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Posts by Bradley

  1. Bradley Florida Man
    Is this community why I have had an unsuccessful life? I feel like Tinychat and PANTHRAX are more responsible than me for my actions
  2. Bradley Florida Man
    im happy im not a nazi anymore lol that was kinda goofy
  3. Bradley Florida Man
    Wow, I was a heterosexual man selling cheems goiong to accou8nting school with a fiance that i was with for 5 years and a hidden gay side my woon too be wife did not like existing but loved me despite.

    I really fucked that up from 18 to 28. I love you guys so much. I would've doone this without yoou. Gang gang, I always cum once for mee and cum once foor them.

    And if I ever lose I'm just gonna send two shooters in and be busy doiong favors.
  4. Bradley Florida Man
    y am i noto on the list nigger am i not validateed

    am i still a probate totsean after 10 years of hearing about how gay all of u r for a bbs we've been replicating like a man masturbating to vintage porn
  5. Bradley Florida Man
    damn that means i've been h ere a decade niggers :)))))) I came in June of 2011 whene iw as graduating high school and selling chemical fertilizeers to dumbfucks on the inteernet
  6. Bradley Florida Man
    that was 8 years agoo btw everyone
  7. Bradley Florida Man
    mmmQ has been a valuble member of our community, I have always thought how he kinda looks like the trix rabbit as a heroin addict aging poorly.

    PReviously when they made me leave prison the first time, I did a gofundme of sorts where I sold spice & cock rings as a way of raising money for alcohol since my release fund was so low to getting raped by the state 18 months prior.

    He told me he still has the lil cesears spice packets and hair ties rolled in my public hair soaked in some little mexican girls vaginal fluids.

    To me, this man deserves more than our community will ever manage to reuurn him.

    I match your donation half dollar to half dollar.
  8. Bradley Florida Man
    Alright so one of my friends brought me a USB plug in CD burner awhile ago and i figured, this is great, i'll use this so older people like my dad can view my pornography without needing to work a computer or like if he's in the woods with his dvd player working in his truck for 14-16 hours. IDK I wanted to make something for the people and that's why, wanyway, I'm getting off topic. Surely we must return to the matter at hand.

    My friend The Good African lives in Western africa working and he is in need of more money and a come up. SO I was thinking big nigga what we going to do????

    I have CD Burner from trash find. Real talk nigga, get ont his level motherfuckers. I say what, these white boys on my block are hard to kill, come and get some motherfucker I put that on my god and I put that on my soul, niga get your weight up, lock ur gate up this bike lock madnes month bitch nigga i'm kobe bryant to a hotel maid nigga come get you some

    how are you do

    nigga i'ts 6pm, u drinking cuz u can just call. Im not drinking today cuz im angry.

    4:39 PM

    Dsent Today at 4:39 PM
    Thank you
    Dy sent Today at 4:39 PM
    How is the things going over there
    7:13 PM
    You sent Today at 7:13 PM
    Good, I found 4 broken computer mice, 1 is wireless, I am trying to make them work, they were ina box in the trash I Found when I was looking earlier
    You sent Today at 7:13 PM
    I do not know what Gambia is like but in United States people throw many things away often when they move house on the beginning of the month
    You sent Today at 7:13 PM
    or end of month
    You sent Today at 7:14 PM
    so I go in dumpsters (garbage bins ful of bags/boxes/trash) and try to poke around to find good things, things I can sell, things I can use, I have found a lot of good things.
    You sent Today at 7:15 PM
    Yesterday, about 3kilometer away I found very nice black metal shelving, probably 2m by 1meter, 5 shelves, metal, no rust, so I had to cary that back, it was kind of big but I am strong and its not even stealing on easter friend :)
    You sent Today at 7:16 PM
    Then since they wer ethrowing away shelving, I was hoping to find tools, construction tools, or building materials, more shelving, etc so i was looking and found the computer mouse box of 4, they look OK, 1 of the corded ones works fine, 2 are broken, and i think i can get this wireless one to work if I clean nd put new battery
    You sent Today at 7:16 PM
    THe shelving is worth 15-20$ because no rust, all pieces, not bent, and medium strength
    8:35 PM
    You sent Today at 8:35 PM
    i am ginog fishing tomorrow first time of year edrissa
    You sent Today at 8:35 PM
    look what littlee boy caught 10 hours ago in the lake

    Dsent Today at 8:37 PM
    O I see that is very good I wish you a good luck
    You sent Today at 8:37 PM
    You sent Today at 8:38 PM
    Sorry photo is slow, internet is slow when everyone is home it is 830pm
    You sent Today at 8:38 PM
    Now is when everyone in my state is watching TV, movies, songs, facebook, all internet so everything slow
    You sent Today at 8:38 PM
    D, i have get money idea for you, are you interested in my thought idea

