User Controls

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Posts by Sophie

  1. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
  2. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I like your cats.
  3. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Congrats bro! Front page flush is a well beloved Niggas In Space meme.
  4. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Happy nine eleven goys, and remember. Jet fuel can't melt steel beams
  5. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    What you'd want to do is wrap a malicious shell around a critical operating system component, in such a way that Windows is unable to operate without it.

    Method: Wrap the malicious executable around the executable function itself

    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

    @=""1.exe %1" %*"

    Note: If 1.exe is removed or renamed from the system path, executable files will no longer be able to be executed

    For one you're throwing together a bunch of terminology here that really doesn't describe what you are proposing to do. Secondly if you set the key for
    [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\exefile\shell\open\command] to ""1.exe %1" %*" all you are doing is running your 1.exe whenever any other executable is called. Fixing the problem here is trivial, you just open regedit.exe and set the value back to "%1 %*". Like it's supposed to be, there, problem solved.

  6. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Lolis are awesome. Gonna' see my qt cousin today (n_n")
  7. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Suzie is too good for Johnny though.
  8. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    But its still Friday night nigga! It ain't Saturday until you fall asleep

    Yeah but time zones though. Anyway i am back, i have the feeling Lanny is going to come into this thread any moment now and he's going to tell us to use Beautiful Soup instead of Mechanize and it's an option i am keeping on the table but for simplicity's sake we'll try to keep it with mechanize for now.

    Ok, what would you like me to do? Focus on your project or do another write-up on programming basics? In any event if you have the interpreter and mechanize installed there are some preparations you need to make in order to get some info on how mechanize 'sees' the web page. So this is what you do.

    Make a new textfile and call it open it in notepad++ and hammer out the following. I'll comment on what the different pieces of code do in the script.

    # import our mechanize module
    import mechanize

    # here we create a browser object
    br = mechanize.Browser()
    # this code means we are going to ignore robots.txt, because fuck the police
    # here we are assigning a user agent to our script, because the standard python one may be blocked for fear of spam
    br.addheaders = [('user-agent', ' Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/20100423 Ubuntu/10.04 (lucid) Firefox/3.6.3'),
    ('accept', 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8')]

    # this opens our url of choice"")

    # here we have a loop to iterate over the forms available on the web page and for each form print it's name and controls
    for form in br.forms():
    print "Form name:",
    print form

    When you start this script from the commandline it's going to give you this result.

    Form name: None
    <GET application/x-www-form-urlencoded
    <SubmitButtonControl(<None>=) (readonly)>
    <SubmitButtonControl(<None>=) (readonly)>
    <HiddenControl(searchJSON=) (readonly)>>
    Form name: toolbar-search-form
    <toolbar-search-form POST application/x-www-form-urlencoded
    <HiddenControl(nodeid=133341) (readonly)>
    <HiddenControl(view=thread) (readonly)>
    <HiddenControl(per-page=15) (readonly)>
    <HiddenControl(pagenum=1) (readonly)>
    <SubmitButtonControl(btnSearch=) (readonly)>>
    Form name: None
    <GET application/x-www-form-urlencoded
    <HiddenControl(<None>=1) (readonly)>
    Form name: None
    <POST application/x-www-form-urlencoded
    <HiddenControl(nodeid=133341) (readonly)>
    <HiddenControl(view=thread) (readonly)>
    <HiddenControl(nolimit=1) (readonly)>
    <HiddenControl(per-page=15) (readonly)>
    <HiddenControl(pagenum=1) (readonly)>
    <HiddenControl(userid=0) (readonly)>
    <HiddenControl(showChannelInfo=1) (readonly)>
    <RadioControl(enhancement_time=[*time_all, time_today, time_lastweek, time_lastmonth])>
    <RadioControl(enhancement_show=[*show_all, vBForum_Text, vBForum_Gallery, vBForum_Video, vBForum_Link, vBForum_Poll])>>

    This is how mechanize sees the forms on the forum. Through interacting with the forms we can automate what we are trying to do. Change the niggas in space link to one of the questionnaire links and have the scripts iterate over the forms that are available. To control what we are doing on the website we are going to have to tell the script which forms to interact with and where to input data by means of the form controls.

