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Posts by Sophie

  1. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    My problem lies here:

    Whenever I act bad, I feel guilty like I'm disappointing the universe or something.

    Whenever I act nice, it feels like I'm doing the right thing for the universe, but I know in my heart I'm going against something truthful, not to mention I feel like SUCH a fucking fag.

    Lol guilt, how does that emotion feel?
  2. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Being bad is not in any way better. Being bad serves only to perpetuate a circle of suffering, i could probably be a better person, lots of negativity in my mind though. I consider myself and the world around me fortunate i have the intellectual capacity to restrain myself(And i really don't wanna' go to prison) even though i have a hard time empathising with other people, i have yet to murder anyone but i wouldn't put it past myself when i am angry enough. Also, thankfully my evil streak fails me when it comes to little girls so that's good.

    Have you ever imagined murdering someone? Watching their eyes as the life drains away? There was a period i seriously considered murdering a random person just to see how it would feel, Le Edgemaster i know, i was 100% serious at the time though.
  3. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Ja man bijt hond op belgië 1. En prijs voor de kebab hangt een beetje van de zaak af, het goedkoopst is wel zo'n beetje 3,50-
  4. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Yeah, some things that do not compute in real life are equally impossible in a lucid dream. I remember once as i was falling asleep i descended from the clouds onto a grey landscape. I realize: Neat, i am dreaming. So i figured i would spawn a car, so i did(wut) then i wanted to flip it over for the lulz, but i couldn't lift it for the life of me, then i lost lucidity.
  5. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    There's only one person on this site that I'm better than

    Don't be so modest.
  6. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Ik heb nog niet geslapen! 't Is trouwens de eerste dag van de ramadan.. of zoals een neger ooit zei in een Surinaams accent… "Ramadan??? Jammer dan! Ha!!!!"

    Ik kijk voor 't eerst naar Kabouter Wesley. Dit is toch wel Belgisch.

    Deze is is ook lache.

    En ik heb ook niet geslapen en ja het is vlaams maar ze spreken toch nederlands. Anyway, succes met de ramadan, goh krijg toch wel trek opeens. Broodje kebab kope zo.
  7. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support

    Ik wou dat onze amerikaanse vrienden kabouter wesley konden verstaan.
  8. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Why are you making up the rules, sploo? Don't you like me?

  9. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Sharpie…? So this is your alt? Didn't you have an account on here….

    Sophie wie is deze neger?

    Gemmidelde kanker joe.
  10. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Godspeed sploo, and may the triangles forever guide your way.
  11. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Find and post whats in this picture …..I know it works.
    I will also accept the name of the person in it.

    Its nothing crazy, completely SFW.
    Just an actual persons face.

    Sorry i don't care enough.
  12. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Computer science, regular science, fapping to cp, and forums is what i do.
  13. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    The argument was not for economic health, it doesn't need to be. It was about the relative quality of life the typical american experiences and the propensity of that to incite societal collapse. I will maintain true unemployment (not having any job) is far more likely to catalyze a populace into something like revolt or whatever than being poor but again, that's not necessary. The point is that there have been far worse economic situations in the US that have utterly failed to produce anything more than a nod from legislators and some dumb, meaningless displays of anger. Hell, I might even support something like proletariat revolt but I can't think of any compelling reason for it happening in the next 10 years, certainly not in 2017 in america.

    Do you really think people being 1.2% poorer by some metric (I'd like to see an actual study to establish that number) is going to cause societal collapse? If not, and you think that's likely in the next year, then tell me for what reason.

    I don't think there will be societal collapse. Got that number from multiple sources, including The Economist and Peter Schiff, but since we're both arguing a different subject i think we can put this discussion on hold for now. Unless you wanna' talk economics that's fine with me.
  14. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support

    This lady was being killed but wasn't actually killed, it happened in the netherlands, crazy how the guys trying to fight him are doing weak ass kicks and aren't taking out guns and killing the guy (this kind of stuff will happen in america if they guns are taken away, this stuff would not happen in texas in the streets at all)
    The woman was stabbed 70 times and is now deformed and the guy only got 4 years in prison. Crazy how the cops took so long to show up.

