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Posts That Were Thanked by Bradley

  1. netstat African Astronaut
    The author of this post has returned to nothingness
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. Ghost Black Hole
    I got the 2 bags on the 2nd and I still have some left. I usually smoke a half ounce every week but this stuff I dunno what it is but I am smoking much less, spending less money.

    I've been going pretty hard too like I must smoke at least 20 bowls a day. It's getting down to the bottom I think it will last me another day

    my phone is dead and I can't unplug my vape so I will draw from memory what my bag looks like right now

    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  3. blaster master victim of incest
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  4. netstat African Astronaut
    The author of this post has returned to nothingness
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  5. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny religion isnt about this life or the powers that be that rules over us in this life at this moment.

    its all about the "after life".

    i realize this when my dad died.

    it wasnt me that burried him and gave him a ceremonious send off, it was the gods, of his choice.

    he was cremated according to buddhist rituals and whats left of him were interned in an urn in some buddhist institution.

    without gods he and his body would be just another biohazard medical waste that none of us in my family, myself included, knew what to do with.

    how a mans body is taken off after his death is the summary of the sum total of his lifetime achievements and if yours ended up being just another biohazard medical waste just like dead dogs, then you have failed at life.

    theres a reason the older one gets, the closer they tries to be closer to god, or gods.

    I'm not afraid
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  6. cigreting Dark Matter
    Originally posted by mmQ You found the clue! What game is it?

    does the ps4 game represent hiki or wat
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  7. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by frala I supposed it would depend on the variables, but the answer could also be yes.

    ancient greeks or romans, I forget which, believed that if you banged too many women you'd eventually get bored and turn gay
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  8. Obbe Alan What? [annoy my right-angled speediness]
    Originally posted by Data There is nothing on Earth but dirt and rocks and water.

    There is also an abundance of life, a vast cornucopia of species intertwined with each other and their environments, a very beautiful yinyang sort of thing going on. Believing it is nothing special, just rocks and water, is still "just feelings". There is nothing wrong with expressing your feelings like Xlite was in the post you quoted, but if you're going to dismiss someones insights as if they were worthless nonsense without having a real conversation about it what is even the point of talking to you?
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  9. cigreting Dark Matter
    Originally posted by mmQ Shes exploring so much I cant even get a decent picture of her.

    cig butt on your carpet
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  10. blaster master victim of incest
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  11. blaster master victim of incest
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  12. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Didn't PWP die? Did Ape really do that? What a dick. Also RIP markxtc311 he is an overlooked fallen brother
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  13. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Bradley u ever live in florida? Wanna goo with me for like 6-12 months? We can leave this summer or next spring.

    Not a joke. We get a 2 bedroom and split or a one bedroom and I get the bottom bunk cuz of my arthritis. (we pay 60% of a 2 bedroom just to lose oonee)

    yeah id go with you as long as I don't get jammed up with this court bullshit and have to stay in autism, texas. I've been wanting to travel a lot but things are looking kind of bleak at the moment, I'm hoping I'm just worrying too much

    and I'm fine with you being on the bottom bunk, I've always been a top bunk kind of gont

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  14. Originally posted by aldra I've talked about this with a friend before, someone who grew up in something between a church and a cult

    considered throwing myself at a religion, full-force to see if I'd find any meaning in it

    but he told me I shouldn't bother, the people that try never really convince themselves and get nothing out of it

    religion isnt about this life or the powers that be that rules over us in this life at this moment.

    its all about the "after life".

    i realize this when my dad died.

    it wasnt me that burried him and gave him a ceremonious send off, it was the gods, of his choice.

    he was cremated according to buddhist rituals and whats left of him were interned in an urn in some buddhist institution.

    without gods he and his body would be just another biohazard medical waste that none of us in my family, myself included, knew what to do with.

    how a mans body is taken off after his death is the summary of the sum total of his lifetime achievements and if yours ended up being just another biohazard medical waste just like dead dogs, then you have failed at life.

    theres a reason the older one gets, the closer they tries to be closer to god, or gods.
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  15. 12k is the limit that a human (with exceptional vision) would/will be able to discern a difference...if you have a 4k, 8k and 12k displays next to each other showing the same image said human would be able to see a difference.

    16k TVs are already available, those are pretty much a waste of time.


    As per the pixel size conversation...I suppose it's possible that there really IS no limit on what "k" a human can detect.

    If you have a 100ft 4k display and a 100ft 16k display...I expect you'd be able to see a big difference due to the pixel size being quite large.
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  16. stl1 Cum Lickin' Fagit
    Originally posted by Data That's an obscene resistance to alcohol

    What's wrong with you?

    Beer was a major food group for me in high school through my mid 20s or so. Getting married, having kids, child support payments, a mortgage, work on equipment that could flat mess you up if you weren't paying attention, bills, etc. kind of took priority. Getting snookered at my age these days takes a lot longer to recover from than it used to! I do still enjoy going out to bars to see my buddies play but usually try to keep it to one drink or so per hour after a quick first two to "get in the mood".
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  17. Originally posted by Data A speeding ticket? Lmao. Why didn't you just leave 10 minutes earlier if you were in such a rush.

    I hadn't taken the class yet so I didn't know that you could do that.

    The reality was the road was fucking empty and said cop was hiding behind trees...small town Texas = giving out tickets is how they get their $$$ for local government.

    Some of those fucked up little towns purposefully try to fuck you over with the speed'll see a sign that says 50...1 mile later 70...then like 1/4 mile later back to 50...and the cop parks up just by that sign to catch everyone still going 70.
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  18. Reaction to the vax. Don't be deterred.

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  19. Robert Mugabe African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Quick Mix Ready I need to do a DNA test From what I'm told I Like 3⁄4 on my father side Irish.. and 1⁄4 Chikataw Oklahoma, Paternal Grandma. i identify with celt

    Mom is Norweigan.. so I guess Saxon on that side and russian or some shit. n englsh father she had

    mutt 2.0

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  20. Meikai Heck This Schlong
    Originally posted by Sudo this is true but there are also 0 people who have been hit by asteroids, and my friends mother in law was in a nursing home, sick as fuck from being old and got the coof and died. It's safe to say she is not the only person this has happened to. The way they count deaths of old people in general is stupid. If you push an old person and they die you get charged with murder, even if they refuse medical treatment.

    It's basically the same as saying AIDS doesn't kill people, the fucking cold or whatever they get after catching AIDS kills them, which is kinda silly and not helpful. Besides that, the covid deaths/stats are obviously inflated for many reasons, funding and justification of stripping of liberties are some of them. Covid has definitely killed and contributed to many peoples deaths though but dying of covid is a very remote possibility. I know a few people who've gotten it. One I know who's gotten it twice (second time may have been a variant) and they just say that it absolutely sucks but can be shaken off. From how it's described to me, it seems capable of killing old people, kinda the same way pneumonia still kills lots of old people every year.

    I bet COVID would kill spectral though. He's no longer the spry young K-mart floorwalker he once was. I bet that disease truly scares him.

    Any death where the person who died also tested positive for COVID. Fell off a ladder and broke your neck after a PCR test showed COVID? You are now part of the statistic. I get the AIDS analogy but it kind of falls apart because you're completely ignoring the basis of their argument - that deaths that aren't even remotely related to COVID or its symptoms are being attributed to COVID due to the deceased having COVID. Big CDC doesn't want you to know that getting hit by a meteor when you have COVID doesn't mean COVID killed you. Big NASA is our friend. They tell it like it is. The meteors are what's killing people, whether they have COVID or not.
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