    Go ahead and iterate through a questionnaire page's forms and post the results and/or the link here as well.
  9. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    No, the stuff after hello world I didn't know. So thank you for all that info, I will put it to good use. I wont forget you when I make a visual novel in python and become rich and famous from it.

    I'm trying to figure out how to reverse engineer your spam bot code for my own nefarious job searching purposes though.

    You ponder that for a while and i'll go to bed, tomorrow i'll return and write some more. Get the interpreter, get notepad++ and just try stuff. It's the best way to learn. See you tomorrow.
  10. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
  11. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    ^nigga u gayer dana lesbian

  12. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    [FONT=comic sans ms][SIZE=48px]?[SIZE=18px][FONT=arial]yes[/FONT][/SIZE][/SIZE][/FONT]

    Sweet. I'mma download it.
  13. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    He was a good goy.
  14. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I'm happy you at least appreciate the first sentence of the post that literally took one hour to write. FAGGOT

    Also mechanize just parses web pages nigger. This is exactly how i wrote muh spambot.

    import os
    import sys
    import random
    import mechanize
    import time
    import string

    # Mechanize browser and set user agent
    br = mechanize.Browser()
    br.addheaders = [('user-agent', ' Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/20100423 Ubuntu/10.04 (lucid) Firefox/3.6.3'),
    ('accept', 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8')]

    def login():
    print "[+]Logging in."

    except Exception as e:
    print "\nCould not open target URL, please reference the error message below: "
    print e

    # Select first form(login form) and set values to the credentials -
    # of the account made in advance for spamming purposes
    br.form = list(br.forms())[0]
    br["vb_login_username"] = "username"
    br["vb_login_password"] = "password"

    # Submit values for username and password fields
    response = br.submit()

    print "\n[+]Response:"
    print response
    print "[+]Selecting random URL by page/thread ID"

    # Call function to start posting

    # Function to generate a random string of digits to replace the original page/thread ID
    def digit_generator(size=5, chars=string.digits):
    return ''.join(random.choice(chars) for _ in range(size))

    def post():
    while True:
    random_url = "" + digit_generator(5, "0987654321") + ".html"
    print "[+]Selected URL:"
    print random_url

    # Reset 'random_url' value to null
    random_url = ""

    # Select 'vbform' which is the name of the quick reply form -
    # if not present we've either been banned or are otherwise -
    # unable to post in this thread
    print "\n[!]Could not find quick reply form. Unable to post on page"
    print "\n[+]Consider inspecting selected URL manually in your browser"

    choice = raw_input("Retry? Y/n: ")

    if "y" in choice:
    print "\nRetrying"
    elif "n" in choice:
    print "\nQuitting"
    print "\nUnhandled option, quitting"

    print "\nPosting message"

    # Message to spam
    br["message"] = "Spam goes here"

    # Set values for checkbox control where needed
    br[quickreply] = 1
    br[forcepost] = 1

    response = br.submit()

    print "\n[+]Response: "
    print response
    print "[+]Message was posted succesfully"

    # Handle CTRL+C
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
    print "[!]CTRL+C Caught, quitting"


  15. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    But its the same website redirection for 3-4 different stores and its the same questions. I have read them so many times I am designing software to answer them for me.

    Yeah how the hell do I make a software like this. I will press a button and it sees the word "City" "Postal Code" on the web page it will auto fill the box with whatever I tell it to.

    And it will read these dumb ass questions and select the correct answer "strongly agree/disagree". I don't even know where I would start to make something like this.

    ALSO THOSE FUCKING "CHECK all boxes of hours available" and there are 30 little boxes to click and no "any or all time/day" box. Im so sick of wasting my time on this crap.

    If they want to hire a robot so bad I will become a robot.

    All I know is it needs read certain words/phrases and be able to interact with very simple HTML like buttons and boxes

    Good luck making a program that will literally comprehend text on a screen. The answers will have to be pre-programmed into the software. What we can do however is have the program comprehend HTML/Javascript. You start by getting everything you need to run and write python. Since you're on windows you should download Notepad++ next up you download the python interpreter

    When you get the option to set python to the environment variables you will click the little bawx so that it's checked.

    After everything is installed you go to a directory, let's say C:\Users\MrHappy\PythonPractice and you're going to make a new text file. Call it, open it with notepad++ and hammer the following text.

    print "Hello World!"

