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Posts by Sophie

  1. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    better version



    [greentext]>Not only does this work with cake, it also works with pi.[/greentext]

    Clever pun mQ. you get bonus points for class today.
  2. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Let's bake a cake niggers.

    Mmm, i'd fuck Stefanie but that aside, let's imagine we baked a cake with Stefanie, it can be any cake you like but it has a predetermined size and volume. Now if we were to cut the cake in half i think we can all agree the total volume of the cake would remain the same but it's surface area would have increased right? Now let's do this again with one half of the cake so we now have three pieces in total. Now if we were to cut the pieces we already cut in half ad infinitum, and stack them all up upon eachother we'd have a pretty tall cake. But not only that, we would have an infinite surface area but with a finite volume. Riddle me that batman.
  3. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I have no sex drive right now, so I'm allowed to objectively say that she starts to look like an annoying cunt at around 2:02. I hate women.

    Diagnosis: Hebephile with slight pedo overlap.

    [greentext]>Malice, you've given me a lot to think about.[/greentext]

    I can hear him creaming his pants from here.
  4. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I've genuinely never wanted to. Even during puberty I was against the concept of love, told myself I should kill anyone if I ever found I fell in love for them, felt I should restrain, attempt to eliminate any corrupting influence the human body I did not choose to be born into and its emotions held over my pure consciousness, my rational mind. I can't convey every thought I've had, every piece of data I've attained, to justify this.

    I genuinely don't think I've ever felt love or connection for anyone else.

    Well, that didn't work out well. As I've said before, if you're going against eons of evolution, you're probably going to lose. But it was still my choice, and it was an act of pure madness to isolate myself to this point for such a prolonged period of time, to deny such a fundamental of humanity to the point of self-destruction. By choosing the mode of death you supersede nature and impose death as the deity imposes creation.

    Pfft, who is this deity you speak of? Don't tell me you are deifying nature, because even if you are, choosing the mode of death imposes nothing but a fundamental law of the deity upon you. Also, talking about Gods sounds mightily deterministic. I thought you were a man of rational thought, or are you simply a product of a predetermined set of events over which you hold no moral or intellectual agency?

    In other words, don't bullshit me.
  5. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    See? Never grew up.

    Good god Sophie, trying to convert more to your kind.

    Enter, do you understand this? You are seen as so pathetic that it was actually genuinely suggested, and I assure you Sophie was not deriding you, that you abandon your pursuit of adult women and become a pedophile, explore whether you may be one. Do you understand how low you must be seen, in a board that holds the lowest of the low, those desperately clinging to a faded image within a dilapidated rotting oversized box of a drug den, some of the most vile and repulsive degenerates, to have been sincerely suggested to abandon any hope of attaining women your age and resort to becoming a pederast, preying on children?

    I was wrong, what you need to resort to isn't suicide, or even murder. You need to rape her. Hunting her down and raping her, imposing your will on her and superseding hers, forever imprinting yourself on her mind and scarring her with the pain she deserves, will bolster your ego like nothing else.

    Rape is the truest expression of mankind's soul.

    Your kind he says, converting he says. I'll have you know pedophiles constitute a significant minority.

    Furthermore a pederast only likes boys and one does not simply "become a pedophile" in the same way one does not "become gay" it's not really a choice, that being said, i'm, merely suggesting Enter try something fresh, like preteen pussy.

    Here's how you test if you're a pedo.

    At what time does this girl become sexually attractive to you? For me it's around the 1 miunute 10 seconds part, go ahead and do the test.
  6. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Ur sexually attracted to human beans that arent fully matured lel

    For some reason i don't seem to mind that fact.
  7. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    The thing that sucks is I don't even consider myself beta anymore. I get laid, I've even had a long-term girlfriend.

    I don't fucking know with women. I just don't fucking know.

    Maybe little girls are more your thing. Does this do anything for you?

  8. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support

    I'd be impressed with that choice of words if you had any sort of semblance of authority. Since apparently you do not even posses the authority over your own mind to not do shitty dollar store drugs everyday i can't say i'm overwhelmed by the power of your rhetoric.
  9. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I'm very sad.

