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Posts by CutterLegendaryNinja

  1. Who steals cigarettes and condoms
  2. God DAMN. Instrucructions unclear, died in the process. FUCK
  3. Originally posted by What_a_Kreep I think only a really powerful wizard/alchemist could make such a stone. There was only 1 in recent existence but was destroyed by Albus Dumbledore.

    My question is why can't normal things be transfigured into galleons? If Barty Crouch can transfigure a dead body into a single bone, why can't you turn a button into a galleon?

    no its really easy actually
  4. why not just do that?
  5. Originally posted by Speedy Parker You are so obviously full of shit.

    They had some how-to videos on youtube. They sorta worked but I've been unable to replicate it. I think you have to throw it up at a 45 degree angle after you set rhe dice. Its relativly easy to be honest. I use to hit alll the numbers had people winning mad money... then nothing...
  6. Originally posted by Rough Rider Hey bro I talked to my dad and he says he doesn't want you sleeping over because you're too ugly to molest.

    Your sins shall be forgiven, if you but ask Jesus Christ.
  7. Originally posted by Speedy Parker The whole story is ridiculous. A criminal enterprise (conspiracy to cheat at gambling is a felony in Nevada) that sold its method to the general public to screen for new members. If it worked you would have kept at it, made your own half tub craps table and practiced, and would be rolling in dough and the first guy would have kept it to himself and just worked his angle.

    In Vegas the cheat rings focus on blackjack and usually need or like to have someone in the pit in on it.

    Warren Buffet says you don't have to cheat. Cheating is dead.
  8. Originally posted by Speedy Parker Every joint I worked in Vegas in the 90s had a rule to prevent just this. "No playing with the dice sir, just pick them up and shoot them please".

    OH thats what i was doing wrong, I'm suppose to throw it at a 45 degree angle....
  9. Originally posted by Speedy Parker Every joint I worked in Vegas in the 90s had a rule to prevent just this. "No playing with the dice sir, just pick them up and shoot them please".

    I use to do this, use to work to but I was missing some steps.
  10. Sentimintal children winning about how bitterly unfair your lives have been, well life is not fair your blessed father knew that and he freqtly saw to it.
  11. Originally posted by 6835378gjjsjs With the right design, they never have to land. They've been in use for a while. I've seen a giant one shaped like a triangle once, it flew a dozen or so feet above me before switching on its spotlight and spotlighting me. It was completely quiet.

    If you think about it, most of a drones energy expenditure is going towards lifting it into the air and keeping it in the air.

    But with helium or hydrogen (slightly better lift ability and can be made from a battery and salt water) it can save most of its energy for other things and be completely quiet when necessary. I want to equip it with lasers that can permanently blind retards from a mile away instantly. Lasers don't weigh much. I think EFP missiles and poison projectiles would be nice also as they can be pretty light if they're just anti personnel rather than anti tank etc

    I can build these from scratch quite easily. The tricky part would be getting enough oregonite to coat the surface and make it RADAR absorbing.

    EDIT: fit these suckers with biefeld-brown high voltage propulsion and they'll be even more efficient. It can also produce an inertial control effect and reduce the turbulence from wind, and make the drone even faster.

    Bonus: there's a hack for the javelin missile that uses the high voltage from the rocket fuel to produce billions of volts negative charge to do something similar. I know an Army Ranger whose job it was to wield the javelin and he told me about the hack. Once you hack it for this purpose and launch it into low earth orbit, it becomes an unlimited range weapon.

    Similar to the high voltage surface charge in the wing edges of certain stealth aircraft.

    EDIT2: with a lifting ability of 14 grams roughly per helium balloon, and the volume being around one gallon, it would only take around 100 gallons to lift around a kilo of weight, plenty enough for the controls and payload.

    Instructions suck...didn't finish your wife started blowing me or something .5/10
  12. Originally posted by Semiazas The house always wins

    I'm the house!
  13. Originally posted by Speedy Parker That's called chasing, bad idea.

    not when done correctly its like the martingale,except it actually wins. i'll have to include the craps matrix paradigm.If you lost anyways must mean the table got hot. But what goes up must go down,when your losing you bet MORE as it should eventually get cold again. But the tables are always cold or everyone would be winning all the time with there pass line bets.