    Eventually knives will be banned and criminals will still be able to get them, and all you will have is sticks and kiks

    Jesus Christ, anyway, this is the best i could do.

    OP you weirdo.
  15. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    You're a proud dutch black man

    Independent black women, and oooo lawdy i ain't sittin' in no back o dee bus like eet's nobodies beezness.
  16. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Goddamn, I can't decide which one I want. #2 has the sluttiest face and hair and looks like a great fuck, but #5 has the best figure and tits.

    For me it's #3.
  17. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Never, my sex drive is abnormally low and I've always been extremely selective about what I like. On the former, it's been at its deepest through in my life for the last month or few for some reason, no thoughts of sex, erections at any point, desire to masturbate or having done so for a month+ time, same for viewing porn, sex actually looking repulsive, "gross" would be the most accurate way to convey how it seems, like a child who hasn't gone through puberty.

    Very abnormal for a relatively and mostly healthy male of 26. It could be extreme lifestyle, social isolation of this degree and length has uniquely destructive effects found from nothing else (Toward a Neurology of Loneliness), possibly parts of my body, including brain, continuing to degrade, "shut down" and deteriorate. Or I could simply have abnormally low testosterone levels right now, likely from lifestyle, possibly from secondary hypogonadism due to a pituitary gland tumor. I've speculated that tumors, some pronounced neurological abnormality stable enough, effecting certain areas, to have pronounced effects yet avoid the most severe and clearest symptoms, severe headaches, particularly seizures, other signs that something life threatening is occurring.

    But enough about me, to summarize, I can't properly take this test right now. May try a SARM, HcG, AI combo eventually, possibly replacing or augmenting the SARM with test +- another AAS. Although even that may not do it without actual socialization.

    She does become pretty at age 10, at least in motion, but not in a sexual manner.



    Still, many, if they truly understood me, would describe me as having abandoned, shed, some of the most fundamental aspects of humanity, for better or worse. It's a grotesque and bizarre experience, terrifying if you realize it's your own life and this could well be irreversible, at least fully, and who knows to what extent. That, and the years past, how they develop/alter you, are forever gone.

    Dostoyevsky was an idiot.
  18. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    The usual line in undergrad math courses is "infinity is a direction, not a number". So we can say (ignoring physical constraints like atomicity) that by this process we can form a solid of arbitrary surface area and finite volume but it's not immediately clear what the qualities an object of infinite surface area would be. It brings us quickly to issues like densities of infinities, issues analogous to Hilbert's hotel. These problems aren't intractable in modern mathematics but it soon becomes apparent that addressing them is a game in formal systems that have no obvious relationship to the physical world in which cakes or hotels exist.

    Yeah yeah i know, let us just sit in our ivory towers of education while the proletariat scramble about scratching their heads.
  19. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    0% chance of societal collapse. Like what on earth could possibly catalyse that? We're economically in a better position than the 2008 recession where unemployment reached a 30 year high and there wasn't even a hint of civil unrest. The most niggers could do during the great depression was some shanty towns and marches.

    As if unemployment numbers are a reliable indicator of economic health, go ahead and check how they calculate unemployment numbers. Everyone who has a part time job is counted as employed. A better indicator of economic health are real wages which are still 1.2% below what they were at the beginning of 2009.

    The whole "it's happening!" mindset is self indulgant masturbation by people who think they can make up for their inability to integrate into modern society by surfacing some deep hidden talent for surviving in a mad max scenario. Literally the same mindset of a bullied kid who fantasizes that he's a wizard or some shit, only the nerdy ass kid actually realizes it's a pathetic dream while doomsdayers solidify their idiocy in hilarious rituals like buying guns and survival supplies or listening to shillex jones.

    Dank argument bro.
  20. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    0:52 - blood flow to flaccid penis begins
    1:48 - semi-erect - gently massaging taint
    3:50 - full on massive erection - fisting my asshole

    A true pedo chum.
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