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Posts That Were Thanked by Bradley

  1. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    Maybe it is just because I can put a face to the name or maybe it is just because I did talk to Bill Krozby a good bit but I am actually pretty torn up inside right now.
    I saw he made that thread about being arrested for cp early early sunday morning (when I read it) and I texted him "sup?" which he responded with a phone call saying he was talking to 3 cops through his door and he was afraid to go outside because he didn't want their dog to bite him.
    I assumed he was off his meds and tried to tell him after this many hours they would have kicked your door in by now.
    He kept insisting they were out there and he was scared.
    I even heard him asking them questions but they never responded that I could hear through the phone.
    He kept calling them "bud" as in buddy like he was talking to any of of us.
    There was no yelling or screaming.
    Then he stated he barricaded himself inside his apartment with one of the few things he owned.
    He had put his guitar amp against the door so the cops couldn't break it down.
    I told him to take his meds and take a nap and he said he would take a gaba but that isn't what I was talking about :/
    Later Sunday afternoon or maybe on Monday we talked again and I can't really remember that conversation.
    He might have tried calling and I just didn't answer and I think I did.

    I had to reset my phone and lost a lot of stuff off it so I can't pull up any texts.
    Doesn't matter because we were talking anyways.
    Im not sure what to think but I know what I feel and that is sad.

    User was banned for saying the taboo phrase "guitar"!
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  2. netstat African Astronaut
    The author of this post has returned to nothingness
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  3. blaster master victim of incest
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  4. chzbrgr Yung Blood
    Yesterday I made an ofrenda with the mementos I kept of him.

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  5. chzbrgr Yung Blood

    I called yesterday to inquire about Archer, and they did confirm that his microchip had Doug listed as the owner. Archer is on hold since APD is doing an investigation, but if no one next of kin takes him in, they'll then release him to be adopted by the public.

    I have not spoken to Doug in two years, and I can't speak to whether or not he had any involvement with child pornography as he mentioned in this thread. I see that he wrote saying he had to go to the hospital last week after a schizophrenic episode, so my theory is that there really were not police at his place, but he was just imagining it.

    Doug and I had a checkered past as probably most people do that have engaged with him. As far as he's told me he's dealt with mental illness, alcoholism and drug addiction as early as 15 years old. I always hoped he could get better but as time went on I realized it may never happen for him. I am not surprised by his death, and I think he and his acquaintances will have peace now, but at the moment I am so terribly upset by the news of his passing. When we were together, we loved each other a lot, and I've always had a place in my heart for him.
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  6. Ghost Black Hole
    can't handle being with a woman his own age

    can't handle eating a fucking leaf

    some people are just born bitches
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  7. Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by Kev Why oh why the hell do i do this? This stuff tastes like complete shit, it looks like something a toad shat out, i told myself the last few times it would be the last but here im at it again cause i got nothing else at my disposal. all for a slight buzz that will last barely an hour and now im probably not gonna get my shit done like i was supposed to. i regret buying this, i hvae no idea how i swallowed 6g raw last month, its difficult enough to drink as a tea with a pound of sugar.
    fuck it, chillout time

    OP is a rat ass bitch. I wish he was dead instead of this star that eats Crouton straight from the bag

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  8. Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by Kev you got a problem with me exposing a psycho?

    That's always how it's justified. I only contacted the authorities because he was totally crazy man he was a psycho!
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  9. Originally posted by Quick Mix Ready prove me wrong bro :/

    Many many, many..years ago My friend Eddie and I used to grow tomatoes on the top floor of the building we managed Back in Manchester UK, as there were skylights in the roof and the perfect place for growing tomatoes.

    We had the plants in growbags below the skylights and tied up with string and frames.

    On that floor we also kept various equipment etc and also used it as a temporary garage for working on our motorcycles (which we got up there in the goods lift).

    Anyway, Eddie had bought a new Kawasaki KE 125 junker and was rebuilding it up there...this will be relevant shortly.

    When the tomatoes were ripe and ready to scoff I said to Edward, "Hey, I'm gonna go get some tomatoes, you want some? innit?

    No he said.

