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Anyone notice the internet is way less idealistic/libertarian now?
2020-09-07 at 11:51 PM UTCTBH I am kind of pissed off that people complain about this.
It's never been easier to make your own website, or even host videos, than it has right now in 2020. Yet people moan about big tech sites - while still using them.
Look at what Lanny did. He could have made this just another subreddit and been Anti Defamation Leagued, but instead not only did he host a forum, he wrote his own software.
STFU and make something cool.The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire! -
2020-09-07 at 11:55 PM UTC
Originally posted by netstat Funny thing to say when facebook banned the pages for crimethinc, PNW youth liberation front and it's going down less than a month ago. All left wing pages. You only see conservative viewpoints being censored because that's what you want to see.
You have no idea what I want to see. And we will just leave that at that.
I know back in 2015 I reported several extremist Muslim pages with posts calling for the death of westerners and other acts of violence. All clear violations of Facebook's own community guidelines. I reported over 30 such communities on Facebook as a test. Not one of them had any action whatsoever taken against them. But just this last week a conservative who goes by Outlaw Morgan had videos taken down breaking down the Kenosha shootings in defense of Rittenhouse. They were taken down for promoting violence and racism. Racism! Not one word did he say about the color of anyone skin, BLM, or anything remotely related to race. But his opinion did not fit the mainstream cable media narrative on the event so he had to be silenced.
I left Facebook myself almost two years ago because I saw more examples of shit just like that than I could stomach. So I stopped being one of Mark McJooberg's products. So spin any way you must to keep your fragile ego from having to admit you have been lied to and believed the lie. -
2020-09-07 at 11:57 PM UTC
Originally posted by rabbitweed TBH I am kind of pissed off that people complain about this.
It's never been easier to make your own website, or even host videos, than it has right now in 2020. Yet people moan about big tech sites - while still using them.
Look at what Lanny did. He could have made this just another subreddit and been Anti Defamation Leagued, but instead not only did he host a forum, he wrote his own software.
STFU and make something cool.
Yeah fair enough.
Probably should be giving something back. -
2020-09-08 at 12 AM UTC
Originally posted by MORALLY SUPERIOR BEING 2020 IV: Intravenous Soyposting Meh.
Yeah fair enough.
Probably should be giving something back.
Even consuming stuff that isn't big tech helps out IMHO. Watch some stuff on peertube. Visit forums like these which are self-hosted. Communities will thrive with participants. -
2020-09-08 at 12:04 AM UTCedited for privacy
2020-09-08 at 12:10 AM UTCedited for privacyThe following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
2020-09-08 at 12:26 AM UTC
Originally posted by netstat You are so stupid it's painful to try to maintain a conversation. I have explicitly said facebook takes down right wing pages so everything you're describing here if true is no revelation to me. You claimed that they only censor conservative views and I provided counter examples proving you wrong. You are wrong and spinning nonsense is all you can do to cope with the fact that reality does not align with your worldview.
It is well known and documented that big tech censors conservatives to promote their own radical left worldview.
https://poddtoppen.se/podcast/122415315/american-conservative-university/the-left-is-weaponizing-medicine-and-big-tech-censors -
2020-09-08 at 1:27 AM UTC
Originally posted by netstat Funny thing to say when facebook banned the pages for crimethinc, PNW youth liberation front and it's going down less than a month ago. All left wing pages. You only see conservative viewpoints being censored because that's what you want to see.
specifically anything that runs against US/israeli policy. Many 'left-wing' pages relating to situations in Venezuela/South America in general, Iran and Syria etc. have been shut down for nebulous and unspecific reasons. South Front is a major one that got the hammer recently, though I think they were eventually reinstatedThe following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire! -
2020-09-08 at 1:33 AM UTC
Originally posted by netstat That's very true, but it's hard to direct traffic to a site like this or a personal site when most people know 'the internet' as 5 big companies plus whatever comes up in the first page of heavily SEO'd google results. I'm happy to see this place still around and the work Lanny and others have put in is appreciated, but when was the last time it attracted a new member who wasn't a totse or DH refugee? Totse became popular back in the day because the web was very decentralised and people went online expecting to have to stumble across a number of different pages before they found something interesting. Now they just search for a subreddit or facebook page and that's depressing.
There's some validity in that. I domain blocked reddit on my computers, just because I kept using that as a central hub and it was fully MORALLY SUPERIOR BEINGed.
But at the same time, decentralising doesn't need the majority of internet users. A small fraction of users using decentralized stuff is still a lot more people that were online at all back in 1997 when totse became a forum.
We don't have to win a popularity contest, just be a viable alternative. -
2020-09-08 at 1:43 AM UTCFuck this god damn internet QVC lookin ass hidden fee havin ass click bait terrorist propaganda actin ass world wide web of lies.
2020-09-08 at 4:02 AM UTC
2020-09-08 at 4:12 AM UTC
2020-09-08 at 3:14 PM UTCedited for privacyThe following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
2020-09-08 at 4:58 PM UTC
Originally posted by netstat What exactly do you think this is evidence of? It only shows that more conservatives are buttmad and believe without evidence that they're being discriminated against.
It shows that the majority of Americans believe big tech censors political views regardless of party affiliation. -
2020-09-08 at 5:03 PM UTC
Originally posted by Speedy Parker It shows that the majority of Americans believe big tech censors political views regardless of party affiliation.
It's interesting how the only response to this right now is "oh these are private companies goy".
Culturally we believe very much in free speech, and distrust very much when finance capital tries to stop our communication, whatever the reason. -
2020-09-09 at 2:47 PM UTCThe following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
2020-09-21 at 6:22 AM UTC
Originally posted by MORALLY SUPERIOR BEING 2020 IV: Intravenous Soyposting The 90s had totse, erowid, bluelight, rotten, a zillion newsgroups, etc.
Nowadays it's all controlled and about money and making you feel bad.
i noticed that a long time ago, the question now is how to destroy these normie cesspits and expel them from cyberspace?
4chans troll army failed, a handful of freedom fighting hackers got lengthy prison sentences when they tried, what can we do? maybe a meme war? figure out a trendy way to mock and shame the phenomenon?
i mock everyone i know in real life for using fecesbook and rub it in their face how pathetic and submissive they are for loving to be censored and controlled but it is not enough, they continue to behave as if it is my loss to not have their retarded company that i couldnt give two shits about.
do we just need to accept the fact that the normies themselves are the jedis troll army and that we are simply outnumbered? -
2020-09-21 at 6:42 AM UTCThe internet has been scrubbed. There are are tons of pages that never get index anymore. What is worse than the lies they tell us is the truth they hide from us.The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
2020-09-21 at 5:43 PM UTCedited for privacy
2020-09-22 at 1:20 PM UTC
Originally posted by netstat At this stage it would be an effort on par with uncle ted trying to take down technological society. These cesspits are the way the internet - and the world - is now. Majority of people either want it this way or grudgingly accept it, even if we think it's stupid and detrimental and might be willing to take action. Not enough of us exist to make a difference.
Perhaps not, and if we're going to be blackpilled on the issue, maybe those of us who have the required knowledge and experience to do so should begin setting up our own infrastructure through various technologies. At least then when the internet as we've known it ceases to exist we will have our underground networks and resources. At least then we can have a place for us specifically, where we control who gets to use our services and platforms. Of course it will be much smaller in scope than the mainstream variety, but it really doesn't matter. We can preserve our 'culture' for lack of a better term in such a fashion, and aggregate more knowledge, skills, and everything else that is important to us and our interests.