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Posts by Sophie

  1. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Kafka I would off myself if I couldn’t get an abortion, that’s how I felt in hs.

    And apparently you still feel that way. Also let me correct you, when you're pregnant and kill yourself that's a murder-suicide.
  2. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Not one for celebrity drama, but Jackass was a thing and i knew an alternative girl who was a big fan had his skateboard design, when that was a thing, and she listened to his lame ass band. I thought he was an idiot back then, and i am sure not much has changed.
  3. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Rape Monster I never met a black person into otc shit like that

    Same, they're rather particular in the type of drugs they take/sell. And everyone one of them that i know that has an interest in firearms, for defense or otherwise seems to want a Gen5 Glock 17.
  4. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by stl1 LANNY'S A CUCK

    She is due with her third child and first daughter in a week and a half.

    I've nicknamed her "Gramp's Revenge".

    Congratulations. Three grandkids huh, you must be proud. Howcome you're nicknaming your granddaughter "Gramp's Revenge"? Towards whom is the intended revenge directed?
  5. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I'll say this though Indian girls(Feather) can be attractive.
  6. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I went to the hardware shop the other day to pick up some components. They had paracord on sale, so i decided to pick some up. And i am glad i did, since now that i have it, i can think of all kinds of uses for it. inb4 hang yourself with it.

    Seems like a shitty way to go tbh, in any case i never really thought about how useful a good piece of rope actually is. Remember kids, rope is dope.
  7. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Bona Fortuna.
  8. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by 2fly4U2 The Complete Marquis de Sade

    I recently forced myself to finish this book
    I thought it was simply the story of an orphan girl who suffered abuse. Boy was I was wrong
    More than once I felt disgusted yet nonetheless I could not stop reading because of how attached I had become with Justine. I wanted to know how her story would end.

    Has anyone read this book?
    If yes I’m curious if you felt the marquis truly a sick man who enjoyed torture, or a genius who wrote in protest of a corrupt society?

    Definitely a sadistic aristocrat with too much free time. And you know how it will end. The same way all those stories end.
  9. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Donald Trump I'm thinking about doing a masters and moving over to that stuff. Like all security jobs it seems dead easy.

    Depends on what your actual job is. SOC, Red Team, Blue Team, Incident Response, Compliance and so on.
  10. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Ajax Yeah, it’s not that bad this time. Just a little headache and not a lot of energy.

    I figured you’d be one of those people who refuse office culture and only accept remote work.

    They told me I could no longer lick the handrails. Bring back office orgies.

    Depends on the office and my colleagues.
  11. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Interestingly magic was considered the domain of women in Viking times. However you could cheat the spirits/gods by dressing up like a woman. Then if you were lucky the spell you were trying to cast would work. I always thought that was kinda funny.
  12. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Back Lane Madders Yeah but there isn't usually an older Bro-heem and his buddy busting into a bedroom laughing their asses off while ahmm someone and she is in a bathing suit just put on after showering off. just out of the hot tub while said 12 year old was laying next to her 19 year old hottie blonde self and holding the blow drier for her while she was brushing her hair out.

    I got to see her naked in the hot tub too but me and another 12-13 year old got everyone into trouble because we were naked also naked. The security called the cops.

    This was a known swingers condo complex in the late 70s. Seems fucked up now but a hell of an experience back then.

    They got themselves in trouble by bringing 12-13yo boys along to their little swinger party. I got a girl next door story. Check it out. So i grew up in a house that had a joining backyard with the neighbors that lived in the house behind us right. We'd used to walk over say hi, chat. Nice people.

    Anyway, they had a daughter, but when i was real young like 5, they got divorced, so they had shared custody. So the daughter was only around every so often. She was a bit older than me i wanna say six or seven years older, sounds about right and she was always perfectly nice and sweet, and we got along great. Then one day when i was like 14, i was hanging out in the garden when all of a sudden she walks up in a bikini top and short blue jeans and she's like: Hey Soph! Overly excited. Wanna go to the pool? So i was like, fuck yeah. The pool rocks.

    We go there, it's an indoor pool so she insists on paying for the tickets. Let's just say from there on she stopped being so subtle about why we were there. What a fucking temptress. And i ain't even mad. Only thing i am mad about is that i was too young and gobsmacked to take full advantage of the fortunate position i found myself in.

    On balance, 7/10. All in all good times.
  13. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I don't use WiFi if i can help it. But when i do i cycle through names of police surveillance tech. I have it set to not broadcast SSID so you gotta be looking for it. I find it amusing.
  14. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Basically Icelandic people are related to the Vikings. You know. The ones that set out from Scandinavia. To explore, rape, pillage, and murder.
  15. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Are we talking Alaska or Africa?

    Let's be generous, and say Africa.
  16. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by aldra the US sent around 100 M777 lightweight howitzers and less than 10 have been spotted or destroyed in the east

    rumour is the vast majority went straight to scrap because their frames are like 2 tonnes of solid titanium

    If those were my Howitzers, that i kindly donated to your war effort and you scrapped them. I would consider that an act of aggression. Drop all aid, lift all Russia sanctions and see how your money will treat you in the Gulag when Russia marches into wherever the fuck you're hiding.
  17. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Show me your papers.
  18. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by DontTellEm Imagine taking advice off some clam on the internet…oh ok bud, ur addicted to pills yourself but thanks for ur input

    Imagine listening to someone with an IQ below room temperature.
  19. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Rape Monster i bust fat lightning shock nuts from psychiatric medication fucking with my libido and body in general. like sometimes my heart starts beating extremely hard and fast right afterwards and I have to lay back and concentrate on not dying


    It is highly probable you are on anti-depressant medication. SSRI's, SNRI's, something serotonergic at the very least. Don't forget serotonin isn't a happy chemical. It's the master override, and depending on where it binds it tinkers with your overall brain chemistry.

    But that's just a guess. IDK what you understand by shock nuts, lmao. Grab some vaseline and you'll have Greased Lightning and then CandyReign will come over.
  20. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    You're literally just quoting your books aren't you.
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