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Posts by Sophie

  1. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Also, aldra didn't quite put it as diplomatically. But you can't legislate reality away. No matter how much it 'ought' to be able, a girl going alone in the middle of the night to the corner store on the block is at a risk. So, in order to be safe, carry a weapon. Gave ,my gf a stun gun. She's too wild and impulsive to get the actual gun lol.

    She doesn't really give a shit if someone intends to do her harm because she is convinced she can Hulk Smash anyone. Not hating she can hold her own for sure, but you're losing if it's two against one, or the aggressor brought a weapon to insure compliance. So i told her to do me a favor and not go outside, alone when it's dark, and especially not without the stun gun.
  2. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Kafka Women are now going to be living in fear that they’ll be raped and won’t be able to get an abortion and you wanted this to happen?

    Did you miss the part where i said: Rare, safe, and legal. Besides like aldra said, the data shows most women use abortion as birth control. Just get The Morning After pill. Or whatever they call it in yank-land.
  3. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Kafka Personal taste

    Not sure if it would be considered quirky bt i have a tendency to build lighting in my cabinets, in such a way where you don't see the light source but stuff gets illuminated indirectly. Looks nice, and allows me to see what junk i got in my cabinets.
  4. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by aldra didn't one of them get arrested recently for trying to shoot up a judge

    He turned himself in after he showed up to the house of Justice Kavanaugh, with tie-wraps, a gun, and other kidnapping/murder paraphernalia.
  5. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I wanted this to happen. I generally don't like abortion but i suppose i'd be part of the: Rare, legal, and safe. Kind of crowd. Main reason i wanted this to happen was so that the left would explode in incoherent rage.
  6. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Kafka Not asking anyone to redecorate for me, just if they have anything quirky in their own homes. Anything.

    I wasn't under the impression i was redecorating for you.

    What would you consider quirky?
  7. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by aldra I think they're two different things - eating someone for sustenance vs. eating someone you care about to meta/physically/phorically carry them with you, both make sense to me

    I can't really get behind eating people for some kind of sexual thrill or purely out of spite (like the Chinese seem to enjoy) though

    Nah the fetish stuff is too much. But yeah, eating a piece of someone so you have them with you dorever is sweet in a fucked up kind of way. But i wouldn't want to eat a person just for sustenance it'd have to be an emergency of some sort, yeah.
  8. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Actually i am pretty good at all kinds of design. As long if it has to do with visuals pretty sure i can manage. But i have to see the interior, and know what materials i am working with.
  9. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    What sort of fossils?
  10. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Who are you, John Joke (inventor of jokes)? Didn't read.

    Didn't care (n_n")
  11. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Kafka I talk to myself a lot and he’s okay with that. Most times I don’t really want him to reply.

    So how would you describe your relationship arrangement.
  12. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Kafka He knows I’m not serious

    I bet you he is. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  13. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Kafka I read that but didn’t relate to much, or my brain just died. I’m only a Karen with Mik, I cure his boredom and he knows I use satire. I don’t do it here. Ik he doesn’t care if I die, I think we’ve lasted so long for that reason. I was semi serious about breaking up with him just now. I hope he sees that post. What I am is a hypochondriac so it wouldn’t be good for me to self-diagnose as that.

    If he doesn't care whether you live or die, why would you even want to alleviate his boredom?
  14. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    You can see why they classify it as an antagonistic disorder.
  15. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Kafka I’ve told him that stuff before. Told him I thought I had a miscarriage. He doesn’t care, he’s like a rock, apathetic.

    Here are some classic BPD behaviors as they usually get expressed in women. Not saying you have BPD, and not trying to say you do these things, i'd just like to mention some stuff and you tell me if it sounds like something you might do.

    Threatening self harm, actually self harming, over-reacting on purpose to test how much people actualy care about you. Maybe pretending to be pregnant hoping the guy(bf, love interest/whatever) pays more attention to you. Feeling like there is a sinister reason why someone isn't treating you the way you'd like or expect to be treated. Getting upset at the thought, making a huge fight about it, considering breaking up/ending friendship. Doing just that and regretting it. Confirmation biasing yourself into believing you were right about the person all along, hating them for that but still feeling like he or she should be with you in one way or another, feeling despair and intense negative emotions as a consequence. Alleviating said feeling by trying to seduce him/her back, sending out mixed messages, feeling like the person should just understand your very convoluted reasons for doing what you are doing and why you feel what you feel. Then assuming they don't give enough of a shit to even try to understand you when in reality the person is just confused. Getting mad about it, getting sad about it. Alleviate with high risk behavior, such as drugs, promiscuity, and generally putting yourself into dangerous situations. Spiraling as a consequence until you feel so bad that you are compelled to self harm in order to escape. Suicidal ideation. More risk seeking behavior.

    There are a number of differences with guys with BPD, the easiest example to give is that 25-40% of BPD mind games are substituted with aggression, the end goal of BPD antics is to get the intra-personal relations and inner desires to match up with reality. BPD guys try to impose control more directly, BPD girls try to impose control through tricks and plots, however the former is no stranger to that tactic either.
  16. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Not bad.
  17. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Kafka I’m gonna add the water and any drink is better at room temperature. Cold liquids upset your stomach though you may not feel it. Also you should try to drink as little as possible while eating food, wait until after, again, bad for your stomach and also your complexion.

    I don't think that's necessarily true for most people. If room temperature drinks help with your stomach that's fine. But there is a reason people prefer cold beverages over luke-warm ones. Millennia ago drinking water from a flowing stream or river caused by melting snow/ice from the mountain tops reduced the risk of accidentally ingesting microbial pathogens, due to the temperature of the water, not to mention the fact that those kind of water sources have minerals in them your body needs for metabolic and other functions.
  18. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Rape Monster are you really stuck with a colostomy bag? what happened?

    Nah, i had to get surgery for some gastrointestinal issues years ago. Everything went great, and i mad a complete recovery. He's just the kind of guy that would laugh at something of the sort, and lie about the truth of the matter years after the fact. Should tell you all you need to know about this dude.
  19. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Bradley Someone who isn't me has access to TOR & VPN.

    Using Tor and/or a VPN isn't illegal.
  20. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    A lot. Let's start by you telling me what you would like to be able to do with it.
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