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Posts by Bradley

  1. Bradley Florida Man
    you ever try boofing semen? You won't have any anxious thoughts talking to some guy at work when you have the al-pha male testosterone max supplement in your rectum.

    I can offer treatments at a very, verty affordable rate.
  2. Bradley Florida Man
    I used noopept extensive but never phenibut. I took noopept extensively wheN i was 19 and I liked it a lot.

    I used Crouton when I was 18-20 for my arthritis. I don't like it very much

    I'd be interested in trying phenibut. Crouton no because I don't want to do any opiates cuz I don't really feel them except they do get rid of my pain.
  3. Bradley Florida Man
    They want me to manage a sober living facility. I meet with them Monday. Kinda nervous.

    Guy said I have exhibited exemplary behavior, I have literally gone from a dog stabbing alcohol, a chubby guy with a college degree in 5 months. No fucking up, no being a gigantic failure, no fighting or hurting anyone, and i seem responsible.

    Bro I couldn't bleieve it. And it's not here he wants me to manage, he wants me to manage the largest property which is 10 houses, and i'm like god damn it. cuz free rent and shits great and I do start college on the 25th but I also really wanna go back to the ghetto and live with my dog and my roommate.
  4. Bradley Florida Man
    Hey brad why does this omellette taste kinda funny?

    "ah yo tengo iguana weibos, mucho deliciscioso"


    "Real, no problemas, iguanas weibos mui bien"

    also peacock eggs
  5. Bradley Florida Man
    Idk I think I did something wrong, but maybe that's just because I have abandonment issues and always take this stuff to heart.
  6. Bradley Florida Man
    I feel like black peopel would be way happier if white people never showed up and taught them all this complicated ass shit they only half ass understood resulting in a bunch of precarious alliances with the white man as he just played one group off against another.

    LIke yeah they were just spear chuckin booty scratchers back then but at least they weren't like in prison or struggling to read or have to hold down a job and raise a family. Like before they could just chill and do whatever but now we expect them to do way more than they've ever been prepared when we grabbed them out of their civilization like 200-300 years ago.

    Like my people (white Europeans) had several thousand years to develop and become accustomed to living in a functioning society and we still have a small subset that struggles with that. It's not right to just expect an african to be forced into slavery bondage then freed then 3 or 4 generations expect him to function the way a white person can.

    I hope that's not racist because I'm sympathizing with the african, this western developed world wasn't something he created it's something he was just kinda forced into and now struggles to adapt to even after 150 years.
  7. Bradley Florida Man
    ya about four months ago casper told me I have a really abrasive personality that will push away anyone from ever becoming close to me unless they want to use me for my big weiner or smoke meth with me. Not someone that people would feel comfortable opening up to or being vulnerable with.

    And bro when I say that SHLAPPED my heart and soul I really mean it. I felt sullen and took his words to heart, really thought about them and thought mane I'm never gonna get a long term relationship unless they're just toxic as fuck or develop the type of people I want in my life if I don't change something.

    So beginning in late March I began really working on being nicer to people, not bullying people (as much), trying to be a better person, listening to people and validating their feelings and trying overall to be a less abrasive personality.

    CHanging your personality isn't easy but thanks to a couple of really wonderful people both within this community and in person I have been told I am doing a much better job at coming off as a kinder nicer person. Peopel that previously weren't willing to get close to me our now much more comfortable talking to me and even opening up. Obviously not everyone. Some people such as Solstice, Kafka, Wariat have just been so damaged by me they are unwilling to see me in a new light but other people have given me a chance.

    That's why it hurts when I feel like I have taken multiple steps backward when I really am working to become a better human being and a less abrasive person to those I have the good fortune to have in my life.

    That's also why you haven't seen my penis on this site very much, why I've stopped making threads where I just criticize people and why I don't just rail on people as hard as I can (mostly).
  8. Bradley Florida Man
    Wozny would be fine in prison, the people in the mental health units have it pretty good they just can't really mix with more than the 30 or so people on their wing. Safe. Only shitty part is it's like 1/4-1/2 sex offenders.
  9. Bradley Florida Man
    Most science and mathematics books were originally written by African scholars in the Congo before spreading throughout the world. It is only the non africans who corrupted this knowledge and feigned original creation to improve their standing and dominate the africans with externally applied pressure.
  10. Bradley Florida Man
    Because I didn't respond fast enough,

    the other one I made feel uncomfortable.

    I need to work on my personality defects to better address my abrasive personality if I hope to develop meaningful relationships with good people long term.
  11. Bradley Florida Man
  12. Bradley Florida Man
    No I'm a the greatest shitposter and you're the most mentally ill.

    Kinda like when the beam of light hits the prism and it turns gay and scatters I'm Red and you're Yellow. We're both white adult males, but that's where the similarities end.
  13. Bradley Florida Man
    Makes me wanna get drunk and cry but that won't solve anything to be honest so I just hope for the best. I also eat a lot i'm like 210lb I feel like such a fat ugly fuck, I feel like you honestly.
  14. Bradley Florida Man
  15. Bradley Florida Man
    THe only vanilla extract you consume is deposited by a large black man into your rectum.

    I know cuz I watch.
  16. Bradley Florida Man
    I would like to discuss the nature of eggs.

    Traditionally in European/White society the only eggs that are consumed with any regularity are chicken eggs.

    However I learned that many things lay eggs.

    We will leave out african american eggs and femboy eggs as well as horsey eggs, Kinder and Easter Eggs.

    I am curious about eggs other than chickens you have eaten and what your overall experience with them is.

    THe only other egg I have consumed is the quail egg which I thought was creamier but not worth the additional money for such a small egg (about the size of a pingpong ball).

    I have seen photos of ostrich eggs, I know alliGAYtors lay eggs. I am very interested in hearing about reptile eggs or turkey eggs, maybe duck eggs as well.

    Please discuss your experience with non chicken eggs, how you obtained them and what they tasted like as well as price and any other descriptive features. Any response would be eggsellent, THanks!
  17. Bradley Florida Man
    Makes me kind of sad.
  18. Bradley Florida Man
    Folks only 1 of them told me why :(
  19. Bradley Florida Man
  20. Bradley Florida Man
    Woznys name in prison was Glory Hole
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