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Posts by CutterLegendaryNinja

  1. Originally posted by aldra interesting

    yep so we down to make it?
  2. dude are you guys gunna make the gold or not?
  3. Originally posted by aldra I believe that it was originally a metaphor for ascension beyond the purely physical, but that some people were more interested in the physical than the metaphysical and chose to interpret it as such.

    We can't transmute lead to gold; they're discrete elements.

    yeah, probably.

    Such transmutation is possible in particle accelerators or nuclear reactors, although the production cost is currently many times the market price of gold.
  4. Seek ye first the kingdom of heaven and all these other things shall be added. If you want 200k seek ye first the kingdom of heaven, not kidnaping people...(which is actually punishable by death in the bible) Are you selling your soul and your spot in heaven for 200k? Are you evil?
  5. Your messing up our christian fourm. I told yall stop posting this crap.
  6. I am the Lord thy God Thou shalt have no other gods before me 3[27] 7[27]
    Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image 4–6[28] 8–10[28]
    Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain 7[29] 11[29]
    Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy 8–11[30] 12–15[31]
    Honour thy father and thy mother
    Thou shalt not murder 13[34] 17[34]
    Thou shalt not commit adultery 14[35] 18[36]
    Thou shalt not steal 15[37] 19[38]
    Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour 16[39] 20[40]
    Thou shalt not covet (neighbour's house) 17a[41] 21b[42]
    Thou shalt not covet (neighbour's wife) 17b[43] 21a[44]
    Thou shalt not covet (neighbour's slaves, animals, or anything else) 17c[45] 21c[46]
    You shall set up these stones, which I command you today, on Mount Gerizim. 14c[47][48] 18c[47][49]
  7. Originally posted by vindicktive vinny you cant even terminology it right i doubt you knew what your doing at all.

    correctted it. It was super late. I was tired.
  8. Originally posted by jonathan_davis_on_tweak_its_1994 lol its ok at any time. it's just preferable for most to sell at whatever they think the top is, because it sucks selling at resistance and then watching the price go up as you realize you just missed out on like $700 for no reason or something.

    i had like $1200 of collateral in there and eventually just got super irritated with it last night and just said fuck it and closed it out to more or less break even (might have made some profit, might have lost some, i didnt do any math or anything but either way it would have been really close to the prices i bought in at.

    LITERALLY LIKE 5-10 MINUTES AFTER I CLOSE IT OUT BTC STARTED ITS RUN UP TO 17K. like if i would have left that money in there i would have made like $1600 lol. shit sucks. luckily i am in the process of cashing out hella eth

    yea sounds like you just got impatient and just accident. a week is waay to long to be holding a trade for anyway. my mentor says 3 minutes in and out.

    What do you think of the bitcoin arbitrage?
  9. Originally posted by jonathan_davis_on_tweak_its_1994 i mean you could sell where there is resistance but ideally you would want to sell for as high as you possibly could. and a lot of the times if you watch the price it will try to break the resistance at least a few times before it actually breaks through. also, since most cryptocurrencies these days are pretty close to all time highs, there may not necessarily be any resistance to look for.

    so your saying usually its ok for selling the resistance but not now seeing as everything is at its all time high
  10. Originally posted by jonathan_davis_on_tweak_its_1994 it doesnt matter which is being traded more, the only thing that matters in this context is that you are sometimes able to sell a coin for different currencies, some which may give you more value than others.

    i wouldn't necessarily sell at resistance, it depends on the situation though. the best time to sell is when the price is going up exponentially, as this kind of growth is not sustainable and its likely to go down, if even just to collect its thoughts for a minute before spiking even higher. it really depends on the situation though.

    and i definitely would not short. especially right now. if the price of something goes up it can spiral out of control pretty quick. and a lot of coins are making all time highs right now.

    so sell when it breaks resistance? You said you buy when it gets close to support. So likewise you would sell when the price is high. Resistance. Can you tell me where I am wrong?

    And I look forward to your post on bitcoin. I think you have some good points.
  11. Originally posted by jonathan_davis_on_tweak_its_1994 not sure why there would only be two….do you not have these options on yours?

    Yes I see all those. But the only ones I would use would be the daily
  12. Originally posted by jonathan_davis_on_tweak_its_1994 it doesnt matter which is being traded more, the only thing that matters in this context is that you are sometimes able to sell a coin for different currencies, some which may give you more value than others.

    How do you determine when to do this? Is there an app which monitors this?

    For instance I use the app coing for finding arbitrage opportunities .
  13. I support everyone to stop doing drugs. Stop sinning. And giving there life to christ.

    This fourm has a lot of traffic from people so I use it. Thats all I will say.

    Anyone who continues to sin and refuses to repent after being shown the way will have to pay the price.

    Pray everyday and do qigong. God will forgive you if you repent and turn away from sin.

    I am probably to late. Zoklet was a big site and it feels like I am rescuing of the last survivors of the titanic.
    The ship sunk and people drowned. I am like waaay late to save any souls.

    But to the last few that may be alive. Salvation is here. Chirst died for your sins. If you come to repentance the Lord can forgive you of sin and you can start on the right path.

    I just feel like I'm not talking to anyone. Its too late. Even zoklet is gone.

