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Posts by Bradley

  1. Bradley Florida Man
    OP watches 13 year old porn actresses on telegram then says "I didn't know they were actually 13."
  2. Bradley Florida Man
    Asking God why he cursed me with being so ugly as well as so stupid.
  3. Bradley Florida Man
    Why even bother going online to whine about it??? Just say "You know what, we could've fought back then, we could fight right now, but we won't. So I'm going to share this video and state how absolutely mortified I am!!! All of those monsters should be killed!!! someone else."
  4. Bradley Florida Man
    It's crazy what these people in the united kingdom are allowing to happen to their country, to their people, to their culture and not a single one of them will stand up at any point and fight back. Cowards.
  5. Bradley Florida Man
    n i know u like me too, just not a lot and not all the time :(
  6. Bradley Florida Man
    yeah I like u candy
  7. Bradley Florida Man
    I'm thinking about having a jolly good wank but I gotta wait 2 hours till i can go to sleep :(
  8. Bradley Florida Man
    lol <3 jk
  9. Bradley Florida Man
    Like that's a promise deep down in my heart, nigger.
  10. Bradley Florida Man
    nah not me, i'd never call u a nigger. Not out of some high raod or some shit but because I respect you and disapprove of racism.
  11. Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by Dirtbag I'm glad I don't have one, with my chronic fatigue and men having to do the majority of work during sex it would be awful. Surprisingly it's women who are more likely to have heart attacks during sex.

    Why do you come on the forum to make stuff up?
  12. Bradley Florida Man
    I don't know if you realize this but most men don't just ejaculate on their bedsheets LOL
  13. Bradley Florida Man
    well u asked the question and I gave u the answer
  14. Bradley Florida Man
    pussy so dry he needs a glass of water
  15. Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by Dirtbag How often do men have to change their bed sheets?

    Every 2 weeks.

    Originally posted by Dirtbag Do teen guys do their own laundry because or it or have they no shame?

    I do my own laundry.
  16. Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⓿❶❷❸❹❺❻❼❽❾❿➊➋➌➍➎➏➐➑➒➓⓫⓬⓭⓮⓯⓰⓱⓲⓳⓴⓵⓶⓷⓸⓹⓺⓻⓼⓽⓾➀➁➂➃➄➅➆➇➈①②③④⑤⑥⑦⑧⑨⓪➉⑩⑪⑫⑬⑭⑮⑯⑰⑱⑲⑳㉑㉒㉓㉔㉕㉖㉗㉘㉙㉚㉛㉜㉝㉞㉟㊱㊲㊳㊴㊵㊶㊷㊸㊹㊺㊻㊼㊽㊾㊿㉈㉉㉊㉋㉌㉍㉎㉏

    Don't spam
  17. Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood
    to use Mayan numerals for page numbers. Moreover, using the Application Programming
    Interface (API) of modern cell phone technology, it is now possible to render spoken
    language directly into ancient Mayan script, and this can even be done for those Mayan
    languages which had not been written in ancient times. An API ontology relies on
    dictionary data for GLOSSes and COGNATEs and GLYPHs and SPELLINGs, which
    usually looks something like this in a computer program:
    <English “fish”>,
    <QEQ kar, TZO choy, YUK kay>,
    <GLYPH T738>
    Given such an ontology, voice recognition software, together with knowledge of the
    language of the speaker, can be used to transcribe an acoustic signal into either Latin or
    Mayan script. For example, the word for fish spoken by a Q’eqchi' speaker would be
    transcribed as KAR, whereas the word for fish spoken by a Yukatek speaker would be
    transcribed as KAY; and both pronunciations could appear on a smart phone display as the
    same ancient Mayan logographic glyph:
    Even cognates for more distantly related Mayan languages could be transcribed with the
    same Mayan script glyph. For example, the Tzotzil word for fish, which is CHOY. Thus,
    the use of voice recognition API-assisted transcription can be used, not only to ensure that
    standard Latin spellings are used across dialects, but also to facilitate the use of logographic
    written communication between speakers of mutually unintelligible Mayan languages,
    much as written Chinese is used to communicate between speakers of different Sinitic
    The literacy of the ancient Maya never really died. The Mayan scribes shifted from Mayan
    script to roman, in a long process of nearly 200 years. Christian missionaries began
    to teach roman script to their regular Maya churchgoers from the 1960s onward. This
    democratization of literacy was increasingly secularized by university scholars during the
    1970s and 1980s. Official bilingual education since the 1980s has dramatically increased
    the number of Maya, especially women, who can read and write.
    When not carving stone, the ancient Maya typically used brushes to write, and later writers
    used quills, fountain pens, pencils, and ballpoint pens. The use of typewriters resulted in
    character substitutions and further standardization. Eventually, Maya writers switched
    from typewriters to computers in the 1980s. By the 1990s, Maya writers were sending me
    e-mail messages written in their native language. Now they are composing and transmitting
    Mayan language texts with cell phones.
    Although the Mayan script was nearly destroyed by the Spanish colonizers, it was
    rediscovered and later re-learned by linguists. Computers have facilitated the recovery
    and use of the ancient Mayan script elements, which are now in widespread usage.
    Mayan numerals and name glyphs are increasingly found in both electronic and printed
    API programming initiatives will further facilitate Mayan script use and pan-Mayan
    translation. It is now technologically feasible to use a preprocessor to turn a Latin script
    character string into a Mayan glyph, just as we use a preprocessor to type Japanese
    kanji using a Latin script keyboard. A Mayan logograph can also be phoneticized into
    alternate spoken languages. Voice recognition software will eventually permit the
    direct transcription of Mayan oral texts into Mayan script texts. With such modern voice
    recognition interfaces, the Maya can leapfrog directly from their spoken languages to
    Mayan script, and back again, with the option to use Latin script as well. Watch out Apple
    Siri: Here comes Chilam Balam!


    𑨿𑩀 𑨿 𑨶𑩀 𑨿 𑨷𑩀‎
    𝋠 𝋡 𝋢 𝋣 𝋤 𝋥 𝋦 𝋧 𝋨 𝋩 𝋪 𝋫 𝋬 𝋭 𝋮 𝋯
    𝋰 𝋱 𝋲 𝋳
  18. Bradley Florida Man
    Also calling people a nigger is pretty low quality flaming, much better things you can focus on to attack someone than their race/racial slurs.
  19. Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by Fluttershy Candy tends to get confused and enraged at words with 3 or more syllables. I think it may be because she’s a nigger.

    o daz racis, i dun like dat
  20. Bradley Florida Man
    I like all the different cultures and races that weave together in America's social mosaic. Very beautiful how everyone just donated immigrants here from around the world and the composite strength of all of them turned out to be stronger than any individual nation.

    As unexpected as it is profound.

    Also I'm thinking about baked beans with peppers cut up in them.
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