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Posts by Sophie

  1. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    The FBI one is just describing reality. The nigger one is hope fiction.
  2. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Back Lane Madders Not all. Some are beautiful.

    English women are weird looking though

    Icelandic girls are pretty good looking. I generally just like the Nordic aesthetic.
  3. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Back Lane Madders Ok gross but her friends were cute

    But I was a greasy booger nose 12 year old when they were 18-20

    I still looked 12 at age 15. There is a Van Halen concert filmed for VHS and MTV where I'm in the audience and it's a split second and I vaguely remember a friend who was with the camera guy who was allowed to do a macro zoom on my face and came down and told me at the end of the concert. I at the time thought Yeah ok. But then saw it later. It's on YouTube.

    Boy 12 girl 20 is not going to work 99% of the time. But you do read sometimes about female teachers hooking up with their young students, 12-14 seems to be popular among the pedo ladies out there.
  4. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Average everyday criminals of the non-cyber variety are dumb as fuck. And it makes makes me mad. They'll never make the money they set out to make, the are too retarded to take advice, even when outsourcing they don't give anything a second thought. I should sell some of these people bombs, that have GPS and are activated with a phone call, then when they get home i'll set them off. I'll add shrapnel for a death radius.

    Why the fuck not they won't know the difference. Police will attribute to misadventure.

    Since they are dumb though, they will get caught soon enough. And it's a blessing in disguise really it says in big neon letters don't do business with me i am retarded.
  5. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Back Lane Madders She used to be a city girl turn country gal but she's old now

    She was a pretty lady. My mom was too in her youth. Most women in my family are attractive but the men, not so much

    Nothing lasts forever. You could have fucked her without parental consent. IDK if you're older or younger than her, and it would be a lot of work, but i bet if you would have been smart about it, you could have fucked her.
  6. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by curlyKellen Yea, I got her a little snap phone, bro… It's touchscreen, calls text everything… All she needs to do is come home

    Sweet, download a parental control app and set a password only you know. It will be good for her in the long run.
  7. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by curlyKellen One time at school, this kid from the team, was crying histerically and scribbling on paper… Fuckin', I've seen people who were lost of faculty, and they'll just pander in space with an object… Milena do this with de iphone.

    Milena needs an iPhone ban.
  8. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by DontTellEm “Impartial “ lol so dumb

    What's dumb about an impartial judge, that seems fair to me. And i told you to pick an impartial judge for the bet to be on. Go re-read my post retard.
  9. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by curlyKellen I can't tell if she's trolling or rampant.

    Por que no los dos?
  10. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by curlyKellen She from Macedonia

    Greece? That makes sense, that's basically black.
  11. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by DontTellEm Don’t send an old ass picture ya dumb creep.

    Produce an impartial judge.
  12. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by curlyKellen and I'm getting tired of designer drugs and coke

    Drop the designer drugs and take Oxy or H with that coke.
  13. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by curlyKellen Yea europe is cool, but if I can't smoke an ounce a week I don't want it

    Smoke three ounces, you could if you wanted to.
  14. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by curlyKellen Cj played football with me, bro we fuckin came buckets we laughed so hard at shit lol, fuckin cause we're both black and we are from the white man's land LOL fuckin, we'd get stoned and just laugh at shit

    My girl doesn't know the science of prilosec

    Listen bro, if my girl didn't know the science of medicine generally? I'd slap a ho. How she be reppin the hood when a bitch ignorant. No disrespect intended.
  15. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by curlyKellen I never been to amsterdam, but I just am not a fan of the city, people are always butt hurt

    Amsterdam is a tourist trap anyway. We got nice places, we also have hoods if that's your scene. Also i didn't even want light up shoes, even though my parents could afford it lol. One thing Amsterdam got going for it is the night life, it's not all clubs and hookers it's pretty chill in the summer, lots of people about, and some areas have more a small town feel to it.
  16. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by curlyKellen Yea, fuckin my friend Cj is in prison, my girl dogged me. Town is lackin, I tried to get to the gym, and didn't have agro to pick up the 309 stone, I lifted the little 86 Pound so I was just like, "I'll just be an athlete" fuckin, because I wouldn't have this muscle without my bro… Fuckin it was 2009 and we were pumping… And I was just like, "fuck it, we're receviers, we can little boy" and this dude plates up 135 and starts REPPING it, so I'm like, You know, I'm not about to go in here and flex when I got this shit from my dude, I would be no where without him.

    I feel you. Cj your only friend? And why your girl dog you G?
  17. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by DontTellEm Better question….Who would confirm it’s ur girlfriend ? Lol 😂

    I will have her hold a sign saying: Sophie is a big dick mystic. You pick one impartial judge, or you could ask mQ whether she's prettier than you he has seen pictures. I want you to physically mail me 20 dollars. I'll frame 'em and have a chuckle every time i look at them.
  18. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by curlyKellen I hate the cul-de-sac, shit's so greasy, fuckin the street was dope bro, I could sit there and watch cars go by, fuckin that pool was so stupid, fuckin animals and shit in it. That fuckin fence. Those ivy vines, I hated it. The street was cool cause when it rains, all the shit gets washed away instead of coallescing in one pile at the front of the driveway. This fuckin one weed would always grow that had "vellum" that shit pissed me off, it was like a wart. The cul-de-sac was bad because the fuckin environment was so greasy

    That sucks, i was staying at a house in Ontario somewhere near a lake and a couple hour drive away from The Rockies. Kind of upmarket town. I enjoyed it a lot. Besides, the family i was staying with had a cute daughter my age, so you know. Also, the neighbor kids were into drugs, but good kids, and i'm from Holland so they figured i'd be into da ganja and all that. They were very interested, and i do enjoy talking about myself.
  19. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by DontTellEm We should bet $20 if I’m more attractive than ur current girlfriend.

    Lol. Who will be the judge?
  20. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by DontTellEm Maybe for you, Dummy

    Definitely for me, but between the both of us. I am the only person who's opinion i take seriously.
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