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Posts by Sophie

  1. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    tfw deleted posts count in my view of post numbers and I'll never see the same get as anyone else


    Can you believe we already have 4444+ shitposts itt.
  2. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    You are boring and have to use TOR

    TOR is for pussles, i post cp bare-ip.
  3. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Who gives a shit if there's warehouses springing up in the dessert?
  4. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support


  5. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
  6. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support

    So you're saying she would be wrong? What if she argued that personhood is a philosophical problem and not simply a matter of definition or isn't species dependent? What is wrong about that?

    Yes i am saying she would be wrong. And saying: "Oh no, but you see, it's a philosophical question". Is a slippery slope, because we could just as easily extend this to everything. Before long we'd call everything something else than what it actually is.

    She can consider this cat to be a person and that doesn't fundamentally change anything about the properties of the cat, so why shouldn't she consider it to be a person?

    I can consider you a dumbass and you could consider me an idiot but that doesn't fundamentally impact our individual intelligence. And if calling X, Y doesn't change anything about X then what is the point? We should just call things by their names.

    Would you consider that simulation to be a person?

    I would but i wouldn't consider it being me.

    If I were to remove your hands those hands would not be a continuation of your consciousness as you experience it, so would you still consider them to be "your hands"? How much of yourself can be removed/replaced before you're no longer you? In another thread you claimed what makes you who you are is your "essence". If I precisely simulated your essence using a machine yet you continued to deny that the simulation is you, then is there something else that makes you who you are? If so, what is it?

    You can remove anything you like, my consciousness would be the essence of my being i'd say. And if you remove my consciousness i stop existing. As far as i am aware at least
  7. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Stop liking what i don't like.

    Ok bro.
  8. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    [SIZE=28px]Me 5 minutes ago.[/SIZE]

    sudo apt-get update

    How do you get infected? I know on windows you can just get infected by a drive by when visiting some porn site, but how would this work on Linux? Only way I can imagine is by infecting some package repository (like transmission a few days ago?)

    or by having a user pipe wget into sudo shell or something.

    Most likely one form of social engineering or another i'd say.

    That said, it's pretty fucking cool to have cross-platform malware. I wonder if the extra work required to do that has payed off for its creators.

    I would be willing to wager it has. The general business model of blackhat malware writers is, as i understand it, build malware with cool features, sell to the highest bidder. Not only do they outsource culpability they make a pretty penny in the process.
  9. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    NSA or not, brogrammers should stick together tbh fam.
  10. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    True dat, I'll try to bake my share of pie since I'm here. I can't divulge how I ended up here, that'd completely unmask me! It also can't be used as a way to get more members :(.

    Oatking suspected for NSA. It makes sense since if you turn OAT around you get TAO which is the NSA's acronym for Tailored Access Operations. TAO has three letters, a triangle has three sides, illuminati confirmed.

  11. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Some funnies from the code:

    Looks like lots of stuff to explore:

    Language files blank comment code
    XML 704 75 0 156652
    Python 198 9591 6417 36416
    Perl 31 856 99 3867
    Bourne Shell 13 236 131 1210
    Assembly 34 391 177 1135
    ASP.Net 2 145 0 642
    C 1 24 0 165
    make 1 23 36 25
    DOS Batch 1 8 0 24
    Bourne Again Shell 8 2 0 16
    SUM: 993 11351 6860 200152

    I wonder if they have some tool to create those super cool codeword names?

    I am pretty sure they use this website.
  12. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Dont mean to be a negative nancy or anything but I wouldnt call the data breach or DNC hacks "developments" in the hacking scene. If anything they are developments in the political-socio-scene and are more a product of bad security and invesigative individuals. At any rate I hope it doesnt stop here because they have made these times far more interesting.

    It's interesting insofar as these leaks are having a tangible, real world effect. I think that's pretty interesting.
  13. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Yee blood. If i were AirBnB i'd counter-sue for libel. The leftist narrative is a cancer of the mind and both government and media are complicit in it's perpetuation. At least i am glad to see some of us aren't economically and for that matter, mentally, challenged.
  14. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Anyone got a noose?

  15. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support

    I love how well you know English. So sexy

    Thank you.
  16. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Implying that trans-girls aren't girls.

    [greentext]>Implying they are.[/greentext]

    If you wanna' cut your dick off and be a girl, go ahead, i don't particularly care. If you wanna' fuck dudes or girls or both i don't really care either. But as long as you have XY chromosomes you're biologically a guy. Fact. And ain't no amount of surgical procedure or hormone therapy is going to change that.
  17. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support

    Keep on truckin' dood.
  18. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I'd jump to unplug my computer and would probably get shot in the process. Then you can Honk4Sophie on Twitter and shit.
  19. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    [greentext]>implying raj is real[/greentext]

    You have mental issues

    Your ploy is weaksauce. Your reaction is a slightly more elaborate version of: NO U!
  20. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Communities can deal with that without government interaction.

    I would hope so.
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