. It's a planned obsolescence thing, that will brick any and al PS4's in a few years.
  9. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I also got The Silmarillion hard cover but it's not with the rest of my books ATM.
  10. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Inside the Third Reich by Albert Speer.
    Ordinary Men: Reserve Police Battalion 101 and the Final Solution by Browning
    Urfaust by Goethe
    Havamal by Some Viking dudes millenia ago
    The Magician by R. Feist
    Silverthorn by R Feist
    A Darkness at Sethanon by R. Feist
  11. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    A smokey downtown Jazz club, back in the before times.
  12. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    If only it were so, anyone wanting a piece of that disgusting black pussy clearly has zero taste, and that's coming from a pedophile.
  13. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Obbe Sure, I've just been rational enough not to act on those urges, and even if I ever were to I wouldn't post evidence about it on the internet.

    See how twisted your thinking is? Even if any of that narrative were accurate, why would that life story be something to be ashamed of? I would rather have had that sort of life than be some hateful, mentally ill, bomb-building sexual predator with a god-complex.

    You think anyone wants to be you?

    Actually i got that from 8-Mile, i paraphrased. From the last battle where the guy chokes. I guess you could say i did an Obbe. Also, why are you even bothering calling me names if i have a God complex? You know that would do exactly zero if that were the case. Or are you just letting everyone know what a good guy you are. Stunning and brave of you.

    There's one thing me and God have in common though, i have the power to end dozens of lives in a nanosecond should i desire to do so.

    You really are a boring person aren't you?
  14. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by stl1 Damn, what a piece of crap meter. Did you get that thing out of a Cracker Jacks box?

    Lol grandpa shut the fuck up, i got like 10 laying around the shop. Besides, if it works it works doesn't it? Even if only 2/3's work there's this thing in electrical engineering called formulas. I bet you're a proper handyman right? Jack of all trades, master of none.
  15. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    In any case whether it's explosives or something else. Working with your hands is satisfying.
  16. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by General Butt.Naked 12 years for premeditated murder?lol.

    Europe tries to reform instead of punish. Little consolation to the loved ones though. In any case, girl in the OP looks like she's into the whole Eric Harris/Dylan Klebold fan fic + extended universe.
  17. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Rather than making something destructive make something constructive…destructive is a waste of talent.

    This might sound contrived, but i did make a little multi cable for my USB powerbank. I can now charge 4 USB fed things with one powerbank or adapter. I'm also modifying my desk, fuck buying new things, i'm making room and convenient places for all my computer stuff.

    I already got a workshop in my garage, now i want my desk and surroundings to be a little mini computer center.
  18. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by lockedin Active Clandestine Operations

    Yee, we've spoken about this before. I think i mentioned a shaped charge and an ordinary charge would be enough to knock out the power to a big part of the city. If you know the grid you know the pylons you need to get. Shaped charge to cut the steel, notmal charge to knock the support structure out from underneath it.

    People don't realize just how vulnerable they really are. Critical Infrastructure attacks of the cyber variety can and are already very disruptive. But i could make a shaped charge before i could hack the gibson. Just saying.
  19. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Bradley You've never been wronged so badly or felt so angry or wanted to kill anyone?

    Where the fuck did you grow up? On the brady bunch nigger?

    Suburbia, i bet both his parents were happily married. They had two cars, one station wagon, white picket fence, and whenever Obbe did something out of line his father would just give him a stern look of disapproval.
  20. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Sudo Blowing up 1 person is kinda gay tho, blowing up infrastructure is where it's at. I don't imagine there are too many blasting crews where you're at due to the landscape but around here c4 pops up pretty frequently

    Depends on the person. If i were going to do a terrorism i would target critical infrastructure. But i don't need that level of attention on me, i got other things i need to keep running. Also, the only military grade explosives that show up in m neck of the woods are grenades.

    That said, i can synth RDX making the explosive plastic is the tricky part though.
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