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Posts by Sophie

  1. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    gps co-ordinates wtf

    even if you are insane enough to think this service is a good idea, why would you trust any third party with that data?

    Who knows, i should ask at baph if anyone from there got in on this shit early and saved a copy of the db. It had been up for fourtyeight days, before a researcher contacted the company.
  2. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support

    My fb is fake so i could care less. I got: Cunny connoisseur, in my bio and a picture of cat godess with the text Nastya for president 2016.
  3. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    i'm trying to build a hovercraft

    Should be easy enough.
  4. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Also lol @ phox and sanzenbacher.
  5. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Gun Lover's "I b& sploo" post was the most thanked post in Zoklet history. That was bretty hilarious, also funny you saved a screencap kek. Good jerb, i'd feel pretty bad if i got banned and the mod that did the banning got over 9000 thanks for it, lel.
  6. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Also my 7th grade GF liked it so you could use it to lure in fledgling schizophrenic hebeamajeebs

    7th grade you say.

  7. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    doesn't sound like a bad thing

    What are your interests Industrial?
  8. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support

    DB Contained:

    [greentext]>full names[/greentext]
    [greentext]>email addresses[/greentext]
    [greentext]>GPS coordinates[/greentext]
    [greentext]>dates of birth[/greentext]
    [greentext]>6.8 million private text messages[/greentext]
    [greentext]>1.8 million images.[/greentext]

    1.8 million images, kek. Dank OC right there.

    It also contained Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram account details as well as business data, trade secrets, and proprietary algorithms.

    I mean, how fucking incompetent can you be, also, this is what happens when you put your kids into Orwellian 24/7 monitoring programs.
  9. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Articles are so 1999.
  10. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    What could possibly go wrong?

    DB Contained:

    [greentext]>full names[/greentext]
    [greentext]>email addresses[/greentext]
    [greentext]>GPS coordinates[/greentext]
    [greentext]>dates of birth[/greentext]
    [greentext]>6.8 million private text messages[/greentext]
    [greentext]>1.8 million images.[/greentext]

    1.8 million images, kek. Dank OC right there.

    It also contained Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram account details as well as business data, trade secrets, and proprietary algorithms.

    Someone just walked into the server basically after uKnowKids goofed the mongoDB install.
  11. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    EVEN DOUBLE SPEED????????????

    Even triple triangle speed.
  12. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I dislike it at all speeds.
  13. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    yeah, i don't mind it too much.

    this shitpost of a thread led to more than i expected it to, i don't know if i'll actually stick around but at least i've learned a few things either way.

    Sure, feel free to hang around and shitpost some more. Also don't mind sploo, he's our lovable resident shitposter.
  14. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    i've actually never been on masterchan but going through it quickly, it does seem dismally slow. their /mu/'s taste in music is objectively poor at a glance as well lol.

    i suppose the idea of a smaller, more isolated anonymous board does have its perks though, like you said its easy to keep norms out which raises overall quality of content most of the time.

    I agree, also this place is pretty slow as well compared to 4cuck, if you get any critical errors on mchan btw don't mind them, Gadmin(Site owner) is working on it.
  15. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Bump for dank loli.
  16. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    i don't visit frequently enough to greatly understand the differences, aside from the fact that 8ch is far less heavily regulated than 4chan. I visit 4 more often because it's faster and more entertaining to sit and watch, but i do prefer 8's tendency to have weird/illegal or /x/-tier shit. i'm all for that kind of thing.

    Masterchan is even less regulated than 8chan, also the community is smaller. I actually speak to mchan /b/admin on a semi regular basis. We fag around and circlejerk on TC sometimes is why. Lots of pedos on mchan though even more so than the avarage amount you'd expect on any chan, it's good fun though, because who doesn't like cute little girls and pedoposting keeps the normies at bay. Lel.
  17. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Do you have underage prostitutes in Myanmar? Have i asked you that before, i think i did.
  18. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Well shit, Mr. Happy turned into a retard like Bling, I remember he used to be awesome :(

    He's still awesome, just smokes a lot of meth in his free time tbh.
  19. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    then perhaps it is a good thing i don't plan on freely admitting to any crimes. i understand its importance and that it has its place on a board like this, however i do not worry about it too immensely.

    Just as well, the glory days are long over, worst people admit to here is cybercrime tbh, lel.

    a unique handle and password is sufficient for me.

    It is for most people.

    and no, nothing in particular just a small forum community of about 20 that i used to frequent.

    Alright, any favorite chan btw? I never much liked 4chan, 8chan is better and masterchan is bretty fun as well imo.
  20. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    yeah hiding personal information is of course good on the internet, but imo i find conversation/discussion better when i feel that i'm talking to a real person, and anonymity diminishes that feeling substantially. i also am not super afraid of the internet. on an old board we all knew each others first/last names, ages, specific locations, what we looked like, voices, all that shit and it was completely fine.

    Of course, but totse/zoklet has been historically related to a number of criminal activities. One of the most notorious and succesful subforums was Bad Ideas,

    Freely admitting to crimes and such is best done anonimously.

    Also when you say old board are you referring to something specific?
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