    I combined these two systems. the craps matirx paradigm with the GREEN. Its like a secret holy grail.
  14. Originally posted by Charles Ex Machina so now frank seems like a liar

    it worked in goodfellas, just pretend your decorating a christmas tree
  15. Originally posted by Speedy Parker When I learned craps my rent was $105 per week. I got $100 per week in overage on my Pell grants and Stafford loans for dealers school. Me and my future ex wife sold plasma twice a week for $15 a pop to cover the rest of rent and buy some groceries. In 9 weeks I learned craps not just well enough to play it but to deal it. So poor has nothing to do with it. You're just too stupid and lazy.

    well you should try this
  16. Originally posted by Rough Rider I'm too poor to know any of this shit

    It just occured to me that many people might not actually know how to play basic craps.
  17. Originally posted by Speedy Parker As a craps dealer who worked Vegas in the 80s and 90s I'll say this seems plausible. But I don't see any mention of what this strategy does in the event of a lvl 2 win. If the answer is to double the bet again then it's not a bad strategy.

    No using the craps matrix paradigm you only progress your base bet when your losing. Lvl 2 win you just regress back to level 1...

    I didn't include the craps matrix paradigm googleable. This is a closely guarded secret. People don't want it to get it as simple as it is everyone would start doing it like in blackjack and ruin the game for everyone. You can't even play blackjack anymore without secruity coming to get you after you start counting...its aganist thier policy to serve card counters!!!!
  18. This combinedd with a matrix paradigm is unstoppables. nobody uses this site but ninjas, so i guess it safe to reveal my secret closly guarded secret. You see laying odds has no house edge! The houses doesn't always win sometimes they break even lol.

    I bought it years ago from a Guy Named Dave Lessnau. I use to play it at Sams Town back in the day bc of the 100 times odds.


    All WINS are made on the Lay of the point, not the DP. So 7,11,2.3 are pushes and washes out and 1 in 36 a twelve will roll and be a loss on the PL and a push of DP.

    Here are the Rules. Using a $25 unit.
    Table selection is HUGE. Don't go play this on a table where racks are FULL and people high giving and chest bumping. Be smart, look at racks of amount of chips. small racks and no noise equals perfect table to play this.

    1) buy in for 20 units units./$500 for a $25 unit win
    2) Make a doey /dont of minimum to get you a $25 Win. Hopefully a 3-4-5 odds or better house. so maybe $5/5 or $10/$10
    3) once point is established, make a lay bet to Win $25. (Lay $30 on 6/8) (Lay $45 on 5/9) and (Lay $50 on 4/10)
    4) If the bet wins, repeat Level 1 part of bet until you are up 5u of $25 or $125.
    5) If the first part (Lev 1) lay bet loses to a point being made, Make a Lay on very next point to win 2u/$50. (Lay $60 on 6/8)(Lay $75 on 5/9) and (Lay $100 on 4/10).
    6) If you lose Lev 1 but Win L2, you continue back at Lev 1 for next shooter.
    7) If you lose 2nd Lay of point being made to same shooter, you DO NOT go any further with this shooter. You stop and wait for the 7 out and restart Lev 1 next shooter.
    8) Look to collect 5-10u per table and get off the table before someone shows up and hits the 4-10 as points and converts them.
    9) at times depending on house odds, you might have to raise the Lev 2 Doey/Dont flat part to cover potential Lay bet.
    10). If you encounter (2) double Lev 1 and Lev 2 losses, stop and wait for 2 wins before restarting or color up and switch tables.

    Very successful and beat 72 hrs at the Craps table. I don't know of many systems that have beaten the book in testing.
    Strong versus a table thats only strong do side PL wins are basically 7,11 etc...
    Strong versus 1 point per shooter made.
    Strong versus COLD tables where no one is Passing duh!!!
    By playing Doey/DOnt you are shaving the house edge down and using free odds to get your lay bet up as opposed to just making a Lay bet after the point is already established.
    No More paying $5 for a lay bet to Win $100.
    If at any point you feel the shooter is gonna make this point just swing you lay bet odds over to taking odds. Ive done this a handful of times playing this.

    Weak for Tables of repeating points of 2 or more.
    At some point the tables will turn and even the coldest tables heat up... so make your win goal and bail.. Don't be Greedy.
    Worse case senario is BTB 4/10's as points that shooter converts, as you are laying 2:1

    If you have 72 hrs or another system tester book, just roll 2 dice and thats your starting page number and test a session of 1-2 hrs...

    GL and Hope this makes you al some $$$
  19. my me
  20. Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood *goat laugh*

    this isn't funnyy ya know
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