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Posts by Sophie

  1. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support

    Calm down. I have nothing more. If you want all eliza content you should contact archiver chum on mchan, he's assembling a database of eliza pics and vids.
  2. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Sophie: Benji, got the uKnowKids DB? I've been asking around but no dice

    Benji: Whatcha need the db for?

    Sophie: uhm.. research purposes...
  3. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    [greentext]>1.8 million images, kek. Dank OC right there.[/greentext]

    Toppest of KEKs ……GetOutOfMyHead.gif

    HOLY… SHIT! haha

    Someone somewhere must have a copy, or atleast a portion! …I'm not gonna say, I wouldn't wanna just skim thru and have a look-see… lel

    Probably nothing too serious, but i'm sure they had lolis too. Plus facebook accounts, just add them to your friends list on your fake fb, for a rainy day. I'll ask Benji in DM on twitter.
  4. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Are threads like this going to get me put on a watchlist if I don't TOR?

    Pretty sure you'll be fine.
  5. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Random. :(

    Dang, she's so cute. Perfect age too. I'd cuddle her intently.
  6. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Trying the baking soda + vinegar

    Do you even chemistry? Water and carbondioxide are useless, and unless you're preparing buffer solution sodium acetate is useless as well.

    2CH3COOH + Na2CO3 --> 2CH3COONa + H2O + CO2

  7. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    just put huge positively charged magnets on the bottom of your kraft and on the top of the water

  8. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    No, it's a contradiction you idiot.

    Your autism is showing, you act humble to improve your standing with people who appreciate humilty, acting humble doesn't mean you actually are humble and constantly saying how awesome you are just makes you look like an insecure tryhard.
  9. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
  10. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    this isn't 2011 with your lurkmoar shit, it's just fucking childish lmao
    chans are the universal standard for social and mental retardation; all retards are judged as chan+x, where chan is the baseline level of how retarded you are, and how many cocks you'll happily take on a single day


    Oh lighten up you.

  11. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    do you really mean to imply that it is not a desirable trait to be humble?

    It is.
  12. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support

    seriously though I have no idea what's going on in merkel's head outside of 'retarded nonsense'. I suspect she wants to leave a 'motherhood' legacy, but she's doing it at the cost of her country and I can't imagine she doesn't see that. one of the more popular 'conspiracy' theories is that it's the culmination of the coudenhove-kalergi plan culminating in the eradication of national culture which, in a sense, has been a goal of the EU from the start.

    as for the jedis, they only have 'everything they want' because they're actively manipulating other countries, specifically the US into funding and arming them, along with shielding them from international criticism over their overt crimes.

    They do very much stand to gain from instability everywhere - what they do, how they operate and the country's very existence are wrong and immoral and the only way they're able to get away with it is to manipulate world powers that can protect them from criticism. The rest of the world isn't able to form a united front against them and their attack dog if it's too busy tearing itself apart.

    Good post, Zionism is cancer.
  13. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    By the way Sploo, reading about how you treated that one girl again did make me pretty angry. Just thought you should know.
  14. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I'm wondering what I must've had going for me back then to be able to be the most despised poster on the worst forum on the internet. How could you feel bad about that? That takes mad skillz. But do you have any idea what I must've been doing then to piss everyone the fuck off? My theory is since I started posting when I was 12 everyone got butthurt that a 12 year old had more cool points on them and made them feel that their lives were worthless. Then when I was 16 I was about the threshold age, got addicted to the worst drug in the worst which gave me kudos with the BLTC crowd, and got the usertitle "Lovable Resident Shitposter" which was affirmation for self and others that I am indeed, not only worthy of love, but a glowing rift of love to be siphoned for transcendence and euphoria.

    As you recall, BLTC was serious business for about half the posters and all the mods. You usually posted incoherrent ramblings at least to towards the end of Zoklet, and that just kind of made your image. Crazy sploo, posting crazy things.
  15. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
  16. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
  17. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    why would jedis want anything from a bunch of trailer trash? jedi conspiracy theories are basically the most retarded shit because they already have everything they'd want or need, but these dumbass rednecks think they want to take their over/under shotgun and poison their tap water with fluoride
    you know what that's called?

    I see the jedi. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  18. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    the fuck

    Lurk moar.
  19. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    This offer is still up Sophie.

    You spend mad hours trying to crack file archive passwords for CP because it gives you something to do, might as well try to score a 6/12+ and get free access to a garl with a darg

    Only because the CP was Masha. Also, cracking an archive is as easy as typing a shitpost, you just load up a wordlist and point the program at the archive then take a nap and if you get lucky you'll come back to a cracked archive.

    Also i don't believe you'll actually deliver on that promise. Also i suck at your puzzles and it doesn't come with added benefits to learn, well maybe this time it does but refer to the beginning of this paragraph for that.
  20. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    [greentext]>Implying 4chan is the shit[/greentext]

    Masterchan is where it's at son, also, channerisms are objectively dank.
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