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Posts by Bradley

  1. Bradley Florida Man
    This is hardest i Have laughed on this site in a long time.
  2. Bradley Florida Man
    ^that's exactly what i mean about the self centered thing kol
  3. Bradley Florida Man
    that's content you niggers won't get on reddit right thurrrrrr
  4. Bradley Florida Man
    I love watching asian countries fight each other like in wars, because bro these nigggas getttt it @@@@@ they just run like 3000 strong in a congo line 2 sat a time just as h ard as they can like an ant pile my nigga


    The hive mentality of the soul, and what i call the scattered folk soul , now don't get me wrong, I"m not trying to be racist here or come off as one group of people, might have an advantage of another o anything liek that, EXCEPT the jedis, Who let's be real, Is fuckin everyone over that uses money. These kikes have their hands in every bank, every election, everyone, scale, every beep beep that shits all going to Israel. Look it up!

    NOt goin gto link the image of the jedi occuptus draining the globe of blood .

    So the asian people, native americans (less tho), some of like the pacific islanders and eskimos,. all have like a soul where if therer'es like 40 of them, they kinda do this like little happy jive,right, it sounds stupidl BUt it's the same way that alll the bees, or schools of fish, or flocks of birds doing the V thing asian people , i shit you not, can do it too, it's incredible, they know they can do it too, they just don't see like it like you do.

    White people have 1 individual soul, and this has limited abilities to stack, this results in white people being relatively pieces of self centered and focus on the most important thing to any star, it's own shine. God bless All White Males.

    and everybody else after.

    Mexican people, mexican people have a super duper skill, they can wait better than any other race of people i've ever met, they are the most ready, waiting, availble and determined!, take as long as you need Jose Biden (wish I could do the little ~ over the n for ol boyo) That being said, I do think mexican women are the warmest, both in terms of love and shweatiness. :))))
  5. Bradley Florida Man
    i can't wait to teach people english and if i find 1 person who loves me, i'll have a perfect life. :) OK FRiend :)

    I hope i get reincarnated aas one fo these cambodian nthings in the middle of nom where from my sons childrens children, Hail Odin

    edit: i am for real on this, i love the way chinese and asian militaries fight, they literally just have x number of men in a BLOCK that run it up like some of age of empires 2 shit, they do the same thing with language, taxes, buidlings, it's like a tetris, they just stack it up and that's what I think is in the future when we're HOmo Space ALIEN Niggers in Space, we will all be some mixture of Eurasia Brown, and I hope I get to fight through every next war that happens, HAIL!
  6. Bradley Florida Man
    I love !!!! getting bitches candles! For real
  7. Bradley Florida Man
    IF I text women in this foreign country like thsat and say that's how people do it in america, they're gonna love it
  8. Bradley Florida Man
    Don't forget like, if i do do this, i will need your wise cummysan advice you know, friend? OK ? :) :) :) ! OK :)
  9. Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by Data Hitler wouldn't molest Anne Frank. He loved his wife a lot. He executed pedophiles.

    Not defending him just saying

    And he'd be dead before Donald Trump got big. Dude was born in 1889.

    Most likely you'd never be able to get close to Hitler. Especially as an American. Sophie may be able to pull off an execution but most of us wouldn't get near him.

    My apologies I didn't know we were taking it so seriously sir.

    Herrr, Bitte, Meine Arbest ist fuer die Fuehrer. Wo? Wie gehts! Heil Hitler! o/ o/

    Assuming before i go back in tnhe hippity dippity time machine, i would assume i am dressed in the standard regalia of the times to blend in with the nazis I am infiltrating .

    I would follow the Soldaten escourting me to the die fuehrer and when greeted by Fuehrer Hitler I will get to ask him,

  10. Bradley Florida Man
    i hope zenith is still drunk with knives and not looking at who he's talking to right now

    no facial to speak of
  11. Bradley Florida Man
    I felt like I was a nigga in Inner Space off that chemical research chiineese plastic
  12. Bradley Florida Man
    in antartica aka atlantis, sorry if i didn't properly cite those sources.
  13. Bradley Florida Man
    I would not kill the Fuehrer and neither will you! Hitler must say "Ooopsies" and go to antartica without ur help!!!

    y were the nazis sending all that steel and base building equpiment to Argentina, but it never arrived lookin ass,

    then there's buzz lightyear saying "I can see something that's gonna reallly change shit forever omg!!!!" and then he had a stroke, or some shit? and then he was confused and did dnot see:

    Hitler molesting Anne Frank in his private VIP Donald Trump Tower
  14. Bradley Florida Man
    whenever anyone's pregnant i ask them if they're gonna keep the baby transgender or announce it's gender for him and or her before he and or she has a right to make that up for itself.

    You know this is super good for over population and it's kinda fun!!!! U might like it :)
  15. Bradley Florida Man
    i will choose: White Male
  16. Bradley Florida Man
    i think they should just have to guess what gender you are and go from there
  17. Bradley Florida Man
    i'm scared of the kids maam
  18. Bradley Florida Man
    Go ask two dogs.
  19. Bradley Florida Man
    wait i thought you can get disability for being a transgender person? That means it's a handicap right?
  20. Bradley Florida Man
    Ghost is SpectraL's son he forgot to pay child support on.
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