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Posts by Sophie

  1. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    you IV, which is a whole different ballgame

    I don't really IV, only thing i ever injected was pharm grade morphine solution.

    also, the regular run-of-the-mill seeds, the ones you need to do lbs of, aren't that euphoric

    but there are some seeds out there that are strong as fuck, and I have never felt euphoria like that, ever. Like I normally do 2 lbs or so, but with the good seeds, 8 oz is enough

    I used to have decent drug hookups for anything I wanted, crack, meth, cheap pills, at one point I was getting the oblong methadone 10's for 3 bucks a piece in bulk.

    I need to try methadone some time.

    but our town's drug task force decimated my peer group, they are all literally dead or in prison, and I was hesitant to make new contacts for fear of informants. I mean, these were people I have known for years, I wasn't about to try to do business with a bunch of strangers 20 years younger than me.

    as time went on I became more and more isolated from the local drug scene, and now I only have very sporadic, unreliable hookups for opiates

    Sucks man, i know someone with an oxy script that hooks me up.

    PS I dislike fentanyl quite a lot, it only lasts an hour, at most. I prefer duration over intensity, and I hate to nod.

    Just stick a piece of patch under your tongue and it will last a decent amount.
  2. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    today she liked a youtube comedy video. wtf, i was trying to make her depressed and yesterday i tried to convince her there was spyware on her phone why is she liking funny videos if she's sad?? do you think she cares? halp :(

    Post her FB.
  3. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I am a quantum physicist.

  4. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    As far as not shitposting goes you are the best on here. Your tech shit is always a good read.

    Thanks bruh.

    you made an entrance like you were an old user, who knew us already, so that is why I thought you were an alt. but if you say you aren't, then I guess I believe you. nice to meet you, I'm motherfucking crazy mike.

    And yeah, i'm half convinced thelittlestnigger was with us at least on redfern under another handle.
  5. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I take it sometimes, i usually get Meang Da and dose 7.5g slowly simmered over indirect heat for 20 to 30 minutes with a little citric acid to aid in dissolving the active ingredients and to improve taste. I strain it and drink the 'tea' it's pretty decent but nothing compared to pharm grade opiates.
  6. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    seed juice is the only oral dose opiate I have ever had, that makes me fall over on the floor saying 'oh my god… god….' as waves of pleasure ripple down my arms and legs

    even ms contins don't even come close

    Lol, i've done poppy seeds myself, i like oxy and fentanyl more. But then again i was addicted to fentanyl so i am probably biased.
  7. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Well if it works for you, i mean, i'd just get something else personally.
  8. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support

    that's not counting the fifty bucks I spent on weed every five days or so.

    If i had 500 bucks to blow each month i'd buy some better drugs than poppy seeds.
  9. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    over five hundred bucks a month on seeds

  10. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Zok is half jedi, I'm just sayin'…

  11. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
  12. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    dang man, looks like i didnt make the squad.

    You'll always be number one for me. Here's a lucky star for you.

  13. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    They're in the country illegally aren't they?
  14. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    That's amazing! The same thing happened to the real Spectral. On 08JAN09 Jeff Hunter killed the real Spectral because he was l337 and kept hacking mod accounts. Ever since then Jeff Hunter has been living in a remote cabin in Eastern Pennsylvania preting to be Spectral to avoid being charged with murder. He closed Totse the following day ti create the confusion and distraction necessary to hide his foul deed.

    Not only that, it is rumored that Zok is actually illuminati and that Zoklet was an elaborate psyop to study each and every one of us to better understand elements of dissent within the broader community.
  15. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I'd slam 4-methylaminorex and desomorphine. That shit would be glorious.
  16. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Hawking knows.
  17. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    The good aliens have complete backups of the entire planet and everything on it, going right back to the world's creation, including backups of all the species we have killed off, and backups of all humans who have been killed off throughout history, including their personalities, appearance, traits, strengths and weaknesses, right down to every single atom in their bodies and every hair on their heads. Their highly advanced molecular and genetic technology, coupled with powerful computers, allows them to bring back anything at all to a state which it was, including the dead. This is how Jesus was able to raise persons from the dead, walk on water, feeds thousands on a few fishes and a few loaves of bread, and instantly heal sicknesses and injuries. They have been keeping a meticulous account of every single action and every single atom on our planet since the creation of the world. There is nothing they don't know about every single one of us.

    Quoted for future ridiculing purposes. Smoke more crack spectral i really think it's good for your brain.
  18. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Python is the best thing since sliced bread.

    There you go. I hear it's better for newcomers to start with python 3+ however i find that a lot of the materials i use are written in 2.7, the syntax is a little different but starting with the newest will be best i reckon. Personally i have the interpreter for 2.7 and 3+ but i find myself working in 2.7 mostly for one reson or another.

    Also, python is dank as shit, everyone i talk to says it's an excellent general purpose language and i find it very forgiving to get into.
  19. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    We spent time together a few hours in public every day and we were close enough that the adults in the room didn't care whether I was a pedophile or not (I'm actually not, by the way) because they figured it was tr00 love anyway. Seriously you have to be pretty fucking charming to hang out with a 13 year old girl exclusively and have not a single person/50 year old lady coordinator bat an eye or express any concern whatsoever. Even her mom knew and didn't mind (lol wat). I was more or less the only person she talked to. She had a group of friends but she told me she didn't really like them, and when I asked her a month or two ago whether we were friends she said "you were literally the only person who hung out with me last summer" so it's almost like everyone else there was irrelevant to her except me. I may have mattered to her way more than I think I do but I'm too insecure to go with the benefit of the doubt so it's easier to go into "give chicks PTSD so they remember you forever" mode

    1. The older people didn't give a shit because 18 and 13/14 isn't that weird. 2. You should be a pedo because little girls are awesome. 3. If she really liked you so much then you're an asshole for treating her the way you do.

    If it's 'remember me forever' you are after you need to understand that positive experiences leave a much more salient impression on people. Do you really think 70 years from now when she's old and dying she's gonna think: 'Oh yeah that kid sploo he was such a dick to me, lol, good times'. I think not.
  20. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    i singlehandedly cracked a pentagon file by spamming 1 and 0 a million times in textedit

    Have you ever opened a random file in text editor? It's not as if everything is coded in binary lol.
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