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Posts by Bradley

  1. Bradley Florida Man
    I think you're still mad he didn't teach you how to be a. Computer Scientist and you probably pm him back a lot and are clearly in love with him
  2. Bradley Florida Man
    I think anti matter is a fabrication in order to explain things that we currently don't understand.
  3. Bradley Florida Man
    What are u suing him for? You can do virtual court I watch judge Judy
  4. Bradley Florida Man
  5. Bradley Florida Man
    I beef to start reading vitamins again
  6. Bradley Florida Man
    Can u get me a job
  7. Bradley Florida Man
    Can I have her number bro
  8. Bradley Florida Man
    Do I need a driver's license
  9. Bradley Florida Man
    When I smoke weed I'm a lot more laid back and don't want to drink

    I did drink half this v8 splash orange shit though I was so thirsty
  10. Bradley Florida Man
    I masturbate a lot bro. And my mom asked me why I haven't been eating you know why? Cuz I did the dishes and cleaned up after myself.

    Someone told me if you don't have sex as a man in your twenties and thirties you'll lose function so I didn't need another reason to masturbate regularly

    I bust like 4 fatass loads a day
  11. Bradley Florida Man
    I haven't. I honestly thought you were okay and kinda fun to talk to and fuck with people with but the more I got to know you the less I liked.
  12. Bradley Florida Man
    wasn't kr0z mexican
  13. Bradley Florida Man
    Not like the mexican border or border of ur choice but like where they just find some bitch, get her duct taped into a car and then hand her off to some other guy and get liek 10-50k for it and go find a new bitch

    one rapper i like from milwaukee apparently trafficked 35 women and they found the bodies of 14 of them, 1 was recovered a live and him and his brother (who did music with him) would just find dumb drunk bitches, get them to go into the car and as soon as they got in the door he was holding for them, he'd close it and they were locked in and he was getting like 5k (for blacks) -25k each time and he didn't even have to do nothing

    folks how does someone fall into that kinda life like who out there buyin and sellin people that's so fucked
  14. Bradley Florida Man
    aren't you like 40 tho
  15. Bradley Florida Man
    wow casper this really made me feel some typaway about the cutting out bread and cheese with shapes.

    fuck i haven't really had someone make me feel that way in a couple of years
  16. Bradley Florida Man
    looks like g smoked it with a marlboro light
  17. Bradley Florida Man
    They're calling it SpaceSeX tourism
  18. Bradley Florida Man
    pretty sure in low earth orbit u spin around the world at 6 hours a cycle, its' not a helicopter...

    u need to learn to space station
  19. Bradley Florida Man
    It was basically jolt, they super caffinated regular pop then hit it with as much sugar as they could get to disolve, citric acid held it together

    i think they still sell jolt up north and i have seen teh green surge cans with the red spalsh logo at gas stations

    i honestly thought it was too sweet.

    do you remember SPARKS or SPARX and itw as orange juice and liquor and caffeine

    i remember almost drowning while having so much fun drinking them
  20. Bradley Florida Man
    or should i just do a bunch of pics and type a lot like i normally do
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