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Posts by Bradley

  1. Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by Instigator I'm off to ski in the alps next week.

    damn how much are your parents paying to take their 35 year old son on his first holiday in years?
  2. Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by RisiR † Maybe I won't do any of that stuff and just live a frugal and chaste life without technology.

    That doesn't seem so bad, either.

    God bless.

    I live in the sixth most expensive city in the US on about 830$ a month, while in college full time. It definitely can be done. I did all of my schoolwork on a chromebook I got for 200$. You just gotta really embody being a poor ass nigga. I wear clean dress clothes all day and as several people have pointed out to me on this forum they don't always fit me but they're clean and they're the best I can do. I have almost zero spending habits, forgoing even fast food and meat LOL

    Now that I don't have to pay rent I stack much of this money and make major long overdue expenses; a 900$ computer, 600$ to my tuition, etc.

    You need to really analyze your life and it's easy to make advantageous decision making regarding ones finances. I don't feel poor, have a little bit of savings, and am stacking money but I still splurged once this week by buying 7$ in dog toys and a 2$ coffee total, lol.
  3. Bradley Florida Man
    You suck.
  4. Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by CandyRein I’m in my mood ♥️

    Definitely found a unique sound, she will be hot for 2-3 years but I like it rn
  5. Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by Kafka It's European heritage weekend and I wanted to go somewhere but am not going so feel awful. I can't go outside.

    That's racist
  6. Bradley Florida Man
    My penis is longer than a tongue twister. Also that melabonin helps a lot I feel great.
  7. Bradley Florida Man
    Oh sorry
  8. Bradley Florida Man
    Lol. Welcome back!
  9. Bradley Florida Man
    Op needs to be about it
  10. Bradley Florida Man
  11. Bradley Florida Man
    I got the big pox
  12. Bradley Florida Man
    Ghost can u post the Pic of the park mount cocknose please
  13. Bradley Florida Man
    I wonder how saint cocknose is doing
  14. Bradley Florida Man
    7hrs 20 minutes till i gotta be up and I just ate all of them, last time I woke up and felt FEAR that I would miss class lol

    i find fear to be very motivating and im already getting sleepy

    unlike some people ont his forum i dont' need meditation to go into a relaxed state i just need DRUGS
  15. Bradley Florida Man
    After 5hours of readinga nd writing I am excited to eat this 6 melatonin and go to sleep for 7 hours so that I can go discuss things I read and wrote about for 3 hours then im going to come home and do the same thing
  16. Bradley Florida Man
    ... k
  17. Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker Alts are like Stewie clones in Family Guy, a retarded version if the original. Imagine a retarded version of him.

    you really watch anime too?
  18. Bradley Florida Man
    bro I've missed you soooo much! I've made like 3 threads about you in the last ten years.

    I really hope you're doing good, I lost my facebook like 10 years ago and lost contact with you!!!
  19. Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by Michael Myers I'm alright, thanks for asking. Yes, I did, actually. I'm studying in Rotterdam now, way better than studying in Nijmegen. Traveling took 5 hours of my time, now it's 1 hour at most. I also can sleep late and wake up on time, no more all-nighters if I can't sleep. Beats having to wake up at 5:30 AM and leave the house by 6 AM. Now I can wake up at 10 AM and still be on time. Feels good. How about you, what have been up to, except for dissing me lately? :P

    Graduated and started my next program. This fraternity of honor students wants me to join and I'm considering it. I manage a Sober Living Facility and got off house arrest last month.
  20. Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by POLECAT I got in a fight with my skunk because he has an attitude

    You got a new boyfriend??
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