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Posts by CutterLegendaryNinja

  1. Originally posted by STER0S nigga – are you even doing the shit you suggested?

    i've been involved in a small operation back in 2002 and we ended up with a fat batch of chunky, fist-sized shards that kept us all high for a looooong time.

    without butterbeer I bet you got sick...your body releases a lot of toxins. detox when your on really good meth.

    if you'd only knew how to brew butterbeer you could get drunk and clean meth would have no side effects.

    Thats what beer is. You take it too study. Beer has a bittering agent in it. Hops or Muwort. Something fire element. Gives you energy. And the butter absorbs all the toxins.

    Hops is suppose to give you energy but like tobacco it has a lot of toxins in it now and makes you tired instead. Tobacco has safole and is suppose to give energy.

    Methamphetamine is just the herb Epherda.
  2. Originally posted by jonathan_davis_on_tweak_its_1994 i'm not sure if it's technically called arbitrage but yea. trading btc between currencies n shit

    I arbitrage cryptocurrecies. Can you show how you trade more in this thread, maybe we can share methods.
  3. Originally posted by mmQ Does anyone remember my FAMOUS meat raffle scam?? Lol

    It doesnt even have to be meat. It can be ANYTHING.

    All you need to buy is a roll of raffle tickets. Go to a busy bar/club on a Friday night, ideally one where hoards of college kids like to congregate, and walk around asking kids if they want to buy raffle tickets for $5 a pop, for a giveaway that will be announced at so-and-so time.

    Right now would be the perfect time to even have two different colored raffle ticket rolls and say that the bar is doing giveaway for a PS5 and an XBox Series X and they can buy however many tickets they want for one or the other or both.

    You can be wearing your mask now to even keep your identity more hidden. Then you just collect all the money from the drunk kids and fucking leave.

    I dont know if people are that gullible but I know with meat raffles at bars I've been to it's usually just some person who walks around asking people if they want tickets and nobody really ever questions it.

    I guess maybe dressing up a little bit to try and look like you're more formal or you work there, for credibility, might help a little but I dont think people really even care about that.

    Lol. Seems feasible to me. Of course, even though I'm proud of this scam idea I've never actually tried it.

    I feel like it could work alright though.

    Star trek??

    Entertaining read. But I think since we know making gold is possible we should do that.
  4. Originally posted by ORACLE I know. I also know you specifically changed your name from "Legendary Ninja Cutter" specifically to end the ambiguity of being a guy called called Cutter who is a legendary ninja or a guy who cuts ninjas who are legendary. I know.

    GASP, so your from zoklet!!! yeah exactly
  5. Then dream When I am making the indigo dye fermentation and I'm adding the lime to the drink.

    How did I make it? I think I know how to make it, but have no experience. Just theory and the dream you gave me.
  6. Originally posted by ORACLE Guy who cuts legendary ninjas, I both appreciate your presence, your efforts, and the futility of both. Godspeed you. I've seen you around for years posting shit nobody cared about but you are literally sirviving the spirit of TOTSE. No bullshit. Just text content about shit you think is cool. I might start doing similar. Thanks for the inspiration.

    no I'm legendary ninja. you know what forget it. thanks though
  7. Originally posted by Sudo bitcoin arbitrage is worth it 1/10 times.

    idk what butter beer is

    Can you do anything else? Everyone's into da frod deze days

    butterbeer is a drink where the main source of calories is butter instead of alcohol
  8. Originally posted by Sudo bitcoin arbitrage is worth it 1/10 times.

    idk what butter beer is

    Can you do anything else? Everyone's into da frod deze days

    The manufacturing of Gold. I posted a thread and got some interesting ideas.
  9. Originally posted by BeeReBuddy Just keep making your daily threads.
    You are important.
    You do matter.
    Be an inspiration.
    Be you.

    did you try to make butterbeer yet? Beerebuddy?
  10. Originally posted by vindicktive vinny those that tried your stuffs dont live live long/free enough to post about the results.

    everything i post is legal. Its a bad idea as in good. Like these are bad ideas as in good.
  11. did anyone even try to bitcoin arbitrage ? Making butter beer???! Am I helping anyone???

    I know on zoklet people use to do dangerous and Shoplift, make meth etc.

    But the stuff I post is good. Anyone try anything yet?

    What happen to everyone ?
  12. Originally posted by Lanny The grand Wizard of NiS would like you to remove the link

    I removed the link but now how is anyone suppose to get the recipe?
  13. if a master or grandmaster wants me to remove this information then please tell me and I will remove immediately.

    But it seems like pretty harmless information. I don't see how anyone could abuse it with my disclaimer...
  14. Detoxes body of drugs. Can be used to pass drug tests and get your life together by getting you off most drugs for good(replaces alcohol).
    Properly made it stops all withdrawal symptoms and cures hangover. It works by detoxing the liver.

    [link removed] please inbox for link

    Follow this recipe. Raw grassfed butter with its golden hue is best as your oil source and lemon juice instead of lime juice. Lemon juice helps fermentation better.

    Add a little honey to make this SLIGHTLY alcoholic. one tablespoon for every 3 tablespoons of raw butter.

    Heres to a new simple and CLEAN life. Cheers!

    Disclaimer: If you do not follow my recipe exactly as stated to you, you will not experience the results.
  15. Originally posted by Meikai I'm not a fancy book learning type, but I feel pretty safe in saying you can. Just not in substantial quantities like alchemists envisioned. Literally every element to ever exist was transmuted either from hydrogen by natural processes or artificially by humans. Apparently lead to gold transmutation has been done already by way of bismuth? Too lazy to look further into it, but yeah. Entirely theoretically possible with our current understanding of physics, and potentially already been done.

    Maybe metaphysical gold can only be transmuted in equal measure - mere atoms of gold at an immense cost.

    Appears you are talking about Glenn Seaborg. He made gold from bismuth. It may be the best metal for the operation.Further research suggest this is correct!!! Bismuth is like lead but much less toxic..think pepto bismal. In the medieval times it was called "silver in process" meaning the earth would soon make it into silver
  16. There is a book on this at

    The hardest part is getting a hot enough furnace to transform the gold.

    Questions welcomed.

    "Ask and ye shall receive"
  17. Originally posted by stl1 Will $750 a month even keep you in throwing stars much less pay to sharpen your Samurai sword?

    Its not much but even though I'm making side money now its still a nice bogus to my other enterprizes. I can save and get my own place.

    I can't even pay for samurai school right now. But soon I will.
  18. Seems to get 750$ a month + all you have to do is fake an illness just like people do when getting drugs.

    I'm on SSI and all I did was go to a cousler and she diagnosed me with some crap I never hears before and bang. Checks in the direct deposit. First they gave backpay because you have to wait like 6 months.

    I was diagnosed with asberger's and shezoaaffective = cash in the bank. I never take any meds or go to the doctor. They don't require you to do anything- but get paid.

    Of course I didn't know what to do with the money back then and blew it all on expensive liquor...and other wasteful things I didn't even buy a car.

    Now I used the money to invest and take online classes.
  19. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Give away all your money and possessions, only then will you have financial freedom.

    I have to get some first !!!
  20. Thank you God that was fast!
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