    D sent Today at 8:44 PM
    Yes my friend I am ready sow me the way please
    You sent Today at 8:46 PM
    I have a CD burner it plugs into USB of any computer, You download music or pornography from internet and then burn it onto discs. Blank discs are very cheap. Find out what people want to listen to, what people like, people will buy strange porn from you, Find black guys fucking sexy hoes and sell them for 10$ a pop (10$ here is what "DVD Guy" here charges for porn, 5 for reg movies, and like 2-3 for music)
    You sent Today at 8:46 PM
    I can send you CD burner, teach you how to download music easily, and I will purchase 100 CDs for you to use to start your business
    You sent Today at 8:47 PM
    i used to do this in school as child for like rap music parents din't want children to have so i would 5$ . 10$ if they were rich (I was poor) Sell them 3 for 25$ to rich people, sell them to your friends for 5$ for 2 you know
    You sent Today at 8:47 PM
    i have the USB CD Burner brand new in box it is small enough ic ould mail it to you
    You sent Today at 8:47 PM
    YOu would be BIG D CD GUy

    sent Today at 8:47 PM
    Oh is good but people heree alsoe it here now all use flash driver. they that more
    You sent Today at 8:48 PM
    Wow! My friend said in Wisconsin State Prison there is pornography for sale on USB driver, i ask him how they watch, he say it plugs into TV. He says all of the gangsteres stand around and watch interracial gay pornoography and they get very very exciteed and then they say "Hey D? Are you hungry friend frieend?" and then it's just 6 HUGE ANGRY men like mee with large white weiners trying to have seex with 1 african guy.
    You sent Today at 8:49 PM
    I didn't know, I only have computer & phone, you know. I am going to look up cheap USBs when i am able to sit down and se how much it is for 10 or 25. 🙂

    D sent Today at 8:50 PM
    Oh I see things are easy in there for 1 african guy if he likes this. But your friend would not go to prison and in prison or at park, i die before rape ok friend
    You sent Today at 8:51 PM
    No they are not, it is contraband, i knew they got TVs I just didn't know ppl used USB for playing off a tv. Normally they have to get hard and there's no porn to watch, it was terriblee before men who are not wanting to rape man. I am happy I am tall.

    So that's it foolks, not sure if anyone has any follow up questions but if you do. It's probably best you ask them at the bottom fo this thread.

    If anyone else wants to help me, my friend, or anything that let's my people come up or cum in, I'd be happy to hear it. THank you.
  9. Bradley Florida Man
    I don't think I really enjoy posting here anymore. I liked when there was discourse. But yall seem hyper obsessed with kids in a weird way that makes me honestly, kinda uncomfortable being part of this community.

    Maybe I just need to find somewhere else.
  10. Bradley Florida Man
    Wariat, I just wanna tell you, I can seee why everyone here thinks you're a straight up dumbfuck.
  11. Bradley Florida Man
    Harvey Milk is an inspirational person to me.
  12. Bradley Florida Man
    OP killed himself with blunt force trauma when no one gave him PI
  13. Bradley Florida Man
    i smoke bud too, obv u can hit it a couple times if u out
  14. Bradley Florida Man
    Any ass that isn't free isn't ass I want to have sex with, I'll buy you some food and two drinks or unlimited hard liquor/beer, tops.
  15. Bradley Florida Man
    u suck, im never postin in ur threads again until our questions are answered properly
  16. Bradley Florida Man
    ghost your videos added nothin tot he post or discuss, i have seen those videos already and thy're bad teaching adis, bad teaching aids and only educating children for 10 grades, is probably why you canadians are so fuckin stupid.

    I appreciate your attempt at discourse.
  17. Bradley Florida Man
    im saying ill fuck asian dudes and trannys, and probably u if ur a white guy that's a tourist there and nice to me and wanna suck off some sausage while we talk in english. im a pretty cool gay dude wnadering the world, get fucked if you don't like it, i dont' wanna fuck kids, most people don't bro.
  18. Bradley Florida Man
    oh and most asian people are feminine already in appearance and the ones that are gay are doubley moer so and will adhere to my domineering personality and honest hard piping.
  19. Bradley Florida Man
    im goin there to date trannies bro

    have u seen my other posts?? we're killin it out here, im trying to date a tranny dude that runs a motel with me and catch scary looking river fish and hang out with their people and speak a cool language while i fuck others (everyone fucks everyone and I'mma be a huge white guy from america witha job who gives you free rice and alcohol if you get anally pounded while he bites you.

    Kinda a trade off I guess, bonus points if you like being fucked in the ass and then talking to me while i do most of the talking and thinking my thoughts outloud (most people i have sex withh, enjoy the lack of pressure as they recooperate, we get high and i do it again
  20. Bradley Florida Man
    Don't take what what i said too hard it's not a dick.
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