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Posts by Bradley

  1. Bradley Black Hole

    evidentiary nature of his readi cock ridin lifestyle
  2. Bradley Black Hole
    Robert Mugabe attempts to be an edge lord butappears to only be an edging faggot

    now someone do me
  3. Bradley Black Hole
    Sounds like a gang of nigs standing up for one another and lying about a white police officer to have an "effect" and bring about their "social change"
  4. Bradley Black Hole

    Photo included, it's u after 1/2 a heroin
  5. Bradley Black Hole
    Here at AODA-AN we believe in two thinsg more than anything else

    gettin high
    and stayin high

    However, if u do hair on in front of me while i'm kinda sober and u nod out a lil imma narcan u anyway AHAHAHAHA

    When u come too all sweatin and shit imma be like "BRO YOU STOPPED BREATHING!!!!"

    act like i saved u

    get u to thank me for savin u

    i can't wait to tell everyone i saved u

    but really u snorted a 20 sack and now you're in withdrawal and u know u weren't dying

    ahahahaha nigga!!!!

    and when I go tot he needle exchange for more boofers imma tell them how i saved ur dumbass and get more narcan pens to fuck up more junkies noddin off in the trap

    I'm like the scooby doo villain to heroin users

    Free my narcan
  6. Bradley Black Hole
    wait so they called in a kungfu nigger who was filleting a fish while the cop was killing that nigger and this is being entered into oevidence?

    You right, he probably is straight up fucked, hell yea

    fuck the police
  7. Bradley Black Hole
    wym oc meds aren't oxycontons discontinued and now OP im sure you knwo a lot of people want to have sex with trannies, you probably do deep inside too

    if he is doing OCs and making HTS (Who he claims he doesn't have sex with, which I could Kinda see tbh) ssuck his dick while he goes and plays Mario and shit,

    I'm not gonna lie,

    I wanna be that dude's friend at that point, he sounds like a really cool guy.

    You OP sound like a nasty hater who probably hasa girlfriend and 600$ and looks down upon everyone that's "not successful" as you have others do to you
  8. Bradley Black Hole
    dude ghost probably regrets putting these photos up so much

    IDK why you guys love rat face, i wish we had more photos.

    I'm sure he's really cute IRL and these are just all fucked up ass photos he took of himself
  9. Bradley Black Hole
    I don't breed losers, but thanks!
  10. Bradley Black Hole
    Coulda woulda sudo
  11. Bradley Black Hole
    idk if u fags over there know how to america or not but 3.5g for 8$ if the weed is good is a really cool deal bro I'd be super duper happy with that, price is 4x that here for good nugs
  12. Bradley Black Hole
    youc an slap her in the face and call her by her dead name

    I love doing that to my trannies
  13. Bradley Black Hole
    Originally posted by Ghost i play mario and talk to myself

    dude if i lived with HTS I would hang out with her 24/7 and get her in good ass shape and work her out bro you have like so many oppportunities and you're just sleepin on it
  14. Bradley Black Hole
    i voted for trump because the ghost of ronald reagon was not listed in my state
  15. Bradley Black Hole
    i'v enever been above like 222lb

    i'm 6'1

    fat nigger
  16. Bradley Black Hole
    i watched the first like 15 episodes of death note after someone i was romantically interested in loved anime and i let them select one i would do my best to get into

    told them i like family guy

    they weren't impressed
  17. Bradley Black Hole
    all members who have left our community should be declared dead of covid so as to better allow us to heal in our hearts and make room for new degenerate losers we're gonna recruit from our IRL communities
  18. Bradley Black Hole
    remember when trayvon martin killed that little asian girl in oregon at the community college and had to drive to chicago and live amongst the negros before his new nigger roommate took his phone for a night and never came back?

    Kinda romantic if you ask me
  19. Bradley Black Hole
    That's like if you started blaming being a straight up loser on my grandfather's love of game shows.
  20. Bradley Black Hole
    Yes I do remember it.

    My homosexuality and suckin dick has nothin to do with resaerch chemicals.
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