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Posts by Sophie

  1. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I wouldn't suck her dick

  2. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Your prediction is accurate. Hail the Holy Meth Pipe

    This is true but T&T is an outlier in terms of forums with content. I would argue it was inevitable simply because we have so many members that enjoy programming and will contribute to other members projects.

    Programming, infosec and a bit of networking but yeah mang.
  3. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    ATTN: Sophie

    This video is better than CP.

    How would you know though. That being said 6.7/10.
  4. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Then post about those "niche subjects" (read lame bullshit) or go to those niche forums. Honestly no one here is going to give a shit about your salsa or knives. We may think its cool or appreciate the recipie but if you start posting what some call content no one here is going to care and many will probably just troll your shit or go off on an unrelated tangent. Then how do you propose someone who isnt the owner improve the site? We cant fix the pm's or posts. We cant add pages or fix the buttons that are broken. All we can do is post and chat. Posting "content" isnt going to fix the site because this site isnt about "content". Its about having a good time and doing you. I post about breathing and meditation as well as science, chemistry and other topics. The only ones that really get replies are the ones about something philosophical or just complete random shitposting. I have said it before and ill say it again, by all means post about your interests and your likes but dont expect anyone to care or join in and certianly dont expect it to "fix" the site.

    T&T is pretty good for actual content though tbh fam. But that's because we got an epic team of l33t posters there like LiquidIce, aldra, SBTlauien, Oplus, Lanny(sometimes) and i do what i am able to as far as compsci goes. My l33tness may be modest but it's perpetually expanding, like a dong of infinite arousal.

    Which is objectively heterosexual by the way.
  5. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Just seems like a lot of work when we could just post a reply to a url that has an increasing integer within it.

    You're right, redundancy is bad, besides i'm still failing and i know why, so perhaps i'll look into what you are proposing. I'll get back at you in a semi expedient manner.
  6. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Energy drink breh.
  7. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    3 lines. Nap time I guess.

    Don't forget; weak bladder.
  8. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    If Bernie Sanders becomes president i'm joining ISIS.
  9. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    You can see who is thanking your posts by the notifications you get, post count is on your profile somewhere i thought. If not, well the site is broken as fuck so it's to be expected.
  10. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    If you kill the site, Arnox, you'll be killing off the last of poor Mark.

    Think the link for his obituary still works.
  11. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I'm a year clean March 8, Sophie.

    Good on you man, sucks you had to get two strokes first.
  12. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I don't understand why you're crawling for links though… You can just change the number of the post in a URL and it'll redirect to that specific thread.


    …change the "227779" to "227778"…

    …and I am redirected to…

    …change the "227778" to "227777"…

    …and I am redirected to…

    Maybe we should start bumping a shitload of old threads at the same time. Starting in this range…


    Yeah C niggas keep telling me 'bout this nifty string replace you got apparently i'm sure there's an equivalent in python, also, crawling all forum links literally takes two seconds since i'm using the sitemap just as a search engine would, only thing i have to do then is iterate over the links to enhancement them to the kind of link i need then i just pick a random link from that selection.

    Furthermore, i'm not changing my program nao you faygit, not after all the work i put into it getting list comprehension right unless i absolutely have to. I took a break btw, i still need to debug the last piece of code where it selects the proper form for posting.
  13. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Only fun part was some hot sex dreams involving my sister

    Bonus points for incest, also last you saw your fam was what 10 years ago? How old was she? Double bonus points if 14 or below.
  14. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I'm wanting to market a new type of nootropic combined with meth. I'm thinking something along the lines of 50-75mg meth with 200-300mg Phenylpiracetam, maybe some beta/choline thrown in with black pepper extract. I would market it as a work aid rather than recreational use..maybe something you pop in the morning when you're lacking sleep..

    Have fun selling excitotoxicity induced apoptosis to your customers, if you don't know what that means stop what you are doing right now.
  15. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    a mysterious gay lisp

    Maybe it's the hormones he takes? Honestly IDK, how does estrogen make you feel HTS? Serious question, not looking into getting high off estrogen i am genuinely wondering what they make you feel like, long term.
  16. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Stroke 1 Sept 08 14. #2 March 8 15. The first was a combination of OD and drowning, #2 OD.

    Jesus Christ man, maybe you should take a permanent break from the drugs, i get the sense the Universe is trying to tell you something. This makes me regret IV'ing speed the other week. Maybe the Universe is trying to tell me something instead actually, point taken.
  17. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I have over 9000 email adresses and stuff to do i'll get back to you shortly.
  18. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    What fucking sucks!!!!

    Is when you write a semi long decent ass post…. and this shit fuckin jedis you hardcore… and what you wrote is now fucking gone.

    Soph PM me, I got some CRAZY shit to tell you! lol…

    PMs don't work, plus you never deliver anyway, lel.
  19. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    lol recipes

    lol pedophilia

  20. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Didn't that greek symbol thing be on Zoklet? Or was that someone else?

    It's called Epsilon you uneducated [insert generic internet insult].
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