    Type it don't copypasta, you need to remember this. Save the file. Are you ready? Click that fat round windows start icon and search for cmd.exe to open up a commandline. Type in the following command.

    REM 'color a' is essential in this lesson, also ignore this line, in the windows shell REM means REMARK, it's how you comment batch files.

    color a

    cd C:\Users\MrHappy\PythonPractice

    If your commandline just spit out "Hello World!" in greentext.

    Congratulations recruit. You have reached Rank 2 "Skid".

    [SIZE=28px]1. Managing Modules[/SIZE]

    Python is like coding with cheat mode on. There's a lot of work that will be done for us, a module is a program that we can borrow functionality from. For our purpose, we will need a module to interact with websites. There's an awesome module for this and it's called Mechanize. To get a module that is not preinstalled with the interpreter setup you downloaded you can use Python's built in package manager called pip.

    Open up a commandline and enter the following commands.

    REM 'color a' is optional in this lesson
    REM PROTIP: be a rebel today and try color b for a change

    cd C:\Python27\Scripts

    pip install mechanize

    If all went well your commandline will tell you that it has successfully installed the proper module. Sophie's top tip of the day: When in doubt about the syntax or functionality of a module, check out the docs for some light reading. If the docs don't have the answer, stackoverflow will

    Remember, if you can think of it, someone else has made a module for it.

    [SIZE=28px]2. Import Statements & Syntax[/SIZE]

    Today we will learn about import statements and some basic syntax. Like mentioned in the previous lesson in python we use modules to borrow all sorts of functionality for our own program. In IT being lazy is called being efficient however being efficient doesn't necessarily involve being lazy. To use a module in python we import it or we import parts of it. Make a textfile called and open it up in notepad++. Hammer out the following.

    # REEEEE! in python, we comment with hashtags, ignore this line, the interpreter will do so as well
    # shebang lines are a special case but you need not concern yourself with that at this point in time

    # here we will import our module called datetime
    import datetime

    # the program would be pretty useless if all we did was import a module so let's do something with it
    # let's hammer out a variable called 'timestamp' and assign a value to it.

    timestamp =
    print timestamp

    Ok hold on to your pants it's about to get technical. The variable 'timestamp' has been assigned the value of is a function from the 'datetime' module that returns the current date and time. Makes sense right? So what we are telling the interpreter here is basically this: From the module 'datetime' go to the class called 'datetime' and call the function 'now()'. Once you understand this principle, the world of Python will make a lot more sense.

    Ok, so now that you know that go ahead and CD to your PythonPractice directory and run the script.

    cd C:\Users\MrHappy\PythonPractice

    If your commandline just spit out the current date and time everything went well.

    Closing notes on import statements.

    There are several ways to import things in python. The most common is simply import [module_name]. If you wish to import a specific class from a module you can do the following in example.

    from datetime import datetime

    Now you have just the class imported and you could assing your variable thusly: timestamp = Alternatively you can make an alias for your module like so.

    import datetime as dt

    Now the syntax is, are you starting to see a pattern? Lastly you can also do wildcard imports.

    from datetime import *

    This is bad practice though so don't do it, or you will bring great shame upon your python dojo. Go ahead and take the code snippet from before and change up the way you do imports to get familiar with it. If you consistently get the date and time when you run the script, then congratulations.

    [SIZE=20px]"The Force Awakens"[/SIZE]

    This all might seem irrelvant to what you are trying to accomplish, but trust me you need to know the basics, it will benefit you greatly in moving on to different programs and modules and such. If you enjoyed this read i would be happy to continue later.
  16. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    This Halloween i will walk into a bar. Except i won't, a prerequisite of movement being three-dimensional space, which is merely an illusory construct of pure intuition.

    That's right, i'm dressing up as Kant this Halloween.
  17. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    You might want to see a doctor about that.
  18. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    oh no thay fogrot to do the washing up i shall have to pull in 1` mill insurance bux

    It's called 'the dishes' britfag.
  19. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support

    Is it Kiniro Mosaic?
  20. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I could probably make this software. I do seem to remember that you wanted to learn how to program right? This seems like an awesome opportunity to learn muh nig. How about it? I'll even help you get started and troubleshoot and stuff.
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