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Posts by Bradley

  1. Bradley Florida Man
    I would like more attention from this website.
  2. Bradley Florida Man
    i fucked this ugly ass asian whore and now i got these things crawling around my pubes
  3. Bradley Florida Man
    he seems more mad than jealous but yeah definitely.
  4. Bradley Florida Man
    what i'm curious about is who would willingly show a photo like that knowing the responses that would follow.

    i mean if you're taller than a steel reserve tallboy then yeah that's fucking cool and i'd post that.

    So I guess I will.

    A bradleydongoriginal

  5. Bradley Florida Man
    fuck you bradley, you awol fuck

    motherfucker you know where i'm at

    come there and you can even look at me and shit
  6. Bradley Florida Man
    hi everyone remember me i'm the guy from the cooking show.
  7. Bradley Florida Man
    Im buying this kid a ticket home asap…what nigger just goes through shit when you tell themthere isnt anything good, plus if Idid have anything good (besides opiates,and §m£ÂgØL can vouche for this, I gave him a bottle of soma, tramadol, and ativan along with a few hodgepodge pills here or there Ifound) Id have given it to him. I told him we didnt have any robotussin or bundy shit- before my dad died we all were sick with the flu and we took it all. He goes behind my back and askes my grandmother if he can look for shit and then I get bitched at because he left everything laying out and didnt put shit away, and of course he didnt find anything. He came in one night somewhat paniced asking what was in a jar I had that was a white powder.. Iasked why and he said "well I tasted it and didnt know what it was"… its a shame he didnt find the jar I have of lye. Who fucking does that? Tonight I foundmy bottle of animal tranqs laying out and I had 2 phenobarbitals which went MIA and he denies taking them. A few weeks back I found random SSRIs all over the floor near the dogs.. which for no other reason pisses me off because the dogs could have gotten intothem. He is also a dumbass- we spent the day at the spring with the baby and him and he spent the majority of it looking for weed.. wellsome nigger sold him a joint of "spice" for10$. Lmao wtf… why when I try to do the right thing like let someone who would be homeless stay in our house, instead of just being happy they got a roofover their head, they take free reign to snoop around? Look this kid aint all bad.. hes seriously helped us out.. but wtf? I feel shit on honestly. I have personal shit I dont want people to see.. Atleast if §m£ÂgØL did snoop around he was smart enough to put shit awayor notget caught doing it, though I highly doubt he did or would do anything like that, anything worth stealing Iwas saying "hey, motherfucker, take these!", believe it or not Im a real giving sort of person.. if Igotit and dont need it, I give it to the next person who does.

    where is your husband in all of this? did you have §m£ÂgØL's baby yet
  8. Bradley Florida Man
    Anal sex with really small hipster Latinas.

    SOmething like

  9. Bradley Florida Man
    nevermind about 11am, we'll plan for Saturday 11am sorry about that everyone.
  10. Bradley Florida Man
    sorry i wasn't in the show last Wednesday

    I went to the ER on Tuesday night.

    It was shitty.

    Friday 11am Central.
  11. Bradley Florida Man

    Long hair or no hair - lol no
    Probably dyed black - lol srsly no
    Goatees common - yeah i rock one
    Odinist and Satanist - nope, not bradleyOdinlovinB
    Leather jacket a must - I owned one when i was 13 for about a week and it was maroon, then I decided not to shoot up my school
    Never enough spikes - nope, not at all
    Possibly right wing and/or racist - Yes
    Boots, the bigger the better - I wear small black steel toed boots or Dr. Comfort arthritis shoes, normally the latter.
    Facial piercings - no piercings
    jedielry galore - Just rings
    All black all the time - I'm typign this naked
    Drinks little, smokes profusely - I drink more than I smoke.
    Usually on the skinny side - I guess yes, brad (Thanks mmm questions)
    No smiling, no moshing, no fun allowed - nope

    so i got I'm a racist with a goatee that isn't over weight.

    Yeah great comparison buddy.
  12. Bradley Florida Man
    feelin a little jelly tbh
  13. Bradley Florida Man
    Sounded like a kid learning to playing guitar, to be honest.
  14. Bradley Florida Man
    spectral how come you never come into tinychat with your old ass, you'd be a delight to get to know better even though I've always suspected you harbor a deep hatred despite my love, devotion and consist conversation creating threads about myself.
  15. Bradley Florida Man
    that's what confused us, just saying
  16. Bradley Florida Man
    we thought you were a really ugly woman at first, my bad.
  17. Bradley Florida Man
    you can always come into tinychat if you really really lonely
  18. Bradley Florida Man
    where do i download a notepad
  19. Bradley Florida Man
    how loud is the snap on a .177?
  20. Bradley Florida Man
    Just regular Iams will work for this in a small bucket?
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