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Posts by Sophie

  1. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Even if US agitation is behind the Hong Kong umbrella movement and all that jazz. I don't even really care, China can go fuck itself, communism is cancer and it ought to have been eradicated from the face of the Earth a long, long, time ago.

    China can explode, the US economy will take a hit because all manufacturing jobs are over there. But bonus, because guess what now the US has to bring all those jobs back to their continent. Europe can do business with Russia as far as the energy markets are concerned at least and then we can turn our attention to eradicating communist and Marxist/Leninist revolutionary groups like BLM and Antifa in our respective domestic domains.
  2. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by MORALLY SUPERIOR BEING 2020 IV: Intravenous Soyposting The white man's rules don't apply to him, racis' ass cracka.

    In that case the white man's rights shouldn't apply to him either.
  3. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Netflix does promote 'woke' content, and produces quite a lot of it themselves. It's subversive but they also have regular movies and such. And since i am not paying for my Netflix access either, i am not funding the opposition.
  4. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by netstat At this stage it would be an effort on par with uncle ted trying to take down technological society. These cesspits are the way the internet - and the world - is now. Majority of people either want it this way or grudgingly accept it, even if we think it's stupid and detrimental and might be willing to take action. Not enough of us exist to make a difference.

    Perhaps not, and if we're going to be blackpilled on the issue, maybe those of us who have the required knowledge and experience to do so should begin setting up our own infrastructure through various technologies. At least then when the internet as we've known it ceases to exist we will have our underground networks and resources. At least then we can have a place for us specifically, where we control who gets to use our services and platforms. Of course it will be much smaller in scope than the mainstream variety, but it really doesn't matter. We can preserve our 'culture' for lack of a better term in such a fashion, and aggregate more knowledge, skills, and everything else that is important to us and our interests.
  5. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I am building a grand cathedral to the God-Emperor who we know to be the Omnissiah. All Imperial Scribes of the Ecclesiarchy and the techpriest-enginseers of The Adeptus Mechanicus will congregate there, in utmost secrecy and security, there great works of divine power will be wroth. And they will be wielded in holy war against the mutant, the alien, the heretic.
  6. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by cigreting wats ample bosoms

    Nice tits.
  7. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    60 to 70k is very reasonable. Mortgage, utilities, car maintenance, gas and groceries would all be accounted for. On the condition you don't get an extravagant house and three cars.
  8. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I saw her at Tim Pool's podcast. At least she comes across as someone that genuinely cares about her community, and with that i mean her district, not black people.
  9. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by CandyRein I can’t sleep because I can’t stop thinking about someone…

    Plus Tails and snowball keep knockin chit off the fireplace

    I don’t know how much more my science fair trophy’s can take …

    Are Tails and Snowball your kitty cats?
  10. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by larrylegend8383 copy/paste ur stupid response from the intellectual pedophile

    I assume with copy/paste you mean my post sounds generic, the only reason for that is because you lack the mental capacity to make distinctions. We already established that when you likened Soi to Japan-is-Eternal.
  11. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Since when does the US of A care about things like treaties?
  12. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace ok I hope ur genetics are bad and u get severe cancer very soon >:(

    Alright and if i do, i do, i wouldn't even be mad. We all die at some point.
  13. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    You look like a white guy Yume-chan. But if it makes you feel any better usually white/asian crossbreeds produce smart and pretty kids. If you're going to race mix, doing it with an azn is the way to go.
  14. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace Do you still smoke? I hope you do.

    Until the day i die. Not that i care, but whether you get cancer or not has a lot to do with genetics as well.
  15. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace Oh the irony.

    Good luck with your crash

    No irony here. Just you reading things into things. Also, the crash will be fine, nortryptaline is crash cure.
  16. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Sudo "It's not incest if you didn't grow up in the same house together"

    It don't matter where they grew up because;

  17. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace I read this and you're just emphasizing my point that you're a hypocrite for calling them pedos when you've gone the extra mile to actually rape a 12yr old.

    I am challenging the assumption that the creators are pedos actually. Don't get distracted by all the words on the screen and actually read what i mean.
  18. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Greek Style How's your mental acuity? Can you still do complex abstract tasks like code?

    Yes. I am making more spelling mistakes though.
  19. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Since my post already resolved the issue at hand let me just say that you may think Python is gay, but you haven't seen anything if all you ever see are snippets or quick scripts. I shell script for quick scripts, i Python for bigger projects, if you hate using a lot of libs for whatever reason, then write Pure Python. It will take you ten times as long, but you'll only need to rely on the core libs.

    Also if Python is gay so is Ruby, Ruby is basically Python with more chances of semantic errors. Perl is objectively more OG, but if we are going to purity spiral anyway, you best start learning ASM and all it's dialects.
  20. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Never realized this, but the blue team actually has a pretty difficult job, lmao.
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