    I'm too late.
  14. Originally posted by jonathan_davis_on_tweak_its_1994 margin trading is like, if i want to trade btc/usdt and i have 100 usdt, i can put 100 usdt in the account and they let me borrow 300 to buy btc with (this is with 3x leverage). buy the btc however you want, wait til it appreciates in value and sell it back to repay the amount of usdt you were originally loaned, and you can keep the profits. the trade off is that if btc goes below a certain value they will start to sell your shit to make up for it.

    for finding a low price, go look up whatever coin you are using on coingecko and look at whatever price graph most closely fits how long you want to have it before you sell it. notice where the points are where price doesnt really seem to go any lower, that's called support. then i try to fit my orders in so they're around that price, set a stop loss a little ways down (not too high, you don't want it to sell all your crypto and miss out on a dank run just because price dipped below support for a minute), and then just wait.

    the cross margin thing is something binance offers where there are a bunch of different pairs you can trade all with a 3x margin and you can mix them all together. this is really useful for say, buying a coin with either usdt/eth/btc/bnb/whatever happens to be cheapest and selling it for whatever currency you can get the most value for. you can do 5x and 10x too but the pairs are isolated so no mixing.

    sometimes you can get it to work out really solid to where something like eth will be like $20 less in its value of bitcoin than it is usdt (after btc makes a decent sized run most people are not trading their btc away) and if you have btc on hand you can just buy eth with it and sell immediately for usdt and make even more money. usually i try to cash out everything in btc though because for a while i was just trading in usdt but btc is moving so fast that even when you win its hard to get ahead. i'm going to the store to get some ice cream or some shit, when i get back i will make a post detailing all the other tricks and shit i use for crypto

    I only see 2 charts the 24 hour and the 7 days. So if the price is near the high I should just short right?
  15. Originally posted by jonathan_davis_on_tweak_its_1994 margin trading is like, if i want to trade btc/usdt and i have 100 usdt, i can put 100 usdt in the account and they let me borrow 300 to buy btc with (this is with 3x leverage). buy the btc however you want, wait til it appreciates in value and sell it back to repay the amount of usdt you were originally loaned, and you can keep the profits. the trade off is that if btc goes below a certain value they will start to sell your shit to make up for it.

    for finding a low price, go look up whatever coin you are using on coingecko and look at whatever price graph most closely fits how long you want to have it before you sell it. notice where the points are where price doesnt really seem to go any lower, that's called support. then i try to fit my orders in so they're around that price, set a stop loss a little ways down (not too high, you don't want it to sell all your crypto and miss out on a dank run just because price dipped below support for a minute), and then just wait.

    the cross margin thing is something binance offers where there are a bunch of different pairs you can trade all with a 3x margin and you can mix them all together. this is really useful for say, buying a coin with either usdt/eth/btc/bnb/whatever happens to be cheapest and selling it for whatever currency you can get the most value for. you can do 5x and 10x too but the pairs are isolated so no mixing.

    sometimes you can get it to work out really solid to where something like eth will be like $20 less in its value of bitcoin than it is usdt (after btc makes a decent sized run most people are not trading their btc away) and if you have btc on hand you can just buy eth with it and sell immediately for usdt and make even more money. usually i try to cash out everything in btc though because for a while i was just trading in usdt but btc is moving so fast that even when you win its hard to get ahead. i'm going to the store to get some ice cream or some shit, when i get back i will make a post detailing all the other tricks and shit i use for crypto

    so margin trading is just leveraged trading where they loan you 10x your money or 100x your money? THAT is how I was taught to make money.

    So your buying at support and selling at resistance...makes a lot of sense...Isn't that trading at key levels.

    I'm starting to understand cross margin but how would you know when a pair is trading more in btc that usdt? Do you constantly have to monitor it?

    Ice cream? Do you know how to make seasalt ice cream. I can make a post on how I think I know how to make it. It cures hangovers and detoxes your liver.
  16. I'm posting this publicly to help people. But I really think I may be posting in the wrong fourm. But at least at in this fourm it may reach someone that really needs it. Like I can really make a difference in someone's life. Doing the highest will of heaven.
  17. Originally posted by jonathan_davis_on_tweak_its_1994 lol if you are losing money in crypto right now you are SERIOUSLY fucking up. but i got in for the last defi boom and made and lost a lot of money and learned a lot. i never lose money now though. you really can't though to be honest, unless you try to daytrade or throw your money at total shit/scamcoins.

    Thats what I'm worried about with arbitrage a lot of these crappy coins are looking great on the arbtrage side. But I'm wondering is it too good to be true. They are crapcoins after all.
  18. Originally posted by ORACLE As re you actually successful or do you just lose money like a typical crypto kid?

    Check my arbitrage post. He's legit.

    Cryptocurrency is a traders dream right now. Its super volatile. It goes up and down a LOT.
  19. What is margine trading?
  20. Originally posted by jonathan_davis_on_tweak_its_1994 binance 3x cross leverage is the way to go. its really easy to not lose money, you just have to buy at somewhat low prices and then just wait until its valued higher to sell. split your funds amongst link, btc, eth, maybe avve and a couple other things if you want. buy low and sell high, also since the margine trading isnt isolated you can sell link, ave, eth etc against btc and usdt. theres a lot of good opportunities.

    Wow now do you do that what is 3x cross leverage? What determines if the price is low do you look at the daily high and low or the weekly high and low and get a good deal. (Buy low and sell high).

    I know leverage is the way to go. My mentor says that with leverage he 3x accounts (300%) everyday. With like 5 dollars he can turn it to 500k in one month. (this is the same mentor that taught me bitcoin arbitrage)
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