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Posts by Sophie

  1. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by aldra I already explained this to you

    Russia sees the people of LDNR as 'brothers' being bulldozed by an illegitimate government.

    Which makes a lot of sense for anyone wondering. Donetsk, Luhanks and Crimea are majority ethnic Russian
  2. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Sudo Money is great but time to fuck with the code would be ideal. I just can't do it, I'm not smart enough/have debilitating ADHD the only one that makes sense to me is python and that irrelevant to this situation

    DJango is Python based framework btw.
  3. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Rough draft, anyone who kicks ass at web development can take it from here, but we have a solid start. Also i realize NiS is written with Django but IIRC if we have a HTML file, Lanny can just plonk it on the server and point a link to it and it should work just fine.

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  4. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Bradley Hiki, can't forget him, Wariat, i think there's another pedophile I'm missing, whose that one that is in love with Sophie??

    Kev, lmao.
  5. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny i thought your immune to womens control.

    you need to get boosted.

    Doesn't mean i can't be considerate to my gf. She is considerate of a lot of things when it comes to me as well, so it's only fair.
  6. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by WellHung Sophie has never fucked a nigger.

    This statement is factually correct.
  7. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Bradley if i could do this stuff, the world WOULDN"T be a better place

    I'd teach you but i'm afraid you'd get drunk and blow yourself and everyone on your property to kingdom come.
  8. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker Big deal. You make bombs. You don't do shit to improve yourself as a human with them. What do you do with them? Nothing but brag about them on a backwater dead forum to try to show people whom you believe yourself to be better than how much better you believe yourself to be.

    You desperately need and seek validation for your empty meaningless life which has contributed nothing of lasting value to anyone or anything.

    Right. First of all you don't know shit about me, second of all, you don't know shit about my accomplishments outside of what i share on the forum. And third, because you don't know me, and know nothing about me outside of the forum, you proposing my life has no meaning, is nothing more than a figment of your imagination driven by some sort of juvenile obsession you have with proving to everyone here that actually you are the real bad ass, tuff guy here, Seems to me that the one looking for validation is you. And i get it. You're old, irrelevant and have nothing better to do than bitch on the forum all day. But that doesn't make anything you say any less cringe inducing.
  9. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by stl1 "I'm such a bad ass with my widdle Cracker Jacks meter!"

    Same goes for you grandpa, but at least i know you're just retarded while Rodent over here is actively malicious.
  10. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker OP is desperate to be validated.

    The fuck are you talking about old man. If you can cast your mind back i was already posting about explosives of Totse. I certainly don't need any validation from a rat ass motherfucker like you. You're a disgrace.
  11. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny looks pretty enclosed to me.

    Sure, but this kind of ordnance has been designed for a specific application which is to penetrate armor of some sort. The weapons platform it belongs to has a certain way of firing the explosive projectile, furthermore, these kinds of weapons systems have specific types of fuse design. All that has to be taken into account when utilizing a shaped charge in this manner. If you took this apart but kept the shaped charge, used an ordinary blasting cap, kept the copper exposed and used the standoff distance equal to the length from the copper cone to the tip of the munition you would still get the same penetrating effect. The whole point of a shaped charge is to concentrate the explosive power into the copper cone so all the energy is directed through it in order to turn it into a jet of super heated copper that has an impact point inversely focused at a precision point, where it will then be able to utilize all the energy imparted to penetrate just about anything.

    Remember that not all shaped charges are used in a military capacity. They can be utilized in mining and ordinary demolition. In demo they use them to cut steel beams and support structures. Designs may vary but the principle behind it stays the same.

    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny and i was wrong. the copper in shape charges never actually melt. copper are just plasticky in that with sufficient pressure they can be forced into almost fluid-like dynamic. like peanut butter,

    It's called a phase-transition, and all metals can do that. However with regards to conventional explosives copper performs more than adequately. Now you can have your copper in compressed powder form, or as a solid cone. Compressed copper powder shaped charges are mostly used in mining operations as far as i am aware.

    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny whats the difference between high-ex and low-ex again.

    Low explosives deflagrate. That just means burn quickly, by burning quickly they release a lot of gas, and if you have that happen in an enclosed space, LE's go boom. High explosives detonate, that means they go from a solid to completely gas in no time at all. The molecular bonds basically break releasing stored chemical energy.

    Also, LE's generally don't get a velocity of detonation(when used with a container) higher than 1000 meters a second. Think of Flash Powder. High explosives on the slow end, mainly primary explosives but not exclusively get up to 4500 meters a second. While secondary high explosives reach a VoDs of 7000 meters per second and higher. this also gets into things like brisance, which is a topic all on it's own.