    [SIZE=20px]I was ready.[/SIZE]

    You're one to talk, what was it you said about never so much as holding a girl's hand or kissing? Enter may be a beta edgelord but you take the fucking cake. (No offense <3)
  10. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    That is objectively the most cringiest song i have ever heard.
  11. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
  12. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I don't know. I'm not angry right now. I don't know what to feel. I'm numb.

    What if the only way to finally become free is to abandon your own existence? Will you have lived if you die tonight? Or will you live for once by taking matters into your own hands? Is uncertainty the only friend, ever present, that will wave you farewell?
  13. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    When I was walking to my car, I saw hers next to mine. I was seriously considering keying it or slashing the tire or something, but there are cameras there and on retrospect, she'd know it was me.

    Indeed, is your ego that fragile?
  14. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    To be fair, effects/affects/affecting/effecting is the hardest one.

    Really? Never had trouble with it, matter of fact, i can't write "necessary" without checking my spelling for the life of me.
  15. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Well, today was the day.

    I decided I would ask her as I was leaving. I was fine with it up until five minutes beforehand. Then when I was walking up to her I started feeling myself going red. I went to the bathroom instead and checked in the mirror – my face was fine, but my whole neck was red as fuck. I decided to put on my jacket and zip it all the way to the top. You could still see it was red.

    I had to make my skin look normal! I couldn't believe I was this nervous. I went to the drinking fountain and started drinking lots of water. I paced around in the lobby, trying to remember what the fuck I was meant to say. I had planned it out word for word just before, but now my brain was mush!

    I didn't go with the virtual reality question route. I decided to get straight to the point, and say since we're both single, why not try dating?

    So I waited around for her friends to leave, so I could ask her out privately, and went in to make my move. Most nervous I've ever been since I can fucking remember.

    Except for Malice.
  16. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Dude, come on. Disorders effecting your brain are the most terrifying. Do you remember the progression of Sara's, Harry's (main character, guy who loses arm) mother, amphetamine psychosis from the diet pills she was prescribed? I rewatched the ending yesterday and it was deeply disturbing due to the accuracy and being the most relatable. Schizophrenia, alzheimer's, parkinson's etc.

    You're pretty much done for. Unless you're planning to kill yourself once it happens, if you even can. Imagine being trapped in a hospital bed for the rest of your life, staring at the ceiling, trapped in your own mind, and who knows how terrifying and disturbing it may be in there at that point, progressively becoming worse.

    I'd totally use this as an opportunity for a full neurological checkup. You may learn valuable information that can allow you to solve your problems. Without insurance that would be insanely expensive, think of it as a positive thing, receiving something valuable for free.

    As for JWH, the problem with syncans is the lack of CBD, which counteracts many of the negative effects of THC/analogs/CB1 and 2 agonists, and has wide ranging beneficial effects on its own. It's really a shame no one ever created an analog for it, as far as I know.

    Good God Malice, it's AFFECTING the brain and it's EFFECTS were noticeable. lrn2english. This is the second time this week i have seen you make this error and it bothers me.
  17. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Economic colapse will happen mid feb of 2017. After a republican wins the election the fed will stop quantative easing and raise interest rates. Combine that with what Trump's foreign policy will be like and we will have a second great depression and WW # at the same time going on.

    Shit's gonna get real in the next 8-10 months

    Better to get off the shitty drug that's fiat currency now, than keep on printing and risk hyper inflation Weimar republic style. Best thing the government can do to expedite teh recovery is absolutely fucking nothing while the market adjusts itself. The only reason this is a big deal is because of the huge incentive to borrow money from the fed at close to 0% interest rate in the first place, misallocating resources like it's nobodies business.
  18. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Not if you make enough money to support yourself.
  19. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Last i heard Zok's cookin' crank in the midwest these days.
  20. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    [greentext]>so I slapped her and left.[/greentext]

    Kek, well she certainly had it coming.
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