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Posts by Bradley

  1. Bradley Black Hole
    happy labor day lol i don't labor but I do get off on Monday!~!~!~~! NO COLLEGE, all because I labored as a dishwasher for 2 weeks one time or some shit
  2. Bradley Black Hole
    dude i'm so fucking drunk and about to get it in!~!~!~!~!~!~!~ Havfe a good night everybody especially candyrein who I think about while I do this
  3. Bradley Black Hole
    I asked her if she ever sucked a white dick before and she said she wants to but I just wanna shit post, I'mma see if she'll take a selfie with me so I can better IDK shit post I love this website

    I hope u proud wellhung u the number 1 and I AM NUMBER 2.
  4. Bradley Black Hole
    So anyway, there's this bitch that's absolutely fucking nuts. (but only in small amounts)

    She doesn't get high or do drugs lol dude this gets so fucking funny im excited for you reading this!

    oh her boyfriend fucked up my right eye permnently by punching me while I was sitting calibrating his scope he was having a bad moment

    so he's sick of her and leaves

    im like perfect! (She give some cheaper weed, he want 35 on the 8th, I just give her a 20 for the same shit literally, 7/10 weed)

    so anyway, i go outside last night at the ripe time of 8pm and I start talkin to her, she's got a book on buddhism, she said fuck it dudes gone and starts smokin weed with me, I get her to drink half a 40 of malt liquor LOL, she's like 80 pounds black and has an afro literally imagine 'black female, AFRICA, small, 23.' and you already see her

    so she gives me this book on buddhism, it was about 150 pages, I spent two hours without looking up (it was small/paperback) reading it and asked her to discuss it with me, especially some of the highlighted sections she found important. 4 long ass hours of conversation relating to: 1 My hatred of the jedis 2: Hatred of racism (i am an anti semite, and if anyone in the world questioned me I would be truthfully, I believe in the 100% destruction of all jedis and all jedi memorials and synagogues. Literally the way you get rid of lice we need to destroy them to purify our world, but don't call that chinese guy a mean name cuz he's aight to me and our consitution of all men (except jedis) created equal. 2 The difference between conventional buddhism and Manyana buddhism 3 Why dogs smell funny

    panty dropper

    now everyone thinks i'm a faggot here so this is very lulzy

    i took her back to my place and made her espresso.

    She then began screaming at my neighbor (who is loud as fuck all the time but he lives next door and whenever he smokes crack the fire alarm goes off and that pissed her off like really really bad)

    and she wilds out

    folks I did not have sex with the negro because I am the victim of circumstance

    o and she came back over and is sitting on the couch infront of me

  5. Bradley Black Hole
  6. Bradley Black Hole
    They're calling me caw-cajun now.
  7. Bradley Black Hole
    the fuck?
  8. Bradley Black Hole
    Wormwood/dead wood.

    Puts holes in the brain, but i'm sure that's nothing for your draino brain to handle.
  9. Bradley Black Hole
    Great post.
  10. Bradley Black Hole
    Folks you can't make this shit up, i tell him i'm going fishing, he says with what like in a pissy ass attitude way

    he then begins eating salted shrimp (rawer than fuck) and squid (rawer than fuck) and like yeah im a little irritated i don't have bait


    'No that's raw squid for bait when I fish.'


    'makes it tougher, lasts longer as bait.'

    *vomits four times* LOL
  11. Bradley Black Hole
    i don't appreciate the changes, but I'm not so ignorant that I won't acknowledge them. Still way better than britain.
  12. Bradley Black Hole
    America evolved. 250 years ago if you told my founding fathers they were gonna be XRAYed (You have to explain that they can see their taco bell in the rectum standardly) they would've said "This is unreasonable search and seizure"

    More later, it became different. It's an evolution of a society. Now we debate whether or not criminals need 30 round magazines and whether you can give your son estrogen.

    Everythings on camera now. It's not invasive, its' their camera. Opinions change broski.
  13. Bradley Black Hole
    Lanny is easily in the top 100 of coolest members of our community.
  14. Bradley Black Hole
    and if it's on the curb i'm not stealing, he's not stealing, no one's stealing anything, we're taking free garbage.
  15. Bradley Black Hole
    "i'm the one who has to do all the thinking" - Ricky
  16. Bradley Black Hole
    Sometimes I put signs that say free on stuff, drag it to the road and wait for my boy to come by and get his free lawn mower.

    Sometimes I'm the driver. It's a very easy hustle.

    bring it to the curb then it's garbage
  17. Bradley Black Hole
    I don't share your passion to meet some fat white bitch in a bar and have two kids with her before she divorces me and my nonose.
  18. Bradley Black Hole
    Yes I have. I am a homosexual man. Is that what you want from me? An admission? I didn't like it.

    I tried out tons of different sex stuff in my life, I know what I like and I know what I don't like.
  19. Bradley Black Hole
    if some junkie was panhandling and grabbed my leg (this happens) cuz they need so much help, I just kick them once to free my leg from their grasp and tell them to "GET REAL BROSKI I CAN SEE WHY YOU HOMELESS" but I wouldn't stomp on the poor fuck.
  20. Bradley Black Hole
    Originally posted by Rape Monster You should beat him to within an inch of his life so he knows what abuse really is

    I don't enjoy fighting people who can't fight back. Like if I blugeoned him four times in the head and he hit me 40 times int he head it would have a similar effect. I'm not about hurting old people, hurting children, that shit aint for me. I'll fight a motherfucker that can stand up and fight the same as me, but 1 sided, automatic victories in combat, isn't really something I get off on doing.
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