    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny will you post the results of your experimentation.

    I might make a small charge that uses steel balls, and a small shaped charge to illustrate the effect. And when i do i will show you the results.
  12. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny copper in shaped charges get melted due to the pressure in an enclosed space.

    Wrong, the copper cone is not in an enclosed space in shaped charges.

    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny the same reason and concept that things in a pressure cooker can get hotter than those in open pots at sea level. hi-ex without proper enclosure is just the same as low-ex. enclosure makes the difference.

    Wrong again, high explosives don't deflagrate like low explosives. They detonate whether they are in an enclosed space or not. Now it is true that you can get a higher yield so to speak by enclosing high explosives in purpose built casings. But it isn't a requirement for detonation.

    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny and ja, its just instinct and simple logic coupled with some basic knowledge of how things work.

    Unfortunately for you experience and a technical understanding at or close to academic levels of sophistication beats common sense and logial extrapolation from a place where your level of understanding is at the base line.
  13. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Sudo Please provide some resources for learning about how to build this stuff for my swimming coaches pet tigers, aunts sisters husband's postman

    Which parts? Energetic chemistry? Electrical engineering? Explosive demolition? Explosive Ordnance Disposal & Safety? Forensics and counter-forensics with regards to explosives? Sabotage and tactical application of explosive ordnance? General Ballistics?
  14. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny you dont really need a cleanroom. a diy clean box, like the kind of biohazard chamber they experiment dangerous pathogen in would suffice. cleanroom means more evidences during a raid. also involving more people means expoaing yourself to higher possibility of being linked to weak links.

    thats not how material science works. steel doesnt conduct heat at the speed of 7000mps. you can subject a steel ball to a blast of superheated air for a split second but the heat will not be conducted more than a few mm into the steel ball before the blast is over. its like splashing boiling water onto an egg. it will not be enough to cook the entire egg, merely warming the egg shell a bit.

    no it wont. the design and the placement of the explosive charge simply wont allow everything to be destroyed. show us your IED diagram. try it and i assure you that the outer layers are going to be torn to shreads and flung all over, but they will still be identifiable.

    If that isn't how material science works shaped charges wouldn't work either. Now granted copper is more malleable and has a lower melting point than steel but i didn't say the balls would turn into lava. Also, you are underestimating the shear fucking force of properly detonated high explosives.

    More anti forensic measures are buying your components with cash and waiting 3 months to build anything. Most CCTV systems are wiped after 30 days.

    Also i don't mean to be a dick but where are you pulling this 'data' from dude? Is it just your general idea of how to do something like this? Or do you actually have any training, academic interest, or experience to draw from? Not trying to be disrespectful i am just genuinely curious.
  15. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Please don't piss on young girls. It's disgusting, humiliating(for them) and not how you should treat them. If you're with an adult woman and she is into it do all the degenerate shit you want. But for real young girls are precious, i know you're talking about teens, but i know you're into younger girls too. If you got to do something sexually intimate with a younger girl, and she's into it as well, don't care about a specific age, if a 12 year old consents, that's consent. But if she does, be fucking gentle with her dude. Show her that intimacy can be something special and wonderful. Not only will she appreciate it more, by doing so you will also give her the right perspective on how sexual intimacy should be with a romantic partner.
  16. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Interesting, thanks for letting me know Wario. Also...

    Originally posted by Wariat on vacation or in foreign countries traveling polish people seem cool though and normal.

    Yeah i was about to say that a lot of Polish guest workers i know from a gig i did a while back were all perfectly nice and polite. A lot of the girls even seemed a little shy at times and they'd get all red if you'd compliment their looks. Pretty wholesome IMO.
  17. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Aleister Crowley I like Albert Speer, quite a fascinating guy.

    If you haven't read his book and you have an interest in WWII and the general time period you're missing out. It's a great read, and offers a first hand account of what it was like to be in Hitler's inner circle.
  18. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by lockedin i have one with lineage os and no google apps or gsf ama

    Lineage is pretty good. It comes with a custom recovery bootloader as well if i'm not mistaken?
  19. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by aldra gpg -ae lol

    OpenSSL is superior. You have 40+ encryption schemes. B64 is suitable for transport over HTTP/S. You can generate certs that you can use as keyfiles, etc, etc, etc. This script is minimalistic because AES256 -> B64 is what i use most often.
  20. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Aleister Crowley Is that what you use for your CP and Una Bomber diaries yeah?

    No for that i use dedicated hard drives which are fully encrypted with LUKS-2 or VeraCrypt.
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