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Posts by Bradley

  1. Bradley Florida Man
    no fighting in my thread unles it ads to the conversation
  2. Bradley Florida Man
    I had sex with two twelve years olds. BUt I was 13 and they loved it.

    DOn't have sex with your children if you're over 18, ther' sa reason you got butfucked in prison
  3. Bradley Florida Man
    Dont take what i said hard

    it's not a dick.
  4. Bradley Florida Man
    op i like ur legos is this the one u decided to not havea drop top

    do you donate your legos to children after your'e done playing with them.

    Kids dying of cancer would love to put together a police station or a cool car they're never gonna get to ride in before they die.

    YOU were a kid once bro.
  5. Bradley Florida Man
    no one else calls you
  6. Bradley Florida Man
    y dont u post one of quality
  7. Bradley Florida Man

    My parents divorced because they both didn't want to have more rat faced children but couldn't figure out whose side caused it (They both have rat faces) and eventually both sterilized themseles.

    I hope to use the money to get my medications, i really need them and only fans has only costed me money.

    Lawyer said they expect to reach the 7 figures at least. It will be nice as I currently have nothing except my mom's ratface.

  8. Bradley Florida Man
    Now we're all on the internet, this is true;

    But are you in the streets?

    Probably not!

    DO you wanna be a huge weinered porn star who travels the word spreading an ideology that is as simple as it is affective?

    DO you have a better idea

    Not like you should be God Nigga of the BLock.

    HOw are you gonna turn your ragtag motley crew of come up drug adicts into a mobilized respected channel of economy? Now this shift doesn't ocur in your mind, or in your bank acount, it begins in your heart. A desire to cut corners, you've tried the job thing, you've tried weed farming thing, maybe if you're a genuis you've sold drugs or guns oe people and just been a donald trump style businesman in a different market.

    AT some point, your heart turned cold and that cold turned into ice and that ice is geting baged up.

    You gotta think where does this end?

    You need to get legitimized. And that blessin can come from teamwork through a fundamental set of men, you must keep your circle smaller and keep the hands aimed out.

    YOu need to come up.

    If you aint comin up on it, you aint comin over.

    More will be posted as you follow the internet scavenger hunt of sort.

    This is your first clue.

    Look through Totse's archives, you'll find it.
  9. Bradley Florida Man
    his daughters total valuee of coome up from 1 transaction of this method was 1 make up bag and a return of 15$ and a blocking of 50$ she woulda paid beforee shee took this problem to u

    That's a 65$ come up

    u signed up for a contract

    i didn't sign up for fucking shit bradley and i told theem that

    ok ok ok drimk ur beer im mcaliln the bank rn

    then my mom was so happy she took me out for dinneer and told me she's happy im not one of thosee hoomosexuals who wears make up, i told her the men i fuck do, she said she knows and looked bitter she loves me alot

    then the bag of coosmetics showed up a couple days later, she likes thesee onoes a little bit but donot want a make upp contract like that tranny on tv has got now i guess the dude with no weiner caitlin
  10. Bradley Florida Man
    she asked her dad "hey son will this apply oon my credit? That'si mportant to me becausee i'm not a drug addict with noothing who doesent believe in credit cuz he can't make paymnts but has wisdom"

    Great question, he dold his female relation "IF you do less than 3 of these a year your credit card company will not report this activity, they will be far les helpful the 4th time, these are words you would listen to and be better if you remembered."

    THis action will not be reported PER chargeback agency count, so if SWIM had 5 cards and did 3, 2, 1 znd 1 in a year, wow, u should download antivirus and stop geting scammed type shit, but it should work.

    Don't do amounts over thhan 100 if you're gonna do more than 1, remember they will appear on your Credit Score data reports if they take u to contest it and you lose.

    with make up bag, this i truth, my duaghter did not agree to a complex thing, my mom waned 1 bag for 15$ and these ppl sent her 2, and charged her again, and i said nah fuck that and that's how you stand on shit for your mom cuz she got drunk and ordered something for tv and regrets it (agin)

    with older people with good credit scores, they can get a lot more trust given to them over <100$ claims, they only dealt with 5 other claims of this identical nature, you can talk for them, just ahve them there to say yeah this is my uncle, no he's not touching me he's the good uncle, yeah he's really smart

    oh thanks.

    IF they contest it, you can explain that a customer service person and you talked on x date, no you don't have it recorded, do they, that conversation resulted in :Whatever easonable action you want back.

    ARe you gonna go to court for 15$ as a seller of high volume goods whose trying to use left handed immoral practices to deceive people with contracts?


    God bless you .
  11. Bradley Florida Man
    My friends little sister did this to stop getting bags oof cosmetics and charged 15$ a month, they wanteed 50$ cancelation charge.

