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Posts by Sophie

  1. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Was the Medusa induced stone really that fragile that it would break into "small shards" upon a simple toppling over? I guess maybe that was her gig, like she knew the stone was feeble and would break so very easily, rather than a strong compound that could withhold a simple tumbling over and potentially give way for time to pass and the statue-state to…go away? I mean, if they turned to stone and they couldn't get turned back. then it wouldn't really matter the composition of the stone and it would probably be for fun for everyone if it wasn't able to crumble apart, rather the victims would remain entombed in their solid state forever, for the general public's amusement as well as Medusa herself. I always figured someone who would want people to shatter into little pieces would go with the ice approach. I don't know.

    Medusa didn't choose to be able to turn people to stone with a look, she used to be beautiful so Poseidon raped her and in a classic case of blame the victim Poseidon's lover Athena cursed Medusa with a face so hideous the mere sight of it would turn anyone to stone.

    True story, well at least according to the mythology.
  2. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Even if they aren't true it's still fun to watch Specky boy overreact to them.

  3. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Cool, but i'm passed the fact totse is no more. But no spinoff would be complete without a link to the totse archive.
  4. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I wonder if there's any substance that can make someone (semi) permanently bald without doing (too much) damage to them. Just for my own amusement.

  5. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    There goes your insecurity again. Calling on an imagined majority in a meanigless one on one verbal exchange with a total stranger online indicates you don't feel up to the task all by your little self.

    Eh, calling someone insecure and calling on an imagined audience would imply you have intimate knowledge of his psychological processes, your statement is self defeating however since later on in the sentence you call yourself a stranger on the internet, and as you know stranger implies a lack of intimate knowledge about the other person.

    Carry on though i just had to point that out, lol.
  6. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    .The only real issue here is your apparent tunnel vision and selective criticism.

    It might be selective criticism but since everyone agrees it is fair to assume it holds a great degree of truth, fagthrall.
  7. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    This is juden talk sploo.
  8. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    The fuck's wrong with you?

    He's lying, he just doesn't want to put any effort in.
  9. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    This video was made with you specifically in mind, Psycho. Watch this. It's you, to the letter.

    Interesting video doesn't sound entirely right for psychopaths in general however. But thanks, these things you call me, psycho, pedo whatever, you think they're insulting but they're actually not.
  10. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Fair enough. I should have said "While your mind may boggle at notion of helping perfect strangers I think most people are fairly well acquainted with, at least, the idea of obligations to others". You think we're obligated not to throw children into bodies of water, I think we're obligated to pull them out..

    That's a very apt way of putting it and i agree but i'd more than likely pull a drowning child out of a body of water regardless, lol.
  11. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
  12. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    It would take some technical knowledge to set up and run. I don't have a link, but I think I may have read an article stating that this has all been patched and wont work. As far as getting the software onto the victims machine, are there any tutorials? I know it's asked a lot, but I have never really paid attention to it in the past.

    After you build an agent with the options you have defined in the 'factory' as they call it you're going to have an executable. What you can do then is encode the executable to bypass AV(Even if it has definitions for this particular trojan) using this totally awesome python tool or something similar-> PeCloak and then bind the executable to a legitimate one using exejoiner and spread via your desired vector. Torrents, social engineering or whatever, maybe you could even set up a website that gives an innocent looking popup with an option to click 'ok' then when it is clicked it downloads and executes your implant.
  13. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I've done H and oxys in the past. Tramadol doesn't compare to neither, but I still consider the high pretty intense. The side effects are something else though. I've had a head ache and digestive problems for the past two days.

    That sucks, maybe you're extra sensitive to it's SNRI effects? Since you mentioned intesne euphoria as well...
  14. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Yup this decides it I'm never using a computer again shits gonna get real cray real quick.

    Installing and getting this software to function properly does not strike me as a task just anyone with a computer could achieve.
  15. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    And yet I was still posting freely the entire time. Just goes to show how truly impotent you really were, and still are.

    You're talking to me about impotence spectral? Really? Really? Lmfao.
  16. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    267GB, goog god.

    This may help in understanding how this works…

    Lol the data dump has a lot of other crap including some rootkits and 0days that have since been patched unforunately. Might be fun to write a metasploit module for them regardless for the times you encounter an unpatched system.

    Good link by the way.
  17. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I don't think a person is obligated to care for their own parents per se (seeing as some people may not be able to), but I do think that people who are too old to work or don't need to work anymore are owed a certain quality of life by the society as a whole, in so far as that society is able to care for them. While your mind may boggle at notion of helping perfect strangers I think most people are fairly well acquainted with, at least, the idea of charity

    Of course and i support charity 100%, it just isn't charity if it's enforced by the government.
  18. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    And you're really not even the least bit remorseful. You nothing but a big ol' pretender, aren't you? :smug:

    Pretend what? And there's nothing to be remorseful about, well on second thought, i should have banned you way earlier at Zoklet and i shouldn't have helped Mizled remove the 5k+ infractions lanny's bot put on your account, i'm pretty remorseful about that, faggot.
  19. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I deleted my account because Metaphysicist became a weak, coddling, hand-holding, pandering little bitch. I don't contribute or conspire or assist anything which is controlled by self-confessed anti-Totse enemies of the Temple. They can just eat shit and die. I'll never fold. I'll never surrender my integrity. I'll never lay down like a dumb dog in the road for anyone, even Metaphysicist, who I still consider somewhat of a friend. You could offer me one million dollars in cash to betray the Temple, and I would spit in your face. So, of course, I deleted my account. Not going to help any deliberate asshat do anything at all to muddy up the spirit of a once-great nation. Ever.

    No one cares Spectral.
  20. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    What exactly does this software do?

    Complete take-over of computer systems, including mobile phones. Though mainly it's used for eaves-dropping. This is some NSA grade shit :)
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