    I went and got 6 or 8 plump juice tomatoes and sat there scoffing them while he watched...I said to him

    "Wow, these are so plump and juicey and sweet, I'll never buy store bought tomatoes again"

    After I finished eating them and had a satisfied look on my face and a belly full of natures bounty Eddie said while laughing

    "You know I've been pissing in those grow bags while I've been up there working on my KE right, that's why they taste so sweet"

    Disgusting pig. I went up there and destroyed the remaining plants and for years could not eat home grown tomatoes.

    So, long story short...NO, pissing on your plants does not make them taste sour.
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  10. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    I played 93 minutes of it so far and it appears to be exactly like ARK except instead of dinosaurs there are zombies.

    Punch trees and pick up rocks....
    Games anymore are all the same.

    PUBG has fifty gazillion million games exactly like it with just different weapons.

    Now we have ARK and 7Days to Die which is damn near exactly the same.

    Imagine if you was in the old days and you went to Gamestop and picked out a cool fps that you are really excited about and then you go home and find it is the same as the fps you just played last week but with Koreans instead of Japanese.

    It is almost as if the game developers are just modding one thing and rebranding it as a completely new game.
    And with all these retarded in game purchases you find now a days I am sure they are rich as fuck and feel no reason to really try.
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  11. if your pro-life then dont be biased and only favor womens right to choose and reproduce.

    men too should be given this same pro-life rights and if a man wants a baby it should be the states responsibility to assign him a female for the sole purpose of reproduction.

    like state assigned attorneys.
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  12. evolution mane.

    he has large testicles because his mom is extra prosmiscous and he was conceived in a uterus containing the semen of multiple men.

    the man with more nut juices drowned out all other competitors and passed on his gene.

    do you also have big testicles ? if not maybe you should have his DNA tested.
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  13. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    pics or gtfbackinyourbachelorapartmentsclosetandhangyourself
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  14. BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    I zoomed in on the door and it most certainly does in fact have 2 small rust spots.
    Weird because I have never seen plastic rust before.
    Also weird because your timeline doesn't add up about how your dirty brush scratched car you didn't take off roading that has all the signs of being taken off roading which you later admit you took off roading that got sideswiped by another vehicle that left no paint transfer and is entirely made out of bushes leaving only a mark where you hit a bush even though you claim that you didn't and this all happened because some asian lady hit you at Target :/

    If you report this to your insurance company they are going to ask you "Why didn't you just say you hit a bush?"
    I guarantee it.
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  15. Fonaplats victim of incest [daylong jump-start that nome]
    It rusted really fast for just happening today.
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  16. no Yung Blood
    Depending on your money, free time and technical capability you can pretty easily build this out of a raspberry pi (even an RPi zero, honestly). You can get GPS, cellular modem and mic modules, wire them in, and if you're not comfortable writing your own scripts to relay data I'm sure there's some existing software that could be cobbled together.

    If your target doesn't use iOS devices, those new airtags are a cheap way of doing location tracking, should get reasonable accuracy but there are obviously pitfalls relying on the tags pinging nearby iOS devices to make it work.

    Pperhaps the easiest solution of all would be a burner Android device that you can set up some kind of remote access to, in order to remotely grab audio recordings and such. Battery life might be an issue though.

    Short of all that though, maybe just leave your target alone and move on with your life, if that's an option.
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  17. Did you do those 45 minutes on twink?
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  18. Ghost Black Hole
    Most police informants justify it by saying they only snitch on people that sell drugs to kids or work with kids so we would flush them out by getting some hard pipe hitting 15 year olds that are complete degenerates to act like bratty drug addict sluts and the people would get so angry about that kind of behavior they would literally threaten to call the police and call their parents.

    But it was all a ruse they just got tricked by kids who worked for gang members and then they would go missing because they are stupid. If you think a 15 year old wouldn't put a gun to your head and steal your car you need to wake up.
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  19. Grylls Cum Looking Faggot [abrade this vocal tread-softly]
    There’s not a lot you do get rat boy


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  20. He's cuter than you by a long shot. Like an alcoholic goat or something. You look like an antique Mr. potato head from the 1950s when they still used real potatoes

    Fucking rotten
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