    She didn't agree to any of this, so shee called back, and her dad explained to the lady about why my daughter doesn't neeed this charge and we awnt no further charges from this company foro any reason ever, cuz we called them and they couldn't figure shit out, and they apologized to me, my daughter, tahnked me for calling them afteer thee transaction couldn't get worked out by my daughter and the cosmetics bag

    took 15 minutes, shee got thee money back and the money they had taken out on the first, and today they sent heer th e bag anyway, and they won't charge her the cancelelationo fee

    my mom said wow that way eaesy and thanked her father

    and that's why I go on th e websites, but my mileage may vary if my moom or I tried what my friend and his parent did with this dying aunt.

    fuck cancellatin charges
  12. Bradley Florida Man
    u did by giving me some attention ngl
  13. Bradley Florida Man
    Don't shill for your pedophilic boyfriend to get a van for you and him to go kidnap kids in with to produce porn to send to lanny on april fools day and then one of u goes around the block and calls 911 and reports him and runs back into the kiddy dungeon

    I know how u guys work and I don't want anything to do about it :(
  14. Bradley Florida Man
    i dont have a nice trailer o ra shit traileer, kev,
  15. Bradley Florida Man
    Imma tell HTS can pick whichever one she wants oout of the list i coome up with.
  16. Bradley Florida Man
    sory that was a mesage i was typing up for HTS
  17. Bradley Florida Man
    u know how coool it would be for u to have a lady boy wife that's also your best firend while you're married to mee and we both speaek Khmer and Eenglish and live in the United States doing tranny porn

    They have internet at my house and cmabodia. We get the fastest we can here, and we get the fastest we can there.

    You must be HIV free.
  18. Bradley Florida Man
    well time for bed, i really wanted to do that today and im glad this became of it.

    night night
  19. Bradley Florida Man
    oh and then i foound a really nice shelf i was telling D about right after i left tyler to fuck his grandma so that was a huge come upp nice black meetal that's how i knew God supports me and everything i just did to help someone wake upa nd take control of their action while my alcoholism runs rampant in mine.

    not drunk rn tho@@@ i think imma go play animal crosing , do some drugs and tell HTS that i hope she is having a good night,

    HTS Is probably the kindest feeling towards any girl i have felt outside of my ex the transgender girl from up north that broke my heart and made me start drinking and hollaring at beautiful transgender people in my life.

    TOrtilla said he will pay for us to get together (I cannot enter Canada or Mexico because of government limitations) but HTS can come here and I have a dog cage and would like to meet her a lot so HTS if you see this.

    Call me ;) or tort! my ex made 400$ in the first month with onlyfans with 3 videos of her geteting fucked and 4 photoo shoots of jjust her being a tranny nakeed and then stopped doing it cuz we started fighting again,

    Are you on HRT? Do you have the little kid mind?

    WIll you listen like a child if you do?

    WE can get money and we can have ur mom keep geting ur government welfare and she can wire it to you in another country.

    Trust me I've been looking into this idea for some who ins't us.

    YOu can come to cambodia as my first White wife if you are open to other cultures, lady boys (THey'll love you trying to be one), we may be able to do prostitution alongside my new friends or at he brotels I frequent. WE will also have another man, he is of my set and a formal member and one of my best friends. He is not a homosexual but i would say he loves knife fighting and the safety of himself as mujch as I do. And that's a lot. SO we'll protect you.

    I won't ever be your pimp because you will own everything i own 50% and will be contributing as much as you can for our family.

    THis is not a joke and I am not joshing you. IT comes with good product of an evolving nature, we will always have weed and you must not drink or be alcoholic, if you can drink and manage it and are nice when you are drinking seldomly, that is the custom of our people and i respect your right to do it as much as you like since you are my wife and not child.

    THis offer will only ever change if I am with someone else and if I am ever single again, let me know and we can try again. I'm sure you will be just as beautiful of a person as you are today and have been for the decade i have wanted to know you.

    I have never kiled a woman or transgender person woman. I have never harmed any children but I will at some point find a son in my life who has no one and is intelligent, if i find a homeless child that is very smart, I will adopt him as my own if he needs me. You may have be a mom to a small boy. I will never adopt a girl.

    My mom's downstairs neighbor who i lived with from 7 to 17 was my first father figure and one of the only reasons I have a good understanding of morality, though not much has stuck. I consider him to be my father. His son owes me a large sum of money related to investsments i made before i was busted, I do not talk to him because of it, though I Consider him my only actual "brother." in that we grew up together as children and lived together and what not. He was 12-13 when he molested me, I was 4/5. THis resulted in my rampant faggotry we see today.

    He currently has 1 wife, and 1 son, I wish nothing for the best for my family and because of that I wish nothing but the worst for him and pray he drops dead from others he has likely fucked out of things in life due to being a bad person. However, I don't ned to be the one and one day, his father and I hope that I will feel forgiveness in my heart, which I do not to any thief that remains in debt but claims to be sory.

    I am owed 11,900.

    He is strugling as is everyone and maybe one day he pays me and I will begin to be his friend again and grab his weiner and make weird gay jokes and go hunting with him and visit his father in the old folks home.

    In the mean time I help his father and tell his father about how I am the better son, though we are not related because i never stole from him or anyone else despite also being a drug addict who makes excuses.

    yes yes very exomplex
  20. Bradley Florida Man
    he was uper attractive tho and the sex was 7-8/10 and he had money for his own shit most of the time

    enought hat i din't feel like he was leaching of me cuz i don't pay for sex or friendships that's why I don't have too much of either my niga

    the b stood for baller but that what they made up after they met me Bradleyb93 the white of America
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