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Posts by Sophie

  1. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Kafka How would you do it?

    I probably wouldn't, being a murderer that doesn't get caught is a full time job. I have some options though, and i would go about it differently in the USA than i would here. If you can manage not to get caught in the act and you have a good place to dispose of the body like a forest, with favorable soil. You'd probably want to hang out on the forest trail, act like you like nature. Then when you see a victim you like, you walk up from behind and place industrial sized tie-wrap around their neck. make sure you got a few loops daisy chained together for distance and an end that has a handle for your hand or something so you can pull hard. Then as the person is panicking you drag them off the trail deep into the forest, someplace you scouted beforehand.

    They will be dead within 5 minutes but 5 minutes off the trail is too close. So make it as far as you can. If you're smart you will have a grave ready to go, a rather deep one too. Put corpse in hole, cut tie-wrap loose and bring it with you, that's evidence you gotta burn, fill hole. Make it look as if nothing has been disturbed.

    Even if you can't manage the last part if you make sure the spot is far off the beaten track, you will have a better chance. When you go for a hike you take water right, well use it to clean the muck off of you, if you bring a change of clothes even better, make sure to burn your murder clothes. Make sure to bury the ashes.

    Now go home. It'll be a while before the person will be missed especially if it's the weekend, and you strike early in the day. If you did a good job burying the body they won't find it, this is why i said the soil must be favorable, certain types of soil will fill in cavity's that are formed when something decomposes, so ground penetrating radar will be useless. The faster the body decomposes the better. Even if they find the body, if it's just bones, it will be impossible to tell how they died. Ligature strangulation doesn't cause a hangman's fracture on the hyoid bone, especially if you pull the ligature low onto the neck.

    Don't take a trophy, don't commit any other crimes until you have gotten rid of everything you need to dispose of. If you can make it happen that the body isn't found in some immediate search and rescue operation you will get away with it. That said you could take the victim's clothes, although now you are touching the body but if you wanna take that risk you can, you can take the clothes, and dump them somewhere in the forest as a red herring. To divert any search efforts.
  2. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker That is perfect Pythonian logic.

    Are you a type of snake or serpent? If you are referring to the programming language you say: Pythonic. Also, a programming language is a programming language. Logic doesn't just change from one lang to another. Logic stays consistent the syntax changes.
  3. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by BummyMofo lure them into hoboville and commit double homicide. it'll look like the bummy crack mf'er went crazy and did em both in

    Who is them?

    Also the first question the police will ask of the victim's next of kin is: Was person X known to visit hoboville? If the answer is no, they're going to take the situation more seriously. Because now they have to come up with a reason why the person would be there.
  4. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by mmQ Probably gangstalkers controlling your mind is what it has to be.

    Shadow people in the walls distracting me more likely, although the shadow people could be gangstalking me now that you mention it. I'll eavesdrop on them next time i hear the voices.
  5. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    The canine at home is dispatched. What about the canine on the street?
  6. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Oh you know, you're probably him.
  7. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by mmQ I'm gonna sell them my plateau sigma instead and keep the IP for personal hijinx.

    Why didn't i think of that...
  8. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by mmQ I got a plateau sigma goin on yeah man YEAHHHHH

    Yo Lanyard thanks for hooking me up with tk1s IP addy fr fr.

    Sell it to the FBI.
  9. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Plateau <- it's derived from French ya doink.
  10. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Lanny Never had altitude sickness before. Definitely found I got out of breath by doing less (e.g. a couple flights of stairs) but never light headedness or nausea or anything.

    That said, last time I was at real high altitudes I was in my early twenties and I’m fat and old now so who knows.

    You can buy those pulse-oximeters you know. The one you clip on your middle finger and it will tell you O2 saturation, your heart beats per minute and if you have a a fancy one you can see your PQRST cycle, AKA your heart rhythm.

    That said any less than 98% O2 in your blood and you should be wary. If it goes lower you may be in trouble.
  11. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    You livin' in da city brother man?
  12. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Bradley Do I need a driver's license

    Maybe in the beginning. Jiggaboo had the right idea, but it's gonna take a lot of manipulating, breaking any support structures she has and preferably getting her hooked on H before she is ready to accept you as her lord and pimp.

    Originally posted by STER0S the big bucks is through smuggling chinese immigrants through the border btw

    Only if you are Triad.
  13. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Having a big plot of land, or a cabin in the woods, is excellent though, make sure you visit every weekend even if you are not murdering. As not to raise suspicions.
  14. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by mmQ Right. And I'm saying if you're able to be able to make clean kills like that, you don't have to exclude yourself to just killing street urchins halfway across the country. Again, this is assuming that regardless, you're sure there won't be witnesses or anything left behind at the scene.

    As much as I've fantasized about tortures and death and violence I don't know that I've ever really though in depth about what my perfect murder would be. In a perfect world I suppose I'd have a cabin in the woods with a massive underground state-of-the-art torture and rape dungeon.

    I don't know where I'd pick my victims though or how exactly I'd kidnap them with absolute assurance I wouldn't be seen and I'd still have the opportunity.

    Prostitutes on the edge of town, they will willingly get in your car. Make sure it takes a long time before anyone finds the body, if at all. Because some hoo-er falling off the map will barely register on anyone's radar. Long periods between killings make them seem unrelated. If you're smart you'll kill outside of your race, and preferred age group to make it harder to start seeing a pattern for anyone that's looking. Also profilers are generally going to have a hard time if they can't establish victimology. So killing all kinds of people is a way to frustrate that process. However, all kinds, means regular people too, who will be missed. This strateg only works if you're not stuck killing around a 100 mile radius around your cabin.
  15. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker You are zero

    I have zero

    Therefore I have you

    Therefore you are my bitch

    Quiet bitch

    That makes zero sense.
  16. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Lanny gave me 30,000 consecutive bans.

    30k Infraction points with a little javascript script.
  17. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Tyrant You don't know shit about the JWST you bandwagon riding basic bitch.

    You don't know shit about me so shut the fuck up before you embarrass yourself.
  18. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by mmQ Why would it have to be another state or a bum if you're capable of not being seen and not leaving evidence? You could just kill anyone you wanted.

    I am willing to believe he can kill unseen and without leaving evidence if he expands on his methods.
  19. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Kafka If there’s rope marks I’ll say we did bdsm. If I gave them heroin I’d have to leave the syringe there and worry about fingerprints.

    You want yourself as far away from the victim as possible in the eyes of the law. Have an alibi. Use gloves, or wipe every surface down after you're done. Leave a shred of DNA and you are fucked by forensic genealogy.
  20. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I think Spectral feels that if you signed up for Totse it was implied you agreed with it's founding principles. If you don't conform to those principals as Spectral sees them you are a Totse traitor. Feels like he has a special disdain for anyone imposing order and/or authority on that ideal community in a way he disagrees with. He also dislikes kidiots, it's a peculiar brand of elitism Spectral used to hold to.

    I guess that comes from his history as phreaker, which is something i can get behind. But modern hacking and programming is something unfathomable to him. Even when he has all the time in the world to actually git gud.

    Anyway, he always forgets to mention that i had to helped Mizled reversing his 30k bans by Lanny.

    Looking back on M&A/A&A and all that drama, something definitely was toxic. I'd mainly blame apathy in case of section mods, that and in-fighting. Also, the admins should have reigned me in if i was causing actual problems. Half of the section mods didn't like me either IIRC, but tough luck because i could moderate normal mods too lmao.

    In any case, i'm glad the only 'staff' here is Lanny.
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