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Posts by Sophie

  1. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    thread title makes me physically uncomfortable

    Meh, trypophobia is worse. Also now i'm not returning to this thread in case someone posts trypophobia pictures, pls dnt. pls
  2. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I got banned from /b/ for posting OC child porn of my 13 year old girlfriend at the time.

    OC CP, bruh... BRUH
  3. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I think Lanny doesn't give a shit… Can we order pizza for everyone instead?

  4. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I had a meeting and went to see my mom later, now i'm home high off adhd medicine, shitposting just like you.
  5. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Oplus is going to tear you a new one.
  6. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Real niggas start off with BASIC and binary

    COBOL and asm tho.
  7. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Le Granted, but it's a 10 year old boy that "she" looks like. Also she's paralyzed from the waist down and has a massive speech impediment to match her IQ of 73.

    I wish I was immune to the negative side-effects of mass alcohol consumption and cigarette smoking.

    Granted, but your self-destructive tendencies compel you to pick up a more destructive meth habit. I wish my 18yo gf that looked like a 10yo was an actual girl, not paralyzed and had a high IQ (-_-")
  8. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Nice work, you seem to be getting pretty good with python.

    Omg, senpai noticed me. Thanks bruh appreciate it. Also at RisiR i can make it so it randomly selects responses from a list of predefined strings. Also interesting you should mention clever bot, there are a number of machine learning modules for python but that's way above my paygrade tbh fam.
  9. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Bump. This is interesting. I want you tech guys to talk about this.

    I don't even fucking web dev, but you should read LiquidIce's post about the subject somewhere here in T&T i found it very insightful.
  10. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support

    True story.

    I seem to meet a disproportionate amount of girls that have been molested when they were young, kek, now i'm not saying aliens...
  11. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Your wish has been granted. But the fish OP caught an arothron hispidus and when he served it to you you died of tetrodotoxin poisoning.

    I wish Donald Trump gets elected and makes America a fascist nation. Mussolini style bitches.

    Granted but you get executed along with a bunch of beaners due to a paperwork fuck up. I wish i had a 18yo gf that looked like a 10yo.
  12. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Giv me the solution because you luv me

    You already know the solution, what changes your IP without being TOR? Also, proxychains...
  13. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Test failed. Better link another auto-mechanics guide to convertables...
  14. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Man, don't fuck with the gratuity system. You won't profit like you think, see Lanny's posts. Servers rely on it and you're just going to make their lives more difficult.

    Perhaps they should get some marketable skills and go work a real job then, fuck tipping.
  15. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I logged in just to thank.

    This is one of my biggest gripes about college (and it's not just computer programming). It's basically the entire institution. The reality is that having a college degree is needed to do basic service jobs like being a McDonald's manager, so everybody goes. Not to sound like ol' -Spectral here but, if you have the spirit of totse, you're always independently learning, reading, and challenging yourself anyway. You've got to remember, for a lot of these kids showing up at school, this is the first time they're actually really reading material that they have to put forth effort to understand.

    When you think about it, it's kind of hilarious that so many of us as fifteen year old kids had better study skills than many "adult" college students. What's even more funny is that society is so busy enshrining mediocrity and turning most jobs/schools into adult daycare centers that we wouldn't stand out. "Oh, so you're an independent reader who thoroughly taught yourself abstract concepts of organic chemistry on the internet when you were 15? Well, there's another candidate who sat (drank and struggled with mediocre grades) through a whole four years at a more expensive school (that she got into because she went to a nicer high school than you did). She also had an internship (where she basically fucked up the small amount of responsibility she was given for a few months), so she has more 'experience' than you, too (even though that's the closest thing she's ever had to a real job and is still not even her own person yet in her mid twenties) . I'm afraid she's a more competitive candidate at the 'job that requires independent motivation to teach yourself without being spoonfed' factory. "

    I was sitting at work the other month listening to my supervisor go through resumes to pick who she wanted to hire. Please note, we've gone through like 13 people in the last six months, so her track record is pretty fucking shitty. In fact, I almost wasn't hired, but I begged for my job and they hired both candidates (the other one left after around 30 days because she was like eight months pregnant).

    Anyway, listening to her was just cringey. It was awful. These guys have no idea what the fuck to look for. There was one prospective employee who was consistently employed for like 6 years, but she kept each job for a year because she moved a lot. The boss starts bleating, "WELL, THAT SAYS TO ME THAT SHE CAN'T KEEP A JOB. WHY WOULD SHE SWITCH SO OFTEN?!"

    Really. That's what that says to you? In a job where we can barely keep people for a fucking month because you hire stoned college kids all the time, you're going to turn somebody down because she only stays at places for about a year (with no gaps in employment history)?

    But that's the point, isn't it? This person sat through fucking college, didn't learn a goddamn thing, and wound up walking into a better job than you probably ever will because she went to such a nice school. Nevermind the fact that she doesn't know what she's doing and cost the company more money than god by hiring 13 walk outs in six months. Hello, that's over two people a month! "THAT SAYS TO ME" that she does not understand anything about people at all, and will continue to fucking fail at your job, and will continue to pass the blame to other people.

    tl;dr - Sorry if that was ranty, but I guess my point is that it isn't a meritocracy, and you'd better get used to these people who don't know shit one day being in charge of you even though you're probably way more competent.

    The American educational system sounds pathetic. In fact your whole shitty country sounds pathetic. Actually, i retract that statement, your whole shitty country is pathetic. God, i can't wait for the day the Fed prints the dollar into oblivion and everything comes tunbling down, even though europe and the rest of the world is going down with it, i'll laugh as we pass over the edge of the cliff.
  16. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    My father was a computer programmer and is now retired, but he's far from a faggot

    With the way you turned out i think we can safely say this statement is objectively false.

    inb4 damage control
  17. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
  18. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I was on my way to heaven when you died,
    I was racing up the express lane, I was cheating HOV lanes,
    I made it to the gate in record timing,
    I quickly threw my hazards on, no bother finding parking,
    I was on my way to heaven when you died.

    I was dressed in all black and I hoped,
    that nobody would notice me,
    or the bolt cutters I was hiding,
    underneath my oversized jacket,
    I snuck around the back and broke you out
    When the guards weren't looking,
    I was on my way to heaven when you died.

    But then it was all over,
    they got us surrounded,
    they beat us with batons,
    cuffed us and threw us in the car,
    when I wake up I want to talk to a lawyer,
    I demand a fair and speedy trial.

    Where do people go when they die?
    How do you keep them alive?
    How do you make sure that something like this
    won't ever happen again?
    Not to any other friends.

    How could a perfect human run out of luck,
    when there's just so many horrible people screaming
    "jackpot!", I cannot help but fear the thing I can't control,
    the things I'll never know.
  19. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    [SIZE=72px]I said, MY BODY IS READY. WHAT DO WE DO??????[/SIZE]

    Get the python interpreter and the mechanize module and follow the instructions on my github.

    To spam for the lulz.
  20. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    What is this bot going to spam? Kek

    Whatever i tell it to.
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