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Posts by Sophie

  1. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by aldra anyone using nukes will put an immediate end to MAD, after which there's no line between nuclear and conventional weapons so nuclear countries will just start popping them off in conflicts for lulz.

    That's why ((certain think-tanks)) have been talking about tactical (vs strategic) nuclear weapons these last few years - 'if the nuke is small enough it shouldn't count'

    The Vinny Argument: I have a small penis therefore the sodomy charges should be dropped.
  2. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    They did storm The White House.
  3. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Ghost Ya I assume people aren't trading it for pills and eating the pills but who the fuck eats opiate pills instead of shooting them

    Morphine just has shit bioavailability if you're not smoking it as part of opium, or mainlining it. I hate needles but i'll break out the rigs if i get morphine ampules.
  4. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Wouldn't happen…if 1 nuke was dropped on Kiev by Russia the rest of the world would get mad and protest, that's about it.

    Sure, but Poland is NATO article 5 would trigger.
  5. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Wariat if he nukes poland it will be the end of all russia for eternity.

    It would also be the end of pretty much civilization. Even if your nuclear capabilities are much more sophisticated than those of Russia(They are not) Russia still has Dead Hand that'll auto nuke a list of targets if Supreme Command doesn't send a 'lol don't nuke the world'. Every N amount of minutes. And if Supreme Command and somehow all high ranking military officials get vaporized there will be no one sending that message to Dead Hand.
  6. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Equivalent dose of Morphine compared to Fentany isn't in the micrograms. As a rule of thumb you can count 50ucg fent as 10mg Oxy, 15mg Morphine and that's lowballing it. Fent is potent af.

    If you have say 4 doses of street fent left you should get 4 doses morphine going by the estimate i posted above. That would be fair. But i would only accept ampules of morphine, because if you are not mainlining your morphine then why the fuck do you even have morphine, ya feel me.
  7. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    True enough. I guess we'll see what happens next.
  8. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Kafka

    Regarding point 8 it's all they could do really. Which i guess point 10 kind of addresses.
  9. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Re-evaluated strategy or started a second phase of their overall plan to achieve their strategic goals.
  10. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Ghost I feel the same. As long as it doesn't have cum in it I'll drink it

    Or half smoked cigs.
  11. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by aldra oh shit nigger Russia's calling in 300k veteran reservists, that roughly triples the size of the operation

    Damn, and yeah those were the rumors i was hearing.
  12. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by aldra Both sides are *officially* quite quiet on what's going on.

    Unofficially the Izium offensive took a lot of territory because it was meant as a pincer attack to encircle the Russian forces there and inflict massive casualties, but they telegraphed it enough that Russian forces were able to withdraw their (smaller) armies East to the river (add river name when I remember) where they have dense indirect fire units.

    If you believe the Russian chatter, the AFU have suffered massive casualties in these counteroffensive which is why Kiev has said little about their status outside of the territory they've retaken - Russia has a huge advantage when it comes to indirect fires and these ground attacks have been massive troop and armor movements across the open steppe. The downside is that they've essentially abandoned those cities to the AFU's brutal purges of 'Russian collaborators', which is going to cause them major problems with 'hearts and minds' in any territory they move into, and especially if/when they retake the Izium region.

    There are rumours of the AFU committing significantly more forces to the region to push the offensive but I haven't seen anything concrete.

    AFU dun goofed. Also them being zealous in purging any perceived pro-Russian elements, will be good for Russia in terms of PR. Russia is very good at narrative control, and i mean locally where it matters most. Like you said hearts and minds. Which is, i believe, the reason they have been very specific and restrained in their use of force.

    When you go down the road of tyranny, more tyranny is the only way to keep control. Put in context, that means your enemy is more likely to be regarded as liberator than as invader.
  13. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    IPA's. Craft. I don't really care, beer is beer.
  14. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by troon "I don't think you're the devil's spawn … I don't think you…."

    "You selfish degenerate pedo, selfish degenerate pe…."

    sorta, it's a bit of a mixed bag

  15. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Wanna hear a secret? There's ban on Russian oil and gas across Europe right? Obviously this situation is untenable. So what do they do? I have it on good authority Russian tankers are meeting up with BP tankers in international waters and pumping over their cargo. IDK how they cook the books to make that work but the BP tanker then goes to port and has it's manifest list the oil/gas as coming from a different country whereupon it is unloaded at the port of Rotterdam or Antwerp and transported across the EU.

    It's a good way to save face, but disastrous economic policy, especially because you gotta black market your oil and gas now which will mark it up significantly and the money is still going to Russia. In fact more of it.
  16. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by mmQ Heard. I don't care about guns like you just said yeah. Just never cared lol. They are what they are. They aren't going away, I know that. Sometimes I wonder why my country pretends like they're gonna get them all taken away.

    Politics obviously. "Shall not be infringed" is pretty clear to me.

    Anyway i like weapons, always have, i bought a second hand folding knife at school when i was 14. Making fireworks 'bombs' when i was 15 lel.
  17. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Misconfigured and vulnerable docker clusters, kubernetes, etc. You can Masscan and/or Zmap the internet for those that are facing the internet. Or Shodan it. Linux cloud/container(and Kube) solutions are being leveraged to maliciously run crypto miners.

    I guess it must pay dividends because there are a few groups dedicated to this strategy. It's some initial investment but if it works out at scale that's a lot of passive income. But how many successful engagements does it take to make it worth it?

    I don't know, but being interested in Linux malware myself i have a passing interest in this kind of stuff as well.

    Also i don't really use Kubernetes, so i couldn't tell you how2cryptominer it. Just so you know.

  18. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    It's a recipe for a virtuous, harmonious and unified Nation State.
  19. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by mmQ It was my life savings that I was all in with, and then I won.

    I'm obviously just kidding. What's up?

    I know you're kidding, silly. And i'm up, got some speed. It's very cheap here anyway and being sober is lame. Also, i don't figure you're much of a gun guy. But i was making ammo, because it's in very low supply on the nigger markets. It's pretty easy, just labor intensive if you don't have certain tools.
  20. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Donald Trump Yes it does. You accept a nice lucrative employment with RT because you are getting paid well and you know Russia is basically harmless.

    Next thing you know Russia is invading the fucking Ukraine. This is totally unexpected, like Australia invading New Zealand.

    Cos they were morally disgusted by what they seen and wanted to nope the fuck out of there, spend a fortnight in bed feeling sick with themselves, and never have anything to do with RT or Putinism ever again.

    I follow a Russian girl on Youtube, Granted she lives closer to Vladivostok than Minsk. She generally just walks around places she visits talks about things, slice of life stuff. Anyway, she talks about the war and the domestic effects in her area. And prices haven't changed, almost everything is the same, but the younger people like college age, feel the war is pretty bad, including her. She thought it was wrong and even considering moving out of Russia.

    She also said a lot of people around her age are leaving. I figure this is going to cause a bit of brain drain if it's systemic and not just in her area.
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