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Posts by Sophie

  1. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by WellHung at least Sophie takes good drugs. Nigger has good taste.

    Thank you kindly.
  2. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Solstice There's no such thing as a 10-12 year old being "into it" you sick fuck.

    Not gonna argue with you. In the context of this thread, it's a narrative device. OP was writing a story. If she's into it in the story you don't have to make your character rape the girl.
  3. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Kafka It said the protons have quarks and antiquarks which flash on/off. I will look up CPT symmetry thanks.

    Flash in and out of existence perhaps? Those are virtual particles, and it has something to do with vacuum energy, i know that sounds counter intuitive, but The Universe is expanding and that energy seems to come out of nowhere either. Like i said reality is weird, also i am not a physicist lel.
  4. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Kafka Do you have any book recommendations?

    I do, but i mostly like astrophysics and cosmology. Not particle physics, or quantum mechanics. That said: The Elegant Universe by Brian Greene. Even though String Theory is wrong. It covers a lot of the basics on time, particle physics, quantum mechanics and string theory.

    If you were just playing in the OP, scientific papers on these subjects are freely available. IDK how deep you wanna go, please tell me before i recommend something that won't make a lot of sense without a lot of background info.
  5. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    How expensive is a 2TB SSD these days. IDK why you would need cloud storage. If you need access from the outside just assign a VM X TB. CryptPad comes as an OSS solution, deployable through Docker, figure out how to run a site or hidden service from a container, inside a VM. Or on something dedi.
  6. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I ordered the death of a person, didn't have to pay.
  7. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Hey Brad, it took you a while. Now figure out who in your life was responsible for making sure all these things would not be happening to you, the answer may surprise you and it's not you.

    Originally posted by Sudo It's never too late to make a fresh start and not be a prisoner of your past. You have alot to give and alot you are capable of. Not just saying that I genuinely believe it. If you can't make it I definitely can't so by killing yourself you're killing me

    Either emotional blackmail or a double entendre, i can't tell. Although it may be useful if Brad doesn't wanna fix his issues for himself, because he feels he is doomed to his current existence.

    You know what's also useful, looking at yourself as someone you need to take care of. Like i know you got a kid Sudo, and i am sure you take good care of them. Try to look at yourself in that light, as someone that needs taking care of, and then do that. Obviously i mean emotionally in the case of yourself, and this message is also directed at Brad. And i suppose myself, cause shit's easier said than done.
  8. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by maddie is a great wiki-type site that has a bunch of crazy, and obscure languages.
    is a link to a bunch of them if you are interested in this.

    Thanks, also lol. It's called an esolang, totally slipped my mind. And i do in fact enjoy them very much with one caveat, they have to be practical. Not learning something byzantine if it has no real world applications.

    I guess bragging rights is a thing.
  9. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Migh I haveat least one I wrote that list CC numbers using the Luhn algorithum. It's in Java though(I made an Android app as well but that one is for something else…). Not sure if thats allowed here.

    Yes, please.
  10. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Kill a transient in another state…as long as you are not dumb enough to be seen or leave evidence you're pretty much golden.

    Good choice of victim. Make sure to leave your cell phone at home though.
  11. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Kafka I’d tie them up, tape their mouth, force them to snort too much coke, leave, if I get caught say I left because I didn’t want to get caught with drugs.

    Or silently inject air into their vein.

    If you're gonna have syringes you might as well get heroin. Shoot them up with a lethal dose of that. Make sure no ligature marks can be found on the body if you tie the person up. You can make it look like an OD, but ligature marks are a dead give away.

    Damn, it's almost like you people never planned a murder before.
  12. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Screw you niggas, i for one am happy the JWST launched according to plan, has deployed 2/3's and is on it's way to the L2 point. Also pretty happy the rocket put it on the best trajectory we could hope for, so that the telescope has to expand minimal fuel to get to it's final destination. That tacked on 5 extra service years. Hell yeah.
  13. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Bradley Isn't the opposite of an electron a proton

    No. Compared to electrons protons are fucking huge. They also don't have opposite charge, or spin or what have you. They are only opposite in the fact that an electron is negatively charged and a proton positively.
  14. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Obbe You have taught me a new word.

    It was my pleasure. Also, somehow i feel like you're the kind of person that would appreciate The Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows. It has words for things in English that should have a word. Like the feeling you get sometimes when you realize that some day this moment will be a memory.
  15. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by maddie oh i know windows has a bunch of amazing RE tools, windbg, PE tools, etc.. i have nothing against windows at all. i was just making the joke because those "sp00ky hack3rs" use kali or parrot as their daily.. yet have no idea how insecure they are using daily based on so many of the default tools having root privileges and open services.

    Moreso with Kali than Parrot, since Parrot has a Home Edition. In any case i got a smol data center that doubles as VM lab so i'm Gucci. Well i hope, networking has never been my strong suit and running a data center even if smol was a steep learning curve. Anyway, don't r00t pls sp00ky hack3rs. That would suck bigly.

    Also you forgot the best Windows RE tool feature, i think WinDBG has Live Kernel Debug. If i am wrong i am thinking about a tool that comes with the ADK, WDK, or EWDK.
  16. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Obbe Note: Doing (the verb), is spelled the same way as doing (the comical sound effect).

    Doing is verb but also an onomatopoeia. Huh, i guess you're right.
  17. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Also time is relative. But it has an arrow, a preferred way of going. Interestingly the faster you travel through space the slower you travel through time. But you can't go back in time because you'd need to go faster than the speed of light. And that's VERBOTEN.
  18. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Bradley I think anti matter is a fabrication in order to explain things that we currently don't understand.

    Except we can create and detect it. Plus the math predicts it.

    Anti-matter just means normal matter with the opposite charge. An electron has a certain charge, take something exactly like an electron and uno reverse the charge and you get a positron AKA an anti-electron.

    Also OP you were probably reading about something breaking time symmetry. I don't think that's allowed by the laws of nature. Look up CPT Symmetry. Finally protons have positive charge electrons negative charge but an anti-proton has to be made out of anti quarks. Normal ones go two UP quarks one DOWN quark. I think if you do two DOWN quarks one UP quark you just get a neutron.

    Reality is weird.
  19. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by mmQ Will you pay me and place me under your tutelage? I'm trying to find a new direction in life. I'll even wear a Dr. Fauci mask.

    I'm not giving classes like i said earlier, but if you can manage it i have over 9000 E-Books regarding the subject, and you can have them all if you want

    Originally posted by STER0S sometimes i think IT dudes working with child-porn busting agencies had an ulterior motive pursuing such a career and are only in it as a conquest to conquer all the child porn in existence by duplicating all the intercepted media-files for themselves before turning in to law enforcement and then using their technical know-how capabilities to properly secure all their hi-jacked treasure accordingly so they can drool over the stuff on their weekends off

    You're not far off from the reality, especially when it comes to contractors for the alphabet agencies.
  20. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Sounds like i'm a real problem. Fortunately i am immune to prism. And give me some credit Obbe, i know you're just trying to pour some gasoline on whatever fire you think is happening but do you really think i'd use this website to distribute anything questionable no matter what it is.

    Also if it's not obvious No Cap FR is Hikkikomori-Yume. And you can tell he's afraid, by the fact he keeps changing his username.

    Anyway, you guys have fun. Also Maddie you're joking about the Windows part but i literally know people who are big into reverse engineering and exploit dev who will insist on using Windows